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Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

Journeyman said:
Interesting. I've seen crossed cutlasses, "PTI," and those 'weighted juggling dumbell thingees that look like bowling pins'  (that's the technical term  ;)  ), but I've never seen tomahawks for PTIs.


Here is the answer I believe.  Dad said "Tomahawks"  I took that literally.  I did know of the "Indian club" and knew they were not bowling pins.  I just did not know what they were called until now. 

Shared under the provisions of Sec 29 of the copyright act.

Indian clubs -- is popular in the early 20th and late 19th century in US, some parts of Europe as well. It looks like a bowling pin, made of woods and comes with different sizes and weights and they are swung around. “They can range from a few pounds each, up to special clubs that can weigh as much as 50 pounds. They were used in carefully choreographed routines where the clubs were swung in unison by a group of exercisers, led by an instructor in the front, similar to modern aerobic classes. Indian club is used in India and is used by martial arts.


Danjanou said:
Just received this in my overnight emails  8)

Friggin Dogs.

Thanks Danjanou. :salute:

Lots of them crawling out of that hole. Check this out;  ( Heroes or Villains? the epidemic of military imposters page )


Gentlemen, I thank you for your input. The wheels are in motion to expose these two idiots. I feel sure that they will grace the pages of ANZMI for all to see. Why they do this sort of thing has me well and truly perplexed. They certainly need to do a bit more homework before they dress up like that again.
This is amusing:


There's a campaign in the UK to enact 'Stolen Valour' legislation to make it illegal to go A Walting Matilda. I'm proud to say it's being led by a former 1 PARA lad.


I'll keep my eye on it because I'll know I've made it when someone tries to impersonate me. He'll be easy to spot - the guy with the big mouth who never gets laid ;D
daftandbarmy said:
He'll be easy to spot - the guy with the big mouth who never gets laid ;D
You may have to narrow down that criteria just a tiny bit.....dammit.  :(
No, I merely suspect that there's quite a few 'guys with big mouths who never gets laid' -- not me, of course.  ;D
I got a good laugh out of your link daftandbarmy.

It is well known that a photo can tell a tale of a thousand words.
We do know that legitimate veterans are at times suspected as being 'walts' and only
after a thorough investigation are exonerated.
One must not forget the possibility of certain legitimate veteran operators passing themselves off as walts
or may look like walts because of their own low 'give a shyte' factor that prevails in the other guys' unmounted medal.
To work on the photograph, I took the liberty to rip it apart, then enlarged and sharpened
what I cropped.
Like I said, I'm not an ARRSE (lol), just an amateur that gives a shyte, and it's not my fault that I'm a bit analytical.

My focus was on what seems to resemble an Academy or Vietnam Veterans ring and compared it with photographs
on a google search. It was impossible to get a good fix on it though, and there is also the possibility of it being a wedding band.
I noticed the little 'playboy bunny' identifier, but then again, that could be an age spot of an odd form. I also noticed what
appears to be a scar running across the knuckle area which could be the result of some hand to hand combat, a skin fold, or
something else.
In his other hand I notice what appears to be a card with the "support the troops" monogram in the right corner.
Not to sure of it, but is that a harmonica he is holding in his left hand ?
In any case, even though these guys did a thorough job of their homework, they will eventually get nailed.

All in all, it was a good exercise.
I salute the guys at ARRSE and all others that give a shyte for their continual search of posers.

Have a great day

He also has all his fingernails, so it's quite possible he was never captured.

Also, for someone that spent that amount of time 'over there' he should know at least two good oriental tailors that could adjust the cuffs of his store bought shirt, if not make him custom silk ones outright. :sarcasm:

;D Just jerking the chain.
A different post on the picture here.

Then I found the posers in a video here, courtesy of the Courier Mail. Enjoy the rest of the video, they know haw to parade!  :salute:

Attachment from the video

Here's another from the US:


"He claimed his name was Thomas Lowry, served with weapons Co. 3rd Battalion 5th Marines. Claimed he was awarded the Navy Cross along with Lt. Brian Chontosh in Iraq. A quick check of the list of recent Navy Cross award recipients shows no Thomas Lowry and there is no mention of him in Lt. Chontosh’s citation.
Need to figure out how old and where he lives."

More at the link.

VIChris said:
Here's another from the US:


"He claimed his name was Thomas Lowry, served with weapons Co. 3rd Battalion 5th Marines. Claimed he was awarded the Navy Cross along with Lt. Brian Chontosh in Iraq. A quick check of the list of recent Navy Cross award recipients shows no Thomas Lowry and there is no mention of him in Lt. Chontosh’s citation.
Need to figure out how old and where he lives."

One of the comments:

Note the facial expression. He seems perplexed. Almost like he didn’t think what he was doing was a bad idea, right up until someone took his picture. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. That should be on a monument somewhere.


PMedMoe said:
Looks like a wallet or billfold to me.
Now that you mention it  ;D

This guy knew right off.
He points out their door.
Since this appears to be a Walt situation, I'll bring this into the already-existing gallery of wannabe odds and sods.
VIChris said:
Here's another from the US:


"He claimed his name was Thomas Lowry, served with weapons Co. 3rd Battalion 5th Marines. Claimed he was awarded the Navy Cross along with Lt. Brian Chontosh in Iraq. A quick check of the list of recent Navy Cross award recipients shows no Thomas Lowry and there is no mention of him in Lt. Chontosh’s citation.
Need to figure out how old and where he lives."

Best part of the expose is

And many of us wear men’s watches.

More at the link.
And many of us wear men’s watches.

It's not a watch.  It's a "Power Band" wrist band.  Just as stupid as if he were wearing a woman's watch, IMHO.

57Chevy said:
In his other hand I notice what appears to be a card with the "support the troops" monogram in the right corner.

On that note, if my suspicions are correct, these two clowns are more than just posers, but collect money
on false pretences for ill conceived purposes, themselves.
I strongly suggest that anyone out there with contacts down under make aware the appropriate authorities for action.
Good manhunting.
