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The Military is Inapropriate for Christmas Parade


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In my local newspaper in Orillia, ont. The Military has participated on our Christmas parade for the last couple of years. This year they brought a LAV and the OPP (Ontario Provincial Police) has a new Police Commissioner named Julian Fantino. He decided to ride in the LAV. People were disgusted to see a "Tank" in a christmas parade. This tank had support our troops banners on both sides. One Lady wrote to the newspaper and said " I thought the OPP Commissioner Julian Fantino riding in an army tank was inapropriate. What does an army tank have to do with Christmas anyway? Didn't he know it was peace week! "

I was appauld when I herd this. These are the guys who bring peace! And besides they were at the parade to bring the message to SUPPORT THE TROOPS.

These people who get to see all these pretty floats and stand by thier family and then smash the military for being there. These men and women don't get to be with there familys and see nice pretty floats, They are in a country in which people are trying to kill them, and why? to help them and to keep the peace in our country so we can have these things like Christmas Parades. I just don't understand...

Here is the link http://www.orilliapacket.com/webapp/sitepages/content.asp?contentid=295524&catname=Letters&classif=
You can start by telling this lady that a LAV isn't a tank, though i doupt she'll care...
The grinch was dressed in military green as well. Maybe she has a problem with him as well. After all he stole Christmas...
Here is another link relating to this, a bigger story.

Can I be offended that there is no religion involved in a Christmas parade... since
Christmas is actually a religious holiday!?!

oh wait.. silly me.  It's about gifts and Santa...

It's a  LAV.. geez.
Almost a dozen people have written to The Packet & Times complaining military hardware is inappropriate in a parade celebrating the Christmas season.

A DOZEN!!!!! :o

HELP! The world is about to end because a dozen people are upset!!!

I know, that's not very many, and I shouldn't really be complaining about and just shrug it off. But people are supposed to go to a parade happy, not writting to the paper about what they want to see what not, and especially when we should be paying our respects to them.
I agree a dozen people isn't a lot but it's still a dumb thing to write in to the paper about, You could write in yourself and explain why you think it doesn't matter and it's only a Lav, and we should support the troops
condor888000 said:
A DOZEN!!!!! :o

HELP! The world is about to end because a dozen people are upset!!!


Its the Canadian way........ ::)
that is insane with out the armed forces we would not be able to celebrate christmas and the peace that we take for granted.  Besides the war doesn't stop for Christmas.
Christmas!?! Bah! Humbug!

But: The spelling in this thread is atrocious.  :rage:  For shame!  :tsktsk:
Well.. since this lady felt the need to go on the record..  My small town had a tinsel laden Septic Truck in its parade!  how christmas is that?? any other inappropriate examples?;D  ::)
Yes I am going to write back.
A little off topic but I have always hesitated to write to newspapers or talk about what I think is going on because yes I'm a little afraid of what people think. not people my age, (15) but because of adults. I mean in school all my teachers know my brother was hurt in Afghanistan, but some teachers like to add in a few comments to show that they either don't care or their telling me " I don't support what your brother was doing" I can't say to much because truly I don't know enough. They can bring up some random fact and I couldn't say anything to that. In school teachers influence kids a lot. ( Almost every teacher does not agree with Afghanistan) I want to shut down the teacher one day as I always try to have debates but lose. I thank you for the motivation, but my teachers are going to have something to say to it. To them Adults are always right, most of the time true when it comes to teenagers, but i think in this case I just don't know enough...
What I am going to do is learn off this forum and hopefully my debates will get stronger!
Stone said:
that is insane with out the armed forces we would not be able to celebrate christmas and the peace that we take for granted.  Besides the war doesn't stop for Christmas.

An interesting thread. Stone that comment can apply to any essential service in Canada. OPP, RCMP, Firefighters, Laura Secord....... Its kind of an old and over used saying that people really dont put any weight into now. Its a cliche.

When I attented the Christmas Parade in Pembroke, an HLVW and a LAV were present. In the back of my mind I considered how appropriate it may or may not have been. As I stood there having my son wave at the guys, I sensed that some people may begin to think the Army doesnt belong on a Christmas parade. To me it just seemed a bit odd for a LAV to be on it. I would of rather seen the base Pipes & Drums. Much more exciting and wow-ness to it then a LAV decorated in red and green glowsticks.

