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Two two unarmed British policewomen in gun and grenade ambush.

Retired AF Guy

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One of the U.K.’s most wanted fugitives kills two unarmed policewomen in gun and grenade ambush

Michael Holden, Reuters | Sep 18, 2012 2:45 PM ET

LONDON — One of Britain’s most wanted fugitives killed two unarmed policewomen on Tuesday in a gun and grenade ambush, police said, killings which are likely to reignite a long-running debate over whether British officers should carry guns.

Police constables Fiona Bone, 32, and Nicola Hughes, 26, were gunned down in a hail of bullets after they responded to a hoax call about a burglary in the northern English city of Manchester.

Despite shock over the murders, described by Prime Minister David Cameron as “despicable,” senior police officers said they were determined that the British force would remain one of few in the world which is not routinely armed.

Police said the two constables, one who was about to be married, had been deliberately lured into a trap by Dale Cregan, 29, a suspect in another double killing in the city. Cregan handed himself into a local police station after the shooting.

Either Cregan or an associate made the false burglary report to lure the officers to the scene, said Greater Manchester Police Chief Constable Peter Fahy.

“Then he has come out and shot and killed them both,” Fahy told reporters, adding Cregan also threw a grenade at them.

“Certainly, it would appear to be that he has deliberately done this in an act of absolutely cold blooded murder. It’s almost impossible to fathom such an evil act.”

Witnesses reported hearing more than a dozen shots and an explosion. One of the officers died at the scene and the other in hospital, police said.

Fahy said catching Cregan had been their top priority since the murder of David Short in August and the shooting of Short’s son Mark in a pub in May. Police had offered a 50,000 pound ($81,000) reward for information leading to his arrest.

Politicians and chief officers across the country spoke of their horror at the incident.

“What we’ve seen is just (an) absolutely despicable act of pure evil,” Cameron said in a statement.

It is rare for British police officers, especially female constables, to be killed in the line of duty. Unlike the bulk of forces across the world, the overwhelming majority of Britain’s 150,000 police officers do not regularly carry firearms, although every force has special armed units and some carry electric Taser stun guns.

The last time more than one police officer was shot dead in the same incident in Britain was in the 1960s.

In 2005, unarmed constable Sharon Beshenivsky was killed and a female colleague wounded when they went to investigate an armed robbery in the northern English city of Bradford.

That led to a heated debate over whether Britain should arm its police, but Fahy, other senior officers and politicians again said they did not want officers to carry firearms.

“We are passionate that the British style of policing is routinely unarmed policing,” he said.

“Sadly we know from the experience in America and other countries that having armed officers certainly does not mean sadly that police officers do not end up getting shot dead.”

Cameron said more armed units were now available than previously.

“This was supposed to be the response to a domestic burglary and that wouldn’t require armed officers,” he said.

Paying tribute to the dead officers, Fahy said Karate-loving Hughes had worked for the police for three years and Bone, who had five years service, was preparing for her wedding.

“Her partner only spoke to her this morning about the wedding invites and fellow officers gave her advice about to make them on the computer,” he said.

Article Link (with photos).

So sad. Condolences to the families of the two police officers.
I hope they catch this b*stard and spend a little time with him out back by the woodshed before he's processed.

My thoughts and prayers with the family.
I think he turned himself in...one of the two did....
An interesting take on why British police are unarmed, even when there is a possibility they face such dangers. The blogger who's post this is from has a different take on North American police, but I would focus on the highlighted part:


After 17 Years, I Finally Figured Out Canadian Policing

This article about why British police remain unarmed contains a simple statement that suddenly explained for me the jarring difference between police officers in my old country and police officers in my new one.

  "Arming the force would, say opponents, undermine the principle of policing by consent - the notion that the force owes its primary duty to the public, rather than to the state, as in other countries."

That completely different philosophical understanding explains everything. It's why we see so many cases of police beating people up, why police in Canada are so often rude, ignorant and thuggish. I couldn't understand it when I got here, but this is it.

Cops without guns is like crosby playing without a stick. I only recently found out that british cops dont carry guns, and I think its just ridiculous.
hagan_91 said:
Cops without guns is like crosby playing without a stick. I only recently found out that british cops dont carry guns, and I think its just ridiculous.

:facepalm:  And you've lived in the UK for how long?
You dont need to live somewhere to know cops need weapons. You can NEVER know what will happen on a cops shift. So  :facepalm: yourself.
hagan_91 said:
You dont need to live somewhere to know cops need weapons. You can NEVER know what will happen on a cops shift. So  :facepalm: yourself.

Care to move up the Warning system faster there skippy?
Lol why cause im right? Like I said before I wont let somebody say something stupid to me and make me feel like im dumb or wrong when im not. Cops need weapons they catch criminals. Criminals have weapons sometimes and a cop should always be able to defend themselves in any situation. Figure it out.
hagan_91 said:
You dont need to live somewhere to know cops need weapons. You can NEVER know what will happen on a cops shift. So  :facepalm: yourself.

They do have weapons.  Just not all of them carry firearms.

Just like some countries have cops with automatic rifles.

What works in some countries doesn't work in others.

The British have a long tradition that seems to work for the most part.
Just another troll, here only to flap his internet pie hole.

Mods, save us the grief and ban him now.
hagan_91 said:
So  :facepalm: yourself.
  He's back  :not-again:

On the assumption that reading isn't your strong suit, rent the video, "Hot Fuzz."

For someone who claims he wants to go Infantry.....only long enough to go SOF.....only long enough to quit and become civilian police, I'd suggest that the attitude you display here would preclude you from all three. You may wish to think about that when you're banned (which your behaviour will inevitably cause; we've seen it before).

Just sayin'
hagan_91 said:
Lol why cause im right? Like I said before I wont let somebody say something stupid to me and make me feel like im dumb or wrong when im not. Cops need weapons they catch criminals. Criminals have weapons sometimes and a cop should always be able to defend themselves in any situation. Figure it out.

And that's it. You can go sit in the corner and face the wall for a bit while the grown ups talk.
hagan_91 said:
Lol why cause im right? Like I said before I wont let somebody say something stupid to me and make me feel like im dumb or wrong when im not. Cops need weapons they catch criminals. Criminals have weapons sometimes and a cop should always be able to defend themselves in any situation. Figure it out.
While you're waiting, here's some reading material to give you a bit of insight into the British, and the British police, mentality towards weapons:  Why British police don’t have guns.