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The Womanly Thread - Thank you Tommy ;)


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Girls, let's get our laces, makeup, cook books out... and "compete" against the amazingly funny "The Manly Thread".
So tell us, what is the most womanly thing you did today.

Guys, you are more than welcome to come and tell us what is the most womanly thing you've done today (or even yesterday).

Today, I wore makeup, a skirt and high heels to go to... buy myself a huge pack of chips and 2 chocolate bars (ever heard of PMS??)


P.S.: Thanks HavokFour... no "plagia" intended... only a war (gentle) of the sexes ;)
I baked a cake last night and then after gorging, I proceeded to exfoliate and generally groom.

Then I may or may have watched Roman Holiday, just for fun!

With the masculine addendums that I went to the gym and lifted heavy things before, ate a prime rib steak, and generally was master of my domain :D
Folded the laundry beause wife was tired from helping me cement foundation of house (see manly thread). I'm secure enough in
my masculinity to embarace my feminine side.  8)
Oh my the list I have...

So my better half is away on tour leaving me well the house to look after (poorly I might add)

So in spirit of the thread...

Did my laundry and folded it (including the sheets)
Made the bed
Scrubbed bathroom (had to be done when youre in the shower look down and see brown in a white shower you know it needs a cleaning)
Made my supper and did the dishes
Mopped basement floor (in preperation for UFC117 guest semi manly in the end)
Vaccumed house (2 dogs and cat also had to be done I tho9ught I had a 3rd dog the other day but it ws just a giant tumble hair...)

That about covers my woman like activites  ;D

OK, so which of you ladies did true woman's work?  You know, ironing  your man's shirt for him, wearing a french maid's outfit, while concurrently making sure that his beer never got empty nor too warm?  8)

(Can you tell that I'm no longer married?)  ;D
I folded the laundry last night, made lunch for the rest of the week and made the bed this morning.

I also spent most of the morning running around the building showing off the new bling I am sporting on my left hand.  I like sparkly things!
I went on a date last night. Had a few drinks, and a great time. Ended up smooching for a bit in front of the house, when she asked to come in, I told her I had to be up early and had a bit of a headache  >:D
I worked an 8 hour shift, did some banking, went grocery shopping, made dinner, made lunches for the next day, baked homemade protein bars, did laundry, made up my guest bedroom for company, swept and washed the floors, cleaned the bathroom, bathed the dog, went to Bikram yoga, did Bosu intervals, had a bubble bath, did a deep-conditioning treatment on my hair, prettied myself up, then entertained guests.

....accomplishing a lot in a short amount of time and multitasking is womanly in my opinion. It should be noted, while I managed to do the aforementioned, my (male) room-mate succeeded in going to work, coming home, and then complaining like a little baby that his feet hurt.  ;D
GloriaVictis said:
It should be noted, while I managed to do the aforementioned, my (male) room-mate succeeded in going to work, coming home, and then complaining like a little baby that his feet hurt.  ;D
This just proves the following:
Why do little boys whine so much?  They are practicing to be men.
Sapplicant said:
I went on a date last night. Had a few drinks, and a great time. Ended up smooching for a bit in front of the house, when she asked to come in, I told her I had to be up early and had a bit of a headache  >:D

That one made me chuckle.
Today I stopped in at a local hanger.  I was given an unexpected opportunity to explore a Lancaster, including climbing up into it and exploring the inside... which I did in heels and a skirt.  Had I known that, exploring the inside of a Lancaster, was going to come about today, I would have worn pants.  The guys on board didn't seem to mind one bit that I was in a skirt and heels.  I think exploring a Lancaster in a skirt and heels qualifies for something which is womanly.  :)
I made an emergency trip to the Nutty Chocolatier to purchase fudge for my pregnant boss who was going ballistic at incompetent contractors.

It's not a good idea to piss off a very pregnant lady.

So, I think the fudge helped. I stopped hearing swears after a few minutes... 
Earlier this week I arrived for the first day in my new student house here in Ottawa, 2 of my roommates (a bf and gf) were still asleep when I arrived from my morning flight so I immediately went to gardening; planted 4 shrubs, pulled out the weeds, mowed the lawns.  I then proceeded to cook lunch but since I was wearing neither my (I like cougars...medium rare, or my Infantry aprons) it was still a feminin task.
I put in earrings today for the first time in a month and went to visit my son. He made, and served me coffee! To counter all this girly stuff - we sat and watched the whole first season of Trailer Park Boys.

GloriaVictis said:
I worked an 8 hour shift, did some banking, went grocery shopping, made dinner, made lunches for the next day, baked homemade protein bars, did laundry, made up my guest bedroom for company, swept and washed the floors, cleaned the bathroom, bathed the dog, went to Bikram yoga, did Bosu intervals, had a bubble bath, did a deep-conditioning treatment on my hair, prettied myself up, then entertained guests.

....accomplishing a lot in a short amount of time and multitasking is womanly in my opinion.

I can make a case for the opposite. Shopping, with the exception of Home Depot and Futureshop (because those stores are awesome) ladies take a long time to accomplish little in general when men come in for what they want and anything they get that's extra is along the most direct route back to the cash register. (especially true for clothing)
Sapplicant said:
I went on a date last night. Had a few drinks, and a great time. Ended up smooching for a bit in front of the house, when she asked to come in, I told her I had to be up early and had a bit of a headache  >:D

...so (as a real manly-woman) she offered to gently massage your head, while you were in a nice vanilla perfumed hot bubble bath with cucumber slices on your eyes and a cool  glass of white wine. Then, she put you to bed with a hot-water bottle and whispered tender words in your right ear until you felt asleep ;)

Seems to me there is a missing part before the going to sleep... ;D

Wore a big name tag proclaiming my name to be "Miffy" while I played a student in my 7 year old daughter's play school room while she was pretending to be the teacher.  Apparently, Miffy is capable of better work and needs to apply himself more to be successful  :P  Not much has changed...
Technoviking said:
OK, so which of you ladies did true woman's work?  You know, ironing  your man's shirt for him, wearing a french maid's outfit, while concurrently making sure that his beer never got empty nor too warm?  8)

(Can you tell that I'm no longer married?)  ;D

I can also tell you shall never re-marry  >:D