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URINE Questions

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I went to my CFAT/Medical about two weeks ago and was told by the doctor they found tiny traces of blood in my urine and it was most likely nothing and I probably had been doing hard work.  I had my doctor make me out a sheet so I could go get a retest at a local lab.  I took three days rest before the retest and guess what....blood is still in there.  I just took my third test and am now really worried.  I don‘t know what blood in urine could mean and if it is possible to get into the navy reserves with it..

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Dave, I don‘t think you should worry to much about the blood. Usually when blood is present it indicates a problem with the urinary tract, either kidneys, bladder or urethra. Usually it happens because of kidney stones, obstruction or an infection. Im familiar with this myself because I‘m in the same situation and I am waiting for my specialist appointments results to come back. Mine is most likely an infection and hopefully yours is too. A little bit of antibiotics to clear it up and you should be okay for the reserves.
I had the same thing happen,the day before my medical I had ran 3.5k for the first time. They found traces of blood in my urine. I was told it could be exercise induced. I could‘nt get in to see my family doctor for 3 weeks, so I didn‘t run for 3 weeks. My urine turned out fine. So maybe you did not rest enough, just a thought. Did you rest more before your third test? Oh I also drank alot of water the day of & days before my test. Not that it made a difference, but I though it would help clean out my system.
Drink cranberry juice. That helps treat urinary tract infections. I had to a few years ago.
The third time I didn‘t want to break my workout cycle once again so I just did light work outs.
Jeez, I had the same thing happen to me..cept I had some sort of weird proteins in my urine. Apparently too much of this or that and yeah the Medic said I wouldn‘t be able to pass without an ok from a MD. That was fine by me but then the hassle of going to that was too much, and I attributed it to rapd weight loss (260lb to a steady 204lb) in 5 months. I was on Exendrine and lots of cardio so that did it for me. Usually just wait it out and see what happens.
A classmate of mine aplied to RMC last year. her mdeical found trace amounts of protein in her urine and they basically said there is no way that they would let her in. She was applying to be a pilot, and they do go through some intense medical screenings. I wonder if the protein issue is jsut with pilots or with all occupations. It seems a little harsh, I‘m not a doctor so I have no background as to why protein or trace amounts of blood in your urine should prevent you performing your duties competently.

I‘m sure its with all occupations (Sig Op here). I‘m sure its nothing life threatening or anything.
Hi all, I hope I can help people about that by telling my experience too. I‘m applying for pilot at the moment. My medical went back because they found trace of proteins too in my urine. At the recruiting center with the little test they found nothing so the medic in charge sent my files. I am out for medical reason until i get a little piece of paper signed by a doctor. It‘s just that they want to be 100% sure and have a doctor analysis it. For the proteins, my doctor said it was normal to have trace of them if you are in the 20‘s and you make alot of sports. They find anything that is not clean they want to know more about that and its normal. In my case, they found proteins traces in my urine the first time and not on the second one and they found something else on the second one... every tests have their advantages and limits. Dont worry it will go all fine and stay focused :)
They found blood in my urine for the 3rd time but still the doctor told me it probably isnt anything. Kidney ultrasounds next week :(

I just want in the CF, **** all this hassle! :crybaby:
Originally posted by dave_conolly:
[qb] *Update*
They found blood in my urine for the 3rd time but still the doctor told me it probably isnt anything. Kidney ultrasounds next week :(

I just want in the CF, **** all this hassle! :crybaby: [/qb]
.... need a hug?
I urinated blood for a week after making an akward tackle at football and squishing my kidney with my rib;

...come to think of it...I probably should have stopped playing for a bit...ah..oh well

There were traces in there for a while, but byt he time i went in for my ultrasounds they kinda looked at me like "what the **** are you complaining about? There‘s nothing wrong here."

Moral of the story..not too sure. Just letting you know you‘re not alone on the urinating blood team.
Yay, thanks for the confidence booster. Test next Thrusday. I know I got punched in the Kidney two years ago and had weird coloured urine for awhile but it went away. But that was two years ago so I don‘t think it could be effecting me now at all.
Dont panic about the proteins in the urine. The test done at the recruiting centers is not sensible enought to tell if you have an illness or not. Usually, people do have some proteins in urine naturally at 20 to 120 mg per day. If you have exercise prior to the test and didnt drink water, the test will show positive due to deshydratation.

It can also be a sign of illness or transitory effect. Exercise, stress ans fever can increase the amount of proteins in urine. So, if you are really nervous about getting naked in front of the tech med :D :D , proteins amount will rise...

It can also means heart problems... But at our age, usually MD didnt consider that possible.

There is a lot of kidneys problems that are linked with an increase of proteins in urine. that is why you have to check with a specialist. But i do think that its just a transitory effect for the 99,9% of us.

So, 2 days prior to test, dont exercise and drink normally. Try to minimise cafeins and do not drink alcool... Proteins will also rise because of that... Transitory effect....

Also, do not take supplements like creatine... i‘m not certain about that one, but take no chance. Its not a protein but i suspect it can invalidate the test.
OK I have a question with the urine sample, when is it actually evaluated????  Right on the spot while you are in with the medic??? or will the medic get to it later in the week etc....

The reason I ask is because I was categorized a 3 for geographical by the medic.  I have been wondering the last 3 or 4 weeks why because my health is good with the exception of some sports injuries 5+ years ago.  SO basically I am wondering if the medic tested my urine later on in the week and realized a high protein count or something along those lines resulting in him giving me a 3 for geographical....?
With me they just got me to fill up the cup and when I went back to the room with the medic they dipped a strip of paper in it and got some readings off of it then they got me to throw sample into the garbage.
paper strip ?
In my case they told me there is some "blood" in my urine. paper strip is just an indicator
it may give wrong results. So I was asked to do a complete urine test through my family doctor, complete urine test did not show any
problems in my urine.
thats all