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Thinking of joining the army...


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Hello, I am Brenlae MacMillan, 24 years old and I'm interested in joining the Canadian Army. Although, I'm not really ready to join right now, I'll probably start off in about 2-3 years. Right now I'm way out of shape (242 lbs, can bench 150, only do 5-10 pushups, can't run farther than 50 feet, smoke, etc.), and I have to fix an eye problem I have. (I have nastagmus, which makes my eyes move continuously - there is corrective surgery for this, but I'll have to save some money to get it done. Thus the 2-3 years. :))

So, what should I start doing to physically prepare myself?

What can I expect?

I have been doing a lot of walking out in the local woods in the park, observing my surroundings (the best I can with my eye problems), etc.

So, any advice would be very appreciated - also, I'm from Prince Edward Island. Any other Islanders out there? :D

Well, thanks in advance! :D
Welcome to the forums:)

I was in your boat 2 months ago, minus the eye issues. I was 235, could barely run, barely do push-ups... etc. Now I'm 205, can run a bit better, although a wise man once related that he would rather gargle glass than run, I share his sentiment. As other wise men say, take your time, the Forces will still be here when you're ready.

Take a glance at the 'Couch to 5k' running program, needless to say, its working for me and I smoked and barely exercised. Join a local gym or buy light weights. Don't push what you can barely push for weights. Do light weights. If you can bench 150, only do 100. Do more reps and get more cut. The more you do, the more weight drops.

And most importantly, what made the difference for me to lose 30lbs in 2 months, evaluate your eating habits. Get your square meals and eat chicken and fish. It helps the muscles recover. You can do it!
Alright, thanks man! I appreciate the advice. :)

If anybody has anything to add that'd be cool.

Thanks again! :D
I am also in the process of getting into shape - just had my eye surgery and am seeing 20/20 uncorrected for the first time in my life. It's tough for sure but if it's what I (and you) want then there's no stopping us :)
MMSS said:
I am also in the process of getting into shape - just had my eye surgery and am seeing 20/20 uncorrected for the first time in my life. It's tough for sure but if it's what I (and you) want then there's no stopping us :)
Hell yeah, man! Nothings going to stop us. :)

So, what jobs / trades have you guys been looking at? I was thinking infantry or sniper.  :camo:
Myself, AC Ops, PH Tech, ATIS Tech... Sig Ops.. I have a few I've been toying with but my first three are what I'm focusing on.

As for sniper, that is extensive extensive training. And mind you, a lot of people have came on these forums stating the same but few make it. In 2011, July, we're pulling out of Afghanistan as a combat mission and entering a more 'training' role. Also, having nastagamus, regardless of surgery or what not, may be an automatic dis-qualifier. Most snipers (from what I've read) have been exemplary infantry who have gone through extensive training to become where they are, and with a lot of infantry, you have to look at your cards. They have experience, you're just coming in the game. What I would suggest is to read up on the hundred or so trades the CF offers, take the time to go through each one that pokes out. What I was looking at a year ago for trades, I don't even have in my top 10 anymore. I personally looked for something that if I left the military for any reason, I could use the the civilian sector. AC Op (Air Traffic Controller) PH Tech (Plumber, Heating Technician) ATIS Tech (IT, System Administrator).

Not telling or suggesting you don't apply as infantry, if you want to, do it, don't let anyone stop you. I'm just suggesting alternatives. Go to forces.ca>Browse Jobs and watch some of the videos. Go ahead and take a look at Basic Up Reloaded as well. There are tons of resources and use the search function on this site to look at posts about snipers and infantry and anything else that may interest you!
Brenlae said:
Hell yeah, man! Nothings going to stop us. :)

So, what jobs / trades have you guys been looking at? I was thinking infantry or sniper.  :camo:

If all goes as planned, MARS (naval officer).
correct me if i am wrong, but don't you have to be in the infantry to be a sniper. Isn't it a part of the MOC
Hmm, lots of interesting jobs. :)

Perhaps I would suit better as a sys admin or something like a programmer or what have you. I mean, I love computers, I use Linux.... :D

Thanks again! :)
In a related and heart warming vein . . .  if you don't understand why this video warms the cockles of every RSM's heart . . . .  maybe the Air Force is for you  :nod:


The best thing you can do to loose weight is change your diet. Exersice will help but its mostly diet. Start by cutting all the crap out, sugar mainly. Soda's, processed food, pretty much anything that comes in a box and cant be hunted or gathered, don't eat it. Eat lots of meat and vegetables. Limit your grains and don't go eating 3 servings of fruit a day. Berries are best for fruits. Basically you want to go low carb, high fat/protein. 

Now for strength, you should look at Starting Strength. You will probably gain strength easy, being a larger person. Focus on the main lifts, Squats, Deadlifts, Bench press, Press, Rows, and power cleans. I doubt you can do pull ups, thats fine start with these first. You have a lot of time 3 years you said, I would do mostly strength training with some conditioning1-3 times a week, on off days.

In the last year you can focus more on endurance if you want, since that is what the military mostly is.... But having a strong foundation is so important, sadly its often overlooked.
Everything Jebus said is all solid advice,

If you can do 10 pushups now, keep at them, and if you lose weight you'll be able to reach the minimum (19 for your age) in no time.

Also, just wanted to throw my own personal opinion in here for a second.

Since you are as you so put it, "out of shape." one could assume you don't particularly enjoy physical activity. That being said I think it's safe to say a combat arms trade (infantry, combat engineer, armoured, artillery etc. etc.) wouldn't be a good fit for you.
If I had a better lung capacity I'd be fine. I just need to start some cardio.

Anyway, thanks for all the responses and I thank any future posters. :)