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The usual

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Why is it on this forum, that every time someone has a question regarding anything with recruiting in the military, the first response is always 'use the search function'?..Why not just give a hand and help out with whatever the person is seeking?  If you don't like what the person has asked, then don't respond.  Is it really necessary to comment on every post by telling them to 'look it up'  Its so redundant here, and honestly everyone is just directed to either 'search it' or contact your local recruiter. 

So why not just save everyone the time and get rid of the Recruiting section? Because its obvious its to bothersome to answer a question for someone, and much easier to know the answer but tell them to search for it.  I understand about using the search function, but I've even read posts saying 'I'm sure you'll find the answer somewhere' or 'its been answered before'  Its really not a fun job reading through every previous post, trying to find even a hint of the answer you are looking for, or some branched off answer. 

Its tiring reading the same response, or people jumping on others because their spelling is incorrect, or they didn't use perfect grammar.  If the most obvious question is being asked, and has obviously been answered many times before, then sure use the 'search function' answer.  But is that really required as a response for every question?  I guarantee some people don't post because they do not want to be chastised for asking a questions that Could have already been answered...Chasing people off the forum...it's a brilliant tactic.
bleedbruins said:
Why is it on this forum, that every time someone has a question regarding anything with recruiting in the military, the first response is always 'use the search function'

That question has also been answered many times. Use the search function.
I think the problem lies with people who are too lazy to search.

If a question is relatively uncommonly asked, I'll provide an answer.  If it's one that's frequently asked, I'll tell them to search.

If we do as you propose, which is to simply give out the answer, that results in two undesirable effects:  one, it makes for lazy people who can't be bothered to seek answers for themselves; and two, it clutters up the forum with 300 different people asking "What can I bring to BMQ?  Can I bring a laptop?".

A good teacher doesn't simply tell a student the answer.  The good teacher teaches the student how to figure out the answer for themselves.

CDN Aviator said:
That question has also been answered many times. Use the search function.

Well said!  ;D
Because maybe we want to recruit those who have some inititive and, when required, can take being handled with a touch of sandpaper because IF you make it past the CFRC you will be.

I'm curiouse so I have a question for you 'bleedbruins' and 'ridgeline',  when you buy a book do you read it first or do you just ask a book forum what happens??
So why would a forum be any different?
bleedbruins said:
Why is it on this forum, that every time someone has a question regarding anything with recruiting in the military, the first response is always 'use the search function'?..Why not just give a hand and help out with whatever the person is seeking?  If you don't like what the person has asked, then don't respond.  Is it really necessary to comment on every post by telling them to 'look it up'  Its so redundant here, and honestly everyone is just directed to either 'search it' or contact your local recruiter. 

So why not just save everyone the time and get rid of the Recruiting section? Because its obvious its to bothersome to answer a question for someone, and much easier to know the answer but tell them to search for it.  I understand about using the search function, but I've even read posts saying 'I'm sure you'll find the answer somewhere' or 'its been answered before'  Its really not a fun job reading through every previous post, trying to find even a hint of the answer you are looking for, or some branched off answer. 

Its tiring reading the same response, or people jumping on others because their spelling is incorrect, or they didn't use perfect grammar.  If the most obvious question is being asked, and has obviously been answered many times before, then sure use the 'search function' answer.  But is that really required as a response for every question?  I guarantee some people don't post because they do not want to be chastised for asking a questions that Could have already been answered...Chasing people off the forum...it's a brilliant tactic.

Now that you've been here a few months and probably know your way around the forum, please feel free to jump in on any thread and type out the answer so the poster doesn't have to search. Once you have answered the same question and few times, or a few dozen times, you may also find value in advising others that the search function can be helpful.  I see that you have not once attempted to do what you say "we" should be doing.

