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TCAT Issues and how to fix it


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Hi I’m currently On a TCAT given right after I got to base after basic training in saint Jean, now my TCAT is for a vision impairment but I feel as though it’s gone how do I go about this? And what should I do as I want to get on course ASAP and be out of my current situation
Have you been told you're unable to go on course while on this TCat?

TCats generally take 6 months to be removed from - if the medical people are confident the issue is fixed.

You could try making an appointment sooner and convincing the doctor that the issue is gone and they can take you off TCat.
Have you been told you're unable to go on course while on this TCat?

TCats generally take 6 months to be removed from - if the medical people are confident the issue is fixed.

You could try making an appointment sooner and convincing the doctor that the issue is gone and they can take you off TCat.
Yea they told me no DP1 u till I see a specialist I regret even seeing them about this not how I wanted my career to start lmao I’m hoping to see a doctor next week to discuss it and hopefully get it removed I’m tryna get on course and live my dream
Seeing your dream is just as important as living it. Get your eyes taken care of while you can.
This...you're a safety risk to your mates and yourself if you can't see properly. Keep working on yourself, stay fit, keep motivated and get evaluated...then get on with things regardless of the result.