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Time to apply?


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Tried a search, but nothing fit my question exactly.

My situation is such: I have two courses left in university, they both start this September and end this December (2011). Although I'll have completed my degree in December I don't get my degree in hand until spring (May 2012.) I'll be doing school part time this fall while working full time. I've asked three different recruiters if I can apply as a DEO at the current time as I remember seeing on the website that one can apply as a DEO in their last year of study. Recruiter #1 said not a problem apply as soon as you wish. Recruiter #2 did not know whether or not I could apply before graduation and #3 said that while you can apply now it is recommended not to apply until you graduate.

Talk about conflicting information! I have the application all filled out and all my references in a row. Not to mention my desired trade is accepting applications. Can I apply now and if so is there any advantage to waiting? If I do apply now, and assuming I complete my course, will I be able to be enrolled before graduation in spring? In other words can I be enrolled when my degree is complete or must I wait till I have the degree in hand?
I was in this exact same situation. Like you, I received conflicting information. I finished my classes in December, applied in the middle of March, and had my convocation (degree in hand) in June. In hindsight, I should have gone in straight when my final marks came in in January.

The only advice I can give to you is to apply as early as the recruiting center will allow you, and clearly inform them of your situation at every step of the way.
