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Vietnam Myths

Having read everything I could get my hands on about this war I almost came to believe
I was the only one who knew the truth about it, obvious this is not true,but it is good to
see these myths laid to rest in such a concise and convincing manner.Another myth that
has been allowed to live was that the "domino theory" was a figment of the US governments
imagination.One has only to look at the aftermath of the war to see the accuracy of this
theory,the genocide committed by the Khmer Rouge (Cambodian communists) and the
ongoing genocide in Laos against the indigenous mountain peoples of that country,
committed by the communist government of Laos.They are being assisted by the Viets
who have been quite successful in their genocide against their own mountain tribes,
the Montagnards.The West has to a large extent ignored this as Africa is the "flavour
of the month" for the Left and to take notice of these human rights abuses would
require them to admit that they may have been wrong in the 60s,dont hold your breath.
If you follow the links on the website to the picture sections, there are a few hundred there. They are quite provocative.
Good article, nice to see, if only 30 + years late.... and I'll bet dollars to donuts the public will still believe the lies.
I've been here reading all the pages on there, its dead interesting. I noticed one photo that had a reference to an "Aussie hat". Nice to see! Its a really interesting website, thanks for sticking it up here.
It motivated me to finally read up on whether the Hanoi Jane Fonda story was a myth or not...
It wasn't and the anger was real
Yes, about time that some of the real facts got spread around. The draft dodgers were definitely NOT a myth, unfortunately. Thanks to the war we've got gajillions of them lurking around in the boonies here still. I guess no one told them that Ronald Reagan gave them an amnesty. They even put up a monument to them in Nelson BC.... anyone got a few buckshee sticks of C4?
Re: Jane Fonda,in a just world she would have been in the next cell to Defence Secretary
McNamara,her for giving comfort to the enemy and him for criminal and negligent
incompetence. Ramsey Clarke was another candidate for a prison cell he was the
ex Secretary of Justice and visited Hanoi to demonstrate his support for the North
Vietnamese government,he was the same man who went to Baghdad to help with the
defence of Saddam H. Hanoi Jane was photographed as part of a smiling ,happy
North Vietnamese flak crew less the half a klic.from where US prisoners were being
tortured, a true hero of the so called "peace movement".
I've been reading up on old Hanoi Jane. It really is disgraceful and disturbing to read all that stuff. Then to top it off is her self serving apologies in the last few years. She apologies for getting photographed but thats really it. I feel for those vets who saw that, it must have been a massive kick in the guts to see their countrymen/women betraying them.
I had a huge talk with a Vietnam Veteran on ANZAC day this year. He said something that really struck me as good and noble. He was a really switched on bloke and stated categorically that he would never allow what happened to him and his mates to happen to our generation of soldiers as long as he had breath. I reckon we owe a lot to our Vietnam vets. I feel that its because of them and what they went through that we haven't seen the hatred and mean-spiritedness that was piled onto them.
I'm now a Jane Fonda hater.
The 'peace movement' of which Hanoi Jane was a large part, was itself a myth. What they were after was not peace, it was defeat they wanted. Ask anyone who fled a communist country if 'peace' is what follows a communist takeover. The left of politics shows its dirtiest side during wartime, and they STILL support communist dictatorships. Last year, the leader of the worlds strongest dicatorship (China) and the worlds strongest democracy (USA) were here at the same time. One got plenty of attention, violent protests etc., the other largely escaped criticism by the protesters. Guess who copped the flak from the left? It's this support of whoever is our percieved enemy at the time, or who is behaving badly that we are trying to stop that p1sses me off. Automatically trying to oppose whatever we do actually seems fashionable. These shytes actually protested the first gulf war. I cant think of a clearer case for just use of armed forces than that war in recent times.
GeorgeD,just because I am so strident about my condemnation of the "Peace movement"
and the politicians for their actions in this war does not mean that they were the only
reason that it turned out to be such a cluster f§$&k,the US army must bear responsibility
for its totally failed tactics and strategy.The ratio of teeth to tail in Vietnam reach the
in credable level of 11 to 1 and at the time of the highest troop level (500,000) there
were 6000 grunts actively involved in engaging the enemy on any given day.The rest were
fixing the generals air conditioner,being lifeguards at China beach,or doing resupply for the PX,
you get the idea.However this does not mean that this war could not have been won
given com petant military and political leadership. The fact you did not learn this in
history says a lot about your history prof.,and that this is not general knowledge says
plenty about the media.
What is an average ratio usually?

What I learned about the Vietnam war was that most of the troops were black, drafted and that the US was involved in massacring every second village.

So basicly the Vietnam War was lost because of the people at home worked with the enemy, and the Commanders at home were incompetent... Did anyone ever go to jail over this?
You have just read, if you did read, the basics of those myths and how wrong they were, then you spout this shit.....a little logical thought on your part would go a long way, please exercise it.
Did you read the orginal article?