I also recommend providing a link to the applicable search results to both demonstrate that searching works, and to shorten their introduction to the system. My preference is to show them Google site-specific search:

site:army.ca "use the search"

Feel free to consider yourself a member and help out rather than just criticizing.
Even as a new user, I read through the different threads of what I was interested in. For example, I want to be an AC OP. When I wanted information on AC Op, I knew it was an Air Force Support Trade, so I looked through Air Force support trades and found the information. When I had a question concerning a medical issue I had, I looked under Recruiting> Medical. I found the answer I needed a few pages in. Its not that people don't want to help you or anyone, its the fact that there are 20 people, asking the same question, in the same thread when the answer is on the next page. We do want to help, and I understand that some people may not have the patience to search themselves, but the entire recruitment process requires patience. I've been berated (lol) for not using the search function myself. No offence to anyone, this is not an attack on anyone but for some people, if you don't have the patience to look for information you're seeking or you want the information handed to you on a platter or you'll keep asking the same question because you're not getting the answer you want to hear, you may want to check into why you're joining the military. If you search the recruitment process thread, you will see some people waiting years to hear word about their application, and if you don't have the patience to look for information pertaining to your future, how are you going to fare on a 2 year waiting list. /End rant
Frankly, the site's search function is awful. The much more effective way to search is using the "site:milnet.ca" or "site:army.ca" trick that Michael referred to, but most people don't know you can do that with Google. Most people don't know a whole lot about using different search expressions, and so it's hard to get exactly what it is you're looking for. Any time I search this site, I always do it through Google.

Telling new members to search is all well and good, but when the site doesn't offer a search function that works intuitively and accurately, what are they to think? Do we view ourselves as a club, or as a resource?

The way I see it, if someone has already taken the initiative to find this site to begin with and to try learning about a career in the CF, I'll spend a few moments if I can to pass on what I know. Maybe I'm just more patient than normal, or have more time on my hands.
Could Google Custom Search be used to replace the engine everyone complains about?

Actually I find ONE search function awesome [ I use it all the time to "spring clean"],....it's the one in the "Home' "Help" "Search" button column, the one that appears as a search box is awful.

I would like it removed but I think its part of the hardware.
CDN Aviator said:
That question has also been answered many times. Use the search function.

I don't think was your intent, but I just lost it laughing when I read that.
SMF has a pretty mickey mouse Google Site Search mod.
The search page, not the search box is, as Monkhouse says, is decent.
bleedbruins said:
Why is it on this forum, that every time someone has a question regarding anything with recruiting in the military, the first response is always 'use the search function'?..Why not just give a hand and help out with whatever the person is seeking?  If you don't like what the person has asked, then don't respond.  Is it really necessary to comment on every post by telling them to 'look it up'  Its so redundant here, and honestly everyone is just directed to either 'search it' or contact your local recruiter. 

So why not just save everyone the time and get rid of the Recruiting section? Because its obvious its to bothersome to answer a question for someone, and much easier to know the answer but tell them to search for it.  I understand about using the search function, but I've even read posts saying 'I'm sure you'll find the answer somewhere' or 'its been answered before'  Its really not a fun job reading through every previous post, trying to find even a hint of the answer you are looking for, or some branched off answer. 

Its tiring reading the same response, or people jumping on others because their spelling is incorrect, or they didn't use perfect grammar.  If the most obvious question is being asked, and has obviously been answered many times before, then sure use the 'search function' answer.  But is that really required as a response for every question?  I guarantee some people don't post because they do not want to be chastised for asking a questions that Could have already been answered...Chasing people off the forum...it's a brilliant tactic.

Do you feel better now?  You do realize that this little rant of yours has been done before.  We really don't need to create more rants, all whining about the same thing: "I was picked on by guys on army.ca".  We will entertain your thoughts and eventually merge your thread with all the others on the same topic.

A couple of points first.

As mentioned, this whining rant has been done before.  Now we have yet another topic crying about the meanies on army.ca.  Nothing really new, and sometimes demonstrates that people do not have as thick a skin as others.

