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Voluntary Occupational Transfer


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First off...if this topic is in the wrong spot - I apologize...wasn't sure what 'category' it fit into...

I'm currently awaiting my Infantry course in Ontario...was re-coursed due to medical issues.  I have put in a VOT (to armour)...but have heard several different things from a several different people.  Was wondering if anyone had an answer for sure.

1. Have considered VRing...and re-applying - due the wait time for a VOT (up to 18 mths)...how long must you wait before you can re-apply?

2. Does your VOT follow you?  Have been told by both senior NCO's and Officers...that even if I complete course and leave a trained Private - once I get to Pet (going 1 RCR)...my VOT will catch up to me...
I have a tough time believing that they are going to let a now 'trained' Private leave Infantry for another trade - BEFORE my contract is up.

Any help would be great...


Before you get told by a hundred people to do a search.... (and you should have)

Re-applying has a 6 month wait time.... and if the infantry trade is considered "red" you can't transfer out of it.

8 PL sucks, I've been there... and you will be on it the entire time you are waiting for your VOT.... keep that in mind.

And it IS in the wrong forum... there is an admin forum with a sub board for OT's.
This is what happened to me in my trade.  I wanted an OT.  My instructers told me that I had to handle it after my 3's.  The thing they do not tell you is that once your QL3 qualified, your stuck until your QL5 qualified with  (don't quote me on this number) 48 months of service.
