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Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
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I think I should have put this in the reenlistment mega thread...
5 years is correct. You may have been able to get away with being out a bit longer than 5 if you could prove you've been employed in a field related to your military trade.
Hi JS2218,

Is there an actual "rule" related to this though?

I always heard 5 years myself - which is why when they first said I might have a bypass I was surprised.

I am also curious because a buddy of mine got in last year after being out for 7 years. He was allowed to keep all his quals and his rank (SGT Sup Tech). Also, reading other posts there seems to be lots of people saying 5 years for Quals but 10 for recruit school - which obviously wasn't the case for my friend but still makes me wonder if there is an actual set of rules or even guidelines out there somewhere.


RJ said:
Hi JS2218,

Is there an actual "rule" related to this though?

I always heard 5 years myself - which is why when they first said I might have a bypass I was surprised.

I am also curious because a buddy of mine got in last year after being out for 7 years. He was allowed to keep all his quals and his rank (SGT Sup Tech). Also, reading other posts there seems to be lots of people saying 5 years for Quals but 10 for recruit school - which obviously wasn't the case for my friend but still makes me wonder if there is an actual set of rules or even guidelines out there somewhere.


The recruiting centre would have to send off for a PLAR, which is reviewed/obtained through CDA, so I'd look into the references related to PLARs and the authority of CDA to waive certain training requirements.
Posting from my phone so I don't have the ref but there is a document out there that lists how long a qual lasts. IIRC basic should be good. I would do a plar immediately. A lot of the times this stuff gets missed due to lack of information or GAFF. CDA is the opi and they will get the right info. It is a waste of time and money to send you on BMOQ.
See, for example, this CBI that deals with determining the pay increment for re-enrollees:

204.015(4) (Exception) Qualifying service for pay increments does not include:

(a) any service prior to a continuous interruption of more than five years during which no service designated in paragraph (2)
was performed, unless the member during the period of the interruption has maintained relevant skills or qualifications considered by the Chief of the Defence Staff, or any officer designated by the Chief of the Defence Staff, to be of military value;
Thanks guys,

In retrospect, one other piece of info and confusion is that when CFRC initially said that I might have a bypass it is because some sort of review of my MPRR had been done and that review indicated I had equivalency - they even showed me the message. I don't know if it was an official PLAR or where it came from. But then they said that because I was going PRes that there would have to be another review done by the reserves and that it might not reflect what was shown in the first review.

Anyway, thanks for the help. I am not sure what CFRC meant when they told me they would look into it so I will keep asking for clarification and/or a PLAR to be done either through CFRC or when I am actually sworn in again. I have looked over DAOD 5031-1 and if I am interpreting it correctly the review should be done at CFRC for both Reg and PRes - but I know that doesn't mean that is what actually happens... And I might be misinterpreting it.
I was released back in Late November due to Injury and required Surgery ( was not bad enough for a #3 Category) as it was only a Hamstring tear that required 18 Carbon-fiber stitches, and with a estimated heal time of 6-12 months (from the docs at CFLRS), well went in and had the wound opened to remove the stitches and the surgeon said it was healing really well with no scarring on the muscle. I have been doing my Physio excersises and can run 3-5 easily (indoors since Saint John is currently a skating rink) and walk about 20-30k a day while wearing Goretex boots (mil surplus) with no issues. I want to go back and try again since it was my fault for letting it get so bad by ignoring it and i still want to fight for my country. I know it says one year, is that before i can apply or can go back to ASU St Jean
marinemech said:
I was released back in Late November due to Injury and required Surgery ( was not bad enough for a #3 Category) as it was only a Hamstring tear that required 18 Carbon-fiber stitches, and with a estimated heal time of 6-12 months (from the docs at CFLRS), well went in and had the wound opened to remove the stitches and the surgeon said it was healing really well with no scarring on the muscle. I have been doing my Physio excersises and can run 3-5 easily (indoors since Saint John is currently a skating rink) and walk about 20-30k a day while wearing Goretex boots (mil surplus) with no issues. I want to go back and try again since it was my fault for letting it get so bad by ignoring it and i still want to fight for my country. I know it says one year, is that before i can apply or can go back to ASU St Jean

You can't apply until one year after your effective date of release.  After that, you will be subject to the waiver process which will add more time.

