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Troops carrying pistols outside the gate

Should all soldiers leaving camp carry pistols along with rifles

  • No, troops (ie riflemen) don't need it.

    Votes: 71 22.3%
  • Soldiers leaving the camp should have the option of carrying pistols along with their rifles

    Votes: 191 60.1%
  • Soldiers should only carry pistols if their is a special requirement/task

    Votes: 50 15.7%
  • Other listed below

    Votes: 6 1.9%

  • Total voters


Army.ca Myth
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Just stemming from a friendly army chat debate on whether soldiers leaving the camp (KAF) should ALL carry pistols as well as rifles.

My argument for all soldiers carrying pistols.
-A soldier may find themself without a their rifle through negligence (God forbid) or it may be destroyed during an IED/mine strike
-A rifle may be rendered inoperable due to damage caused while fighting etc.., the pistol acting as self defense until the soldier can get another long barreled weapon.
-Using a rifle while in the confines of a vehicle could be tricky.
-Better to air on the side of caution than be cause weaponless for whatever reason.
I do agree with your sentiments, and think that all Troops outside the wire should have pistols also for close-in fighting and emergency, but I doubt that we have the amount to properly equip all.  We will have to be happy if we can equip those who fill 'specialty' positions presently.  Long barrels are still going to be the main means employed, and we should concentrate on equipping everyone with them first.  Pistols would be a luxury afterwards.
As I said in the chat room, if you were meant to have a pistol, God or the Forces would have issued you one.
I think its safer to have bothjust in case something happens better to be safe than sorry.

absolutely! Every troop should have a pistol and be taught to use it properly, as well as how to transition.
100% in agreement, pistolas all around!!
Pistol+decent training=good!
Pistol+poor/no training= an ND waiting to happen.

If you are going to carry a pistol outside the wire, you must be competent and cofident in it's use.

George:  A reliable source recently told me there are several thousand Browning HPs in depot stocks.
Yes,. BUT... as Haggis and para have already stated, they would be no good without the requisite training. Just a famil shoot and safe handling procedures are not enough. Need to know how to use sidearms and long barrel equally well and together.
So instead of practicing roadblocks and traffic control ad vomitum, let's use that time on workup training to train on the pistols.  If you issue them out when the TF forms up, and expect the troops to follow the proper handling rules that are pounded into you for every other weapon, within 5 years you've got an army full of competent pistol shooters.  Whew, longest sentence I ever wrote.

As I understand it, many of those are being used to slowly replace the 'old'* worn operational stock currently used.  ( * 'Old' refers to the weapons that have been in use by the Units, not age.  All these pistols were manufactured at the same time.)
I remember watching a PAFFO trying to unload a pistol into the bay; scary.  My buddy had to go give her a hand because she was about to drop the thing....
George Wallace said:

As I understand it, many of those are being used to slowly replace the 'old'* worn operational stock currently used.  ( * 'Old' refers to the weapons that have been in use by the Units, not age.  All these pistols were manufactured at the same time.)

The problem isn't so much the age of the pistols, it's the condition of the mags.  As this has been beat dead in another thread, I don't want to drag this off topic.  On my last tour I went through three mags in six months.  They just gave up (baseplates fell off, lips bent).  Recently we did some unit CQB shooting.  Every single stoppage we experienced could be remedied by changing to a new(er) magazine.
I've been told by a wpn tech that they don't bother fixing anything major on the pistol anymore as there is so many they just replace it with a newer one.  I have a 1TXXX in my vault. ;D
The tech was surprised and amused.

I would also like to see all carrying pistols, esp vehicle crews ie drivers etc.
Quagmire said:
How about newer pistols Haggis. ;D

Let's not derail this.  As Haggis stated, we have had a rather indepth discussion on the pros and cons of pistols and various pistol types in several other threads. 
I too would like all personnel equiped with pistols. The point is, I don't think it will happen, because training soldiers costs money and takes time, although I think we should focus more on weapons when training.
Pistols are good for drivers.  Having one or two in the section can also be handy for going into confined spaces.  I'm not sure that everyone needs one, though.  They get in the way and we already have a metric ****load of gear already.

Still, all drivers should have them and if you are going to be in a vehicle then having a pistol is not a bad idea.
From my experience pistols are essential. Particularly for armd veh crews. You cannot depress your '6 fast enough to fend off a poss VBIED, and your '7A2 will be just as much of a pain in the ass. My team all had pistols, and we will have them again this time.

So would pistols only be good for armour sice they're inside and wouldn't have to mees with a rifle?