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The Land Operations Temperate Boots (LOTB)

ballz said:
There was a subtle undertone in the email chain that kinda of made me think that once these are delivered, they would go back to enforcing pers to wear issued boots.

I've read an email (points from the base&army RSM o group) stating once these boots are issued soldiers will no longer be allowed to wear non-issue boots.
ObedientiaZelum said:
I've read an email (points from the base&army RSM o group) stating once these boots are issued soldiers will no longer be allowed to wear non-issue boots.

And I wish them good luck with that. The horse is out of the barn.
ObedientiaZelum said:
I've read an email (points from the base&army RSM o group) stating once these boots are issued soldiers will no longer be allowed to wear non-issue boots.

Until we're in another shooting match, and we get to wear whats comfortable, durable and looks issued.
ObedientiaZelum said:
I've read an email (points from the base&army RSM o group) stating once these boots are issued soldiers will no longer be allowed to wear non-issue boots.

At the soonest, I would think that's when all supply sections on all bases have a full and complete supply of all sizes...


Good2Golf said:
At the soonest, I would think that's when all supply sections on all bases have a full and complete supply of all sizes...


That should happen around an approximate time line of never to don't hold your breath.
Good2Golf said:
At the soonest, I would think that's when all supply sections on all bases have a full and complete supply of all sizes...



Along with the second coming of.....you know....
Jim Seggie said:
Along with the second coming of.....you know....

I think the odds are better of DND following through with their plan to have the C7 replacement in the pipe by 2020.......oh wait
Woah! A C7 replacement? By the state of the other replacement projects, whoever thought of that one deserves a scolding from Captain Keen:

Mr. St-Cyr said:
Woah! A C7 replacement? By the state of the other replacement projects, whoever thought of that one deserves a scolding from Captain Keen:


If you go on ADM MAT, and look at all their projects and plans you'll see quickly where the budget goes, and it aint to us, its keep porjects going so people have jobs that can be justified
Yes I did have a look once to glance at the progress of the LOTB. Very disturbing indeed.
Yes the Army without Agan is definitely going to take a back seat to the RCAF and RCN now.  Even projects that are vital like the LVM Project(replacing our trucks) and the ERC Project(getting new recovery vehicles) are taking forever and are going to have serious implications even for our ability to react to Dom Ops let alone of the GOC ever decides we need to help the world out....
I too have seen the "dessert" style boots that are to be issued. I have a couple of questions for anyone who may have some knowledge of this project.
1.  Are these boots going to be available with female lasts/sizes, as opposed to just being small men's boots? I put this question to one of our bin rats, hardly a scientific survey, and he stated they will receive sizes 7-14 mens which will not fit me.
2. Why were contracts awarded to companies that have no experience making combat/tactical footwear?
K-Town said:
I too have seen the "dessert" style boots that are to be issued. I have a couple of questions for anyone who may have some knowledge of this project.
1.  Are these boots going to be available with female lasts/sizes, as opposed to just being small men's boots? I put this question to one of our bin rats, hardly a scientific survey, and he stated they will receive sizes 7-14 mens which will not fit me.
2. Why were contracts awarded to companies that have no experience making combat/tactical footwear?

Because Canada will not allow Danner to supply our boots. It has to be a Canadian company.
K-Town said:
I too have seen the "dessert" style boots that are to be issued. I have a couple of questions for anyone who may have some knowledge of this project.
1.  Are these boots going to be available with female lasts/sizes, as opposed to just being small men's boots? I put this question to one of our bin rats, hardly a scientific survey, and he stated they will receive sizes 7-14 mens which will not fit me.
2. Why were contracts awarded to companies that have no experience making combat/tactical footwear?

Did you put the question #1 to a bin-rat in clothing or one of your bin-rats?

I am a bin-rat (with some experience - including 4 years as the Clothing Stores Supervisor) and I couldn't answer that sizing question without having to talk to the SME --- who would be a Cpl currently actually working in Clothing Stores.  Anything less is just talking out of ones ass.

I don't buy for an instant that we'll only get size 7 & up ... from experience. 5.5 - 6 being one of the most popular/utilized sizes in the system as a whole not just for females.
....you know what they say about guys with big boots...

They wear big socks as well.
What do they say about guys with no boots?  That's the way we are heading  ;D

...and to think Sgt Majors used to ask me why I bought my own boots
ArmyVern said:
Lots of my troops bought these overseas ... only to have the zippers blow in a couple months; I can hardly wait.
How very anecdotal.

I've seen lots of non-zippered boots fail and I've seen troops overseas wear zippered boots with no problems.  And that was through constant patrolling and hikes in the mountains.

I don't like zippered boots personally but I get a kick out of all this uproar in regards to them.
ObedientiaZelum said:
I've read an email (points from the base&army RSM o group) stating once these boots are issued soldiers will no longer be allowed to wear non-issue boots.

Lol... that should be sexy with meathead blacks  :rofl:
DirtyDog said:
How very anecdotal.

I've seen lots of non-zippered boots fail and I've seen troops overseas wear zippered boots with no problems.  And that was through constant patrolling and hikes in the mountains.

I don't like zippered boots personally but I get a kick out of all this uproar in regards to them.

I've had the same zippered boots for 2 years... seen multiple months in the field. The tabs are busted off, but they still zip fine. However... with issued boots, they're probably going to be shitty zippers :D