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Uniform Question

  • Thread starter Thread starter Magma
  • Start date Start date


I have some questions on how the canadain army dress and combat uniforms are.

Lets start at the top

1. Are ranks on both arms?
2. Are shoulder ranks for everyone (like the epalets with stripes on em)
3. Were are medals worn/shown
4. Were are special decorations like badges for marksmanship or something placed.

It would be nice if someone had some diagrams and stuff so I can look at them. Thanks
I searched - but at home the DIN/DWAN searchin sucks - I will try again tomorrow iat work if no one has come up with what you want.

Short answer
1) DEU's for Sgt's and below yes - WO and above are on lower arm

2) NO

3) Left Breast above the pocket line

4) Marksmanship is not a special decoration - just a marksmnaship badge they are worn on the left lower arm for Sgt's and below (who qualify)  Decorations like the CiC Com and CDS com are worn on the left breast pocket
Magma, I find it pretty hard to believe that you're a Sgt. and don't know how to wear the uniform. Around here they're pretty strict about not pretending to be someone you aren't. So, you should probably either fill out your profile  to back it up, or change your avatar.
A copy of the Dress Instructions is stored in my website space:


Be warned, it's a very large file - 17 Mb.
Magma said:
I didnt know you couldnt use those avatars if you were not in the army...

And no im not.

You can use them, this site just prefers that you don't if you're not actually in that unit or have that rank.
Bob said:
You can use them, this site just prefers that you don't if you're not actually in that unit or have that rank.

well I shall change it to a medic one then since I have taken medical training :D
magma, what makes you think it would be any more appropriate to use a cap badge you're not entitled to instead of rank you're not entitled to?

Just because you've taken a first-aid course or two doesn't mean it's ok to advertise yourself as a CF Medical Technician.

I have a question, howcome on some private/craftsman slip-on's some have no chevron and other have one? Is this to do with the qualifications?
I have a suggestion for you, Magma: go to the army.ca Photo Gallery:  http://army.ca/cgi-bin/album.pl?album=Avatars;page=3 - about half way down, on page 3, you will find 'leafcan.gif' - that's a suitable Avatar for a civilian.

Some people take great pride in their badges and object when the uninitiated decide to adopt them.

There's nothing wrong with not being in the military and we will try to answer your questions but it helps if we all get off on the right foot.
so lemme get this straight...we cant use avatars which have meaning military wise because we didnt earn them....so people get mad because you want to put one in your profile?

....really odd...How about this can I use a Scouts Canada Award Which I have earned would that be ok!
You can use any avatar you wish as long as it is representative of your skill set and training.

If you have earned your brownie baking badge in cubs and want to use it go for it but do not try to be something you are not.
And you are not a MedTec and therefore do not have the right to display the cap badge.

not trying to be something im not...think this has been turned right around on me...I just wanted an avatar...didnt think it would this big of a problem if I wanted to put something up for it...
we can be touchy about the use of badges, patches, and other shiny stuff that goes on our uniforms because we have had to earn them. We have sacrificed, sweated, wept, and bled to achieve those decals we wear. We have lost time with our families, and we have lost friends. Those nifty sew-ons mean a lot to us, so that's why you've received those friendly warnings. You haven't gotten a hard time yet, everyone has been very helpful to you.
Wearing something you are not entitled to is purposely misrepresenting yourself. There has, in the past, cases of military members wearing awards and decorations that they have not earned and they have paid the price for their indiscretions. A civilian passing him/herself off as something they are not just pisses troops off. Kinda like the idiots during the floods in Manitoba wearing any surplus army gear they could find to try and get free beers! :threat:
My favourites are the punks with the AIRBORNE t-shirts. I'd like to show them a small sampling of the pain those guys had to go through to get the t-shirt, grrrrrrr. :soldier:
Don't be offended, Magma.  Many of us worked very, very hard for some of those badges.  To some of us they represent family and all the things of which we are most proud.

I can still recall, approaching a half century after the fact, how my chest swelled with pride when I was accepted into my Regiment.  I was almost as proud, on other occasions, when I earned â “ and that's the key word â “ a new badge or as medal here and there: for technical and tactical skill and for leadership and responsibility, all the way up to the upper (but not top) levels of the officer corps.  But nothing ever came quite as close to being accepted, as the most junior private soldier, into my Regiment - and it is mine, Magma, after all these years, because even if I never did it as proud as I might have wished, it accepted me and made me part of the family.

Stay with us, Magma.  Read and learn and participate.  Some of us are a bit  busy, sometimes, and that makes us a bit abrupt â “ some people in these fora are posting from Afghanistan, after all.  Don't take offence, Magma, but please try not to give any either.