The parade is designed to represent all facets of the community, he explained, and with men and women from this area serving in Afghanistan, the community extends wherever the military is stationed.

Thats a pretty good point. Taken from the article James101 posted.

Besides using the old cliche, why should we be present on a Christmas Parade? Is the reason quoted above good? I think it is just for the reason quoted. Would anyone care to elaborate?
PIKER said:
  how christmas is that?? any other inappropriate examples?;D  ::)

Its snowing on Vancouver island for the third day in a row.......doesnt get more "un-christmas" than that
Sorry for the spelling, my internet keeps shuting off, so I'm typing fast and I'm not using spellcheck.
condor888000 said:
Almost a dozen people have written to The Packet & Times complaining military hardware is inappropriate in a parade celebrating the Christmas season.

A DOZEN!!!!! :o

HELP! The world is about to end because a dozen people are upset!!!


Let's remember, too, that for every one letter to the editor written, there are probably a number (some say dozens, some say hundreds - I have no clue which is closest) of people who feel the same way, but didn't write.

That said, writing back is a VERY good idea - I'm thinking there's got to be more than just 12 readers/participants here at Army.ca that can write short, pithy, but factual and polite responses.

Here's some options:  the "Feedback" page canget something out there pretty quick....

In fact, here's what's been posted so far:

There's e-mail....
Main: news@orilliapacket.com
Editorial: newsroom@orilliapacket.com
(Most papers want you to put your full name, address and phone number in your letter - not for publication, but for verification - if you want any chance of having it published)

And for the more traditional, there's the old snail mail:
Orillia Packet & Times
ATTN:  Letters to the Editor
31 Colborne St. E.
L3V 1T4
(Same caveat as above re:  name/address/phone)

Write soon, write often, and let us know what shows up!
James101 said:
Yes I am going to write back.
A little off topic but I have always hesitated to write to newspapers or talk about what I think is going on because yes I'm a little afraid of what people think. not people my age, (15) but because of adults. I mean in school all my teachers know my brother was hurt in Afghanistan, but some teachers like to add in a few comments to show that they either don't care or their telling me " I don't support what your brother was doing" I can't say to much because truly I don't know enough. They can bring up some random fact and I couldn't say anything to that. In school teachers influence kids a lot. ( Almost every teacher does not agree with Afghanistan) I want to shut down the teacher one day as I always try to have debates but lose. I thank you for the motivation, but my teachers are going to have something to say to it. To them Adults are always right, most of the time true when it comes to teenagers, but i think in this case I just don't know enough...
What I am going to do is learn off this forum and hopefully my debates will get stronger!

James, these teachers are abusing their positions of power and trust in attacking you personally as a proxy for the government. As a 15 year old, you are really not in a position to challenge them (remind me to tell you what will be coming your way when you get to university), so sad as it seems, you may have to grow a thick skin and set them on ignore. Knowing facts and figures is seldom helpful in encounters with these people, the person who was nominated as the NDP candidate in my riding (London North Centre) did not know the Taliban stoned people to death for various minor infractions, nor did he care. (Neither did the person who eventually ran, a woman ironically, nor did NDP literature ever point out we are fighting a monsterous enemy).

The only possible response to any person who suggests what we are doing is somehow wrong or inappropriate would be to ask if they support Human rights? Women's rights? Freedom of expression? Freedom of association? Gay rights?

When they respond in the affirmative then you can tell them your brother did too, which is why he went to Afghanistan; to help affirm and protect these rights for the Afghan people.

cdnaviator said:
Its snowing on Vancouver island for the third day in a row.......doesn't get more "un-Christmas" than that

It hasn't snowed yet here in Ottawa, I haven't been here all that long, but apparently it is pretty "un-Christmas" like.

As for your teachers james101, what they are doing is very unprofessional, they should be encouraging their students to think critically so they can form their own opinion. 
a_majoor said:
James, these teachers are abusing their positions of power and trust in attacking you personally as a proxy for the government. As a 15 year old, you are really not in a position to challenge them

Why Not? School should be a place where students can express their opinion, this is how students develop critical thinking skills. I totally disagree with your statement, it's like saying you can't have a debate with someone who is older and has more education than you.