Two.  We are trying to encourage people to use their initiative and learn how to do things themselves, as in the CF there is no one who is going to treat you like you have a silver spoon in your mouth and spoon feed you everything you need to know or want.  You'll more than likely see a black pair of size elevens giving you a boot in the rear, than a silver spoon feeding.

Third.  We are also trying to provide the membership with a "Professional" site dealing with a profession that prides itself in its Professionalism; not something you would find on Rabble or some other chat site.  We encourage people from the very start to use professional writing skills and to use correct spelling.  Why?  Because they will have to be able to communicate clearly and concisely in their jobs within the CF and as a side bar to that, it helps us use the SEARCH function.  SEARCH is absolutely no good to anyone here if people do not know how to spell correctly.

a Sig Op said:
I don't think was your intent, but I just lost it laughing when I read that.

My intent was two-fold........

1- make some people laugh; and
2- Well...you can figure it out........ ;)
I've made some revisions.....

Why is it on this forum, that every time someone has a question regarding anything with recruiting in the military, their first response is always 'create a new post and ask my question'?..Why not just use their head and try one of the many ways of searching for whatever the person is seeking?  If you don't find what the you're looking for, then feel free to ask.  Is it really necessary to create a new thread that needn't exist if one would simply   'look it up'  Its so redundant here, and honestly everyone should just 'search it' or contact your local recruiter. 

So why not just save everyone the time and get rid of the ignorant people? Because its obvious its to bothersome to answer a question for someone when they could very easily, and much easier to know the answer if they would only search for it.  I understand about using the search function, and I've even read posts saying 'I'm sure you'll find the answer somewhere' or 'its been answered before'  Its really not a fun job reading through every previous post, trying to find even a hint of the answer you are looking for, or some branched off answer, but with a little effort I could save everyone the 'fun' of correcting my naivety

Its tiring reading the same response, or people jumping on others because their spelling is incorrect, or they didn't use perfect grammar-people that can't spell or use grammar probably won't succeed in the CF in the long run.  If the most obvious question is being asked, and has obviously been answered many times before, then sure use the 'search function' answer.  But is that really required as a response for every question?  I guarantee some people shouldn't post because they do not want to be chastised for asking a questions that Could have already been answered...Chasing people off the forum...it's a brilliant tactic.  Some day we'll have weeded out all the duds, kind of like they try and do at BMQ/BMOQ.

##EDIT: Fixed a minor typo.  Also, kudos to CDN Aviator on the most clever answer so far.  He beat me to it, so I had to come up with this.
jwtg and CDN Aviator:


Funniest posts I've seen on here in a while, including those in dumbest thing today and more funnies vol something. MilPoints inbound!

To the OP, we also need to consider bandwidth of the site. This site takes a lot to host (on that note, kudos to the DS and particularly to Mike) and it's expensive. Allowing people to post what has already been posted only takes up more, slowing the site and/or making it cost more. On top of all that, we have our own lives too. If we take time to answer every question that's been asked on here many times, we are taking out of our own time. And quite frankly, to hell with that.

While we aren't affiliated with DND, we want to be seen as professionals, because as individuals we are, and we try to be so collectively. We want the best site and we want the best people entering the CF, whether that involves someone who perhaps isn't well suited to the CF walking away or getting their head screwed on straight (read: getting a boot in the arse). By "nit-picking", we help to accomplish that goal, if only in a small way.

I was a bit of a numptie when I started on here as a cadet, and I can say with complete honesty that this site has helped me develop as an officer and as an individual.

Welcome to Navy/Army/AirForce/Milnet.ca. Please read and obey the rules (which include SEARCH) and you will enjoy your stay.

Edit to correct minor (albeit stupid) grammar mistake.

2nd edit to add: Maybe the search function through Google is too problematic because of either ID-ten-T or PEBKAC errors. I think we need to look at this one everybody.
CDN Aviator said:
My intent was two-fold........

1- make some people laugh; and
2- Well...you can figure it out........ ;)

Reminded me of brick in the wall... "If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?"
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