I searched the forum for an answer and I couldn`t find anything. Once a regular force NCM releases at the end of his entry contract (4B?), how long does he have to wait before he can re-enroll? (in a different element/trade) I heard 60 days and also 6 months.

Thank you very much.
Addicted said:
I searched the forum for an answer and I couldn`t find anything. Once a regular force NCM releases at the end of his entry contract (4B?), how long does he have to wait before he can re-enroll? (in a different element/trade) I heard 60 days and also 6 months.

Provided it was in fact a 4.b release item and as long as you reached OFP (ie; minimum QL3/DP1) at the time of release, you cannot reapply to the CF for a minimum period of "6 months" from the effective date of your release.
Thank you for your reply. Is it clearly stated in one of the pub? The Release Clerk I saw based her 60 days on "I also understand the implications of re-enrolling within 60 days after my release date in the same component concerning potential benefits." (A-PM-245-001/FP-001 Ch. 15, Annex F, Appendix 8)

Left me confused.
Addicted said:
Thank you for your reply. Is it clearly stated in one of the pub? The Release Clerk I saw based her 60 days on "I also understand the implications of re-enrolling within 60 days after my release date in the same component concerning potential benefits." (A-PM-245-001/FP-001 Ch. 15, Annex F, Appendix 8)

Left me confused.

Your Release Clerk deals with release benefits and not recruiting directives, which are two different things.

Yes, the "6 month" policy is clearly articulated in recruiting directives but these are only available on the DWAN.  I shall have a look at APM-245 in the morning and see just what is there in the Anx/App you quoted.

Would I have to wait 6 months as well if I decided to join as a Reservist instead?
Addicted said:

Would I have to wait 6 months as well if I decided to join as a Reservist instead?

Probably not. You could do a component transfer straight to a Reserve unit, or PRL. Provided there was a position available in your rank and trade.
Addicted said:

Would I have to wait 6 months as well if I decided to join as a Reservist instead?

I would think so but then again, stranger things have happened.  As ModlrMike has mentioned, you could do a Component Transfer from Res to Reg but this would have to be done prior to your release and only if you can arrange to find a position at a local Res F Unit in the area you plan on residing at.
DAA said:
I would think so but then again, stranger things have happened.  As ModlrMike has mentioned, you could do a Component Transfer from Res to Reg but this would have to be done prior to your release and only if you can arrange to find a position at a local Res F Unit in the area you plan on residing at.

Thanks for the help guys. I will keep all of that in mind.
I enrolled in the Regular Force but while I was at BMQ and before I finished, I had to VR due to family circumstances that I needed to attend to.  I'm still really interested in the CF and would like to apply to the Reserves as this would probably be a better fit for now.  I searched the boards and other threads but from what I found, it seems to me that I have to wait a full year before applying for reserves and even after, I might need some sort of waiver.  I don't know if I do my reserve application now or wait?
I actually completed my BMQ and graduated but had to VR shortly after and before starting my trade training.  My husband fell ill and I had no choice but to return home to look after his recovery.  It was unfortunate for us and a blow to me.  I was and still am dedicated to joining to CF and at my age, time is of the essence.  So I tried joining my local Reserve Unit who seemed happy to have someone like me.  However, I was told I had to wait a year after releasing from the Reg Force to try again.  The Reserve Unit was even ready to hire me on the spot too!  So expect to wait your year and then try again."
I'm currently in the process of re-enrolling in the CF in the same trade as before and was wondering if anyone here was ever in a similar situation as myself. I served four years as an combat engineer, was promoted to corporal after three years and got out a year and a half ago at the end of my four year contract. After I got out, all the documents I received dealing with my final claims and supplementary reserve started referring to me as a private trained. I figure it must be related to me not having done my fives (there was a backlog and I was off in the field a good chunk of the time anyways). I'm just wondering if I am getting demoted on a technicality when I go back, or if I have a chance to keep my old rank?

I still have a copies of all my paperwork and can prove when I was promoted and the amount of time in rank. No matter what happens, I wont let it deter to me, even if I have to start as a sapper again. But it would be preferable to keep my rank.
So I was just wondering if anyone has dealt with this, or seem it happen to someone they knew and how it turned out in the end?
Much obliged for the information.