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This may seem like a dumb question....

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First off, a little background, I'm 18, uni student, and joined the reserves at 16. My family wasn't particularly happy, and god forbid I mention the words 'Afghanistan', 'overseas', or 'deploy'. Now, my parents weren't too bad, they were proud to be sure, but I'm confident that they were still not very happy. So, after doing BMQ/SQ at Meaford over the summer, I released, bad decision, I regret it, and now I'm re-enlisting.

The following story is an explanation as to why I'm asking this question, its here solely for me to bitch about not getting a tac vest OR webbing during my BMQ/SQ and to look like less of an idiot when you read the question. (question is the one liner below the big-ass paragraph)

The point of that shpeel is this: I don't have much experience with the tac vest, when I got issued my kit, I wasn't issued a vest. Whoop-de do you're telling yourself, me and every other new troop didn't get a tac vest, welcome to the club. Well, plenty of guys on course had them, and if you're still thinking 'You had webbing, and it's probably better than the vest anyways', I didn't. That's right, I didn't have webbing either, they gave me a butt pack, and a yolk, but not the other pieces. This was several months before BMQ/SQ, and yes, higher ups were informed. On the bright side, I did get a brand new gas mask, with which I was quite happy. When I got to Meaford, we filled out those forms listing what we didn't have. After filling it out and making sure my section commander knew I didn't have webbing and passing that info on to supply people, we all marched off a couple days later to get issued everything that should have been issued to us originally but wasn't. Guess what, I got another butt pack. For my inspections I laid out the yolk and both butt packs on my cot, which later became just one butt pack, canteen, and KFS arrayed in the places where they would have been had there been a set of webbing. Oh, I didn't have a bush hat either (thankfully my 2IC lent me his for the whole summer). So, I never knew much about the vest, or had a good feel for how big its pouches were, but at the end of the summer, all of us who didn't have tac vests were issued them just before our SQ field ex, thank god (carrying bayonet, canteen, KFS, mags, and other goodies in your shirt and pant pockets isn't fun) but when I got it I saw the grenade pouches, and remembered during our grenade training trying to see if a dummy could fit into my buddy's vest's pouches. We were doing this quickly as we were waiting for our instructor, but we didn't get it in the 30 seconds we were trying. We weren't concerned with it at the time, and left it at that. However, about half an hour ago I was reading through a post that had a pic of a Denali vest loaded with 20 mags, 2 pistol clips, 4 grenades, and other kit and a picture of a tac vest with 4 mags and grenades that looked like someone had tried to stuff them into the grenade pouch but couldn't get them to fit, and it sparked my curiosity.

Question: How easily, if at all, does a grenade fit into a TV pouch, and how easy is it to take out for when you need it ?

Oh, and I wasn't the most kit-f***ed recruit on course either.
Seyek said:
Question: How easily, if at all, does a grenade fit into a TV pouch, and how easy is it to take out for when you need it ?

Not very well, and not that easy.

We had to either stretch out the pouches or cut a slit in them to fit grenades in... Thats why most of us just bought chest rigs which had pouches which are actually designed for grenades.

Hope that helps.
Helps answer the question, doesn't help inspire confidence in issue kit.

I take it you got a new chest rig, what kind do you use, all I know from browsing around is modular is best and I read that Blackhawk products are good, and that Denali vest I saw the pic of looked good if only because it had 20 mags stuffed in it.
There's lot's of threads on different load carriage systems. We're not starting another one here. Please do a search.
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