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Vancouver Olympics

I didn't miss 9/11 and the more security at the lasts Olympics,
but like joonrooj,

'' I didn't realize a governments army usually provided security for the Olympics.''

I thought the add security was done by police forces. I never saw anything
to make me thought about army getting a hand in it which, now that
I see that topic discuss here make just perfect sense.  :-[

And I'm sure all the people that I know (all civilians like me) are as ignorant
as I was, a few hours ago only!

(many thanks to the person(s) that put the spell check on the post)
The Italian Alpini Brigade I was in Kabul with redeployed home after their rotation, to immediately go on a one month operation providing security for the Turin games. They were the ones on TV with the funny hats with a single long feather.

Providing security in Vancouver will be a huge operation for the CF.
joonrooj said:
This sounds fairly cool, will it just be Reg. Force?
I didn't realize a governments army usually provided security for the Olympics.

Route monitoring, transportation hubs, parking areas, loading docks, access control points, perimeter patrols in remote sectors .... lots of tasks that won't actually be anywhere near the athletes or events.  That's why the presence of host nation military personnel seldom shows up on the coverage of the sporting events.
I didn't realize a governments army usually provided security for the Olympics.

Saturday, Feb 21, 2004,Page 20

A state legal board approved government plans to deploy thousands of Greek troops to provide security for the Athens Olympics, and NATO also pledged its help on Thursday.

Defense Minister Yiannos Papantoniou said the decision by the State Council clears the way to create a 10,000-member protection and patrol unit that will help police safeguard the Games, from Aug. 13-29.

NATO might provide surveillance planes to boost the massive security plans. Alliance members also are expected to help draw up contingency plans to provide relief for a potential terrorist attack or natural disaster........
Lost_Warrior said:
pbi, just curious but were you guys issued ammo?

Yes: we each had a full mag on our FN's, with more ammo and CS stored inside the HQ. The mag was on, but you normally didn't put a round up. I only remembering chambering once, when we thought somebody was shooting at our foot patrol. IIRC it turned to be a local idiot randomly discharging a .22, but for a few minutes it was interesting.

That really sounds interesting,I suppose  that was quite an experience.
Leonidio said:
That really sounds interesting,I suppose  that was quite an experience.

The incident or the partying in Montreal?

I hope i get to take part, as a reservist infanteer, and as a person who intends to be a police officer... I think it would be a damn good experience.

Just an article I found regarding the 2010 Olympix.  I heard it could be as high as 20, 000 troops for domestic security needed.  Has anyone else found or heard about anything else about this?

Once decisions are made I'm certain the chain of command will inform people about tasks available.

Right now, no one knows what all will be required, where, when or for how long - anything you hear is all rumour and supposition.

One note, thought:  PBI:  By 1976, it was no longer the RCE; that designation was lost in the Hellyer years.  Though into the late 90s the stamps in the unit OR still read "3rd Field Engineer Regiment (M), RCE".  Now, of course, it's 34 CER, but that's a whole other topic...
we just had a Gen. at our parade night, and he said something about us being deployed for the Olympics.
also think about it, lots of outdoor mountion venues. so lots of ground needing Eyes on it.
Did'nt you get the last memo, we are all infantry, some of us just know how to drive large aroured vehicles as well (or boats, or planes, or kitchens, etc etc etc).  The job will be for everyone.  Last I checked, we are not ready, but watch and shoot.  There will be lots of postings going on in the near future to get it ready.

I for one am doing my best to be in the front of that, watch the news, should be some interesting talks in the parlement soon.
Just a brief item of info:
The 2006 Commonwealth Games made extensive use of Reservists as well as full-time Australia Defence Force Personnel. Many of the reservists, such as myself, remained as reservists for a brief time, for others they became full-time temporarily. It cost a lot, it pretty much had to, and whilst there were some grumblings, no-one said it was over-the-top. My role was in medical support to the military component. It wasn't particularly busy, but as you can imagine the potential was enormous. That said, if anyone was seriously injured, they'd be taken to a civvie hospital. I imagine this would be the case in Vancouver.
Major sporting events are the perfect opportunity for attacks by whichever radical groups is flavour of the day. When all is said and done, the public demands assurance that their ticket buys them safety, security and perhaps most importantly, entertainment.
We didn't get to see much but the experience was unfortgettable.
Michael O'Leary said:
What are we deploying? who knows
Who are we deploying? who knows
How much will it the support cost? ???
Are we talking about full or incremental costs? ???
What portion will come directly from the DND budget?
What cost recovery mechanisms will be in place?
What will actually be the net cost to DND?

If all goes as is supposed to security is the City of Vancouvers job, in turn the Provinces job that makes our attendance aid to the civil power, that garauntee's a couple things the cost belongs to the province (for asking us) but thi is a political world, the Feds will likely say foot half the bill, Salery wise, well it'd get paid anyway (if you use a regular BN or BGD) the largest costs come in incidentals, lodging, chow and stuuf like that (sounds like a good reason to stand up Chilliwack again and tell the RCMP to train elswhere) or the other side of the coin, can we as a nationafford not to secure an international event in or borders, 1 athlete gets clipped in a hostage situation and the CF wasnt there to provide that support weed be reading about it in the world news for years.
Im with BobbyOreo(hockey!). I bet the Whistler event security HQ in Pemberton probably with the support elements in Squamish .It ll be a massive deployment. Definitely an opportunity to see all the Olympic events. I bet Map Recce is already started. 

Ex Coelis