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Hi Everyone,
I have a question regarding waiting times. I applied into the ROTP hoping to get accepted as an ACSO in November 2010. I completed the CFAT, the med. exam and the test specified for the ACSO position, all of which I performed fairly well in. They told me now all I have to do is wait from the board to see whether or not I get accepted a job offer.

My question is when will I hear from them? Is there normally a specific time when they phone people regarding job offers? Also, even if I don't get the position will they still phone me and inform me that I didn't get it?

If anyone can help with any information at all that would be great. I realize it is a long process and you have to be patient, but I'm so anxious as to whether or not I got it! I tried ciphering through the threads to make sure this hasn't been covered, if it has I apologize in advance.

The call will take as long as it needs to, I'd suggest calling back in 2 weeks, but even that could be too soon.

If you're not accepted they will call you to inform you, and they will probably offer you your 2nd occupation choice.

A good idea is to search the various forums, there's plenty of information you could have acquired from there first.
Islander03 said:
My question is when will I hear from them? Is there normally a specific time when they phone people regarding job offers? Also, even if I don't get the position will they still phone me and inform me that I didn't get it?

As lethalLemon suggested, if you had looked through the previous ROTP threads you would have easily seen that the bulk of the offers start going out in mid-March to April. However, some applicants do not find out until May, June, or later. Either way, you WILL get a call, offer or no offer.

Also, I know it's hard to wait for such life-changing news, just do things to take your mind off of it for now. You're most likely going to get a call within the next two months, which isn't too long in the grand scheme of things.