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*waves* Starting the Reserve recruiting process

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Pandora114 said:
33...almost 34.  I told everyone I was weird a few posts up. 

That question was rhetorical.

Pandora114 said:
The footie PJ's are to keep me warm..... I don't like being cold when inside...hence why the footie jammies.  Cozy and warm, and the hood acts like a sleep cap, and Friendship is Magic damnit...  >:D  Ponies are cool, like bowties and Fez's.

I'm sure you can make do and be warm in the issue blankets,  sleeping bag, etc without the need to dress like a kid.  Like Scott said above,  don't draw attention to your self.  I've only been on 1-2 courses with females,  and they seemed to get by fine just wearing PT gear at night like the guys.

Pandora114 said:
The stuffed toy is habit, I sleep with one for the first three or four nights when my husband deploys.  Helps me get to sleep.  After that I'm good.  Used to have a cat when I was single.  Cat used to sleep with me.  It's just a habit thing,  as I said, I just need it for the first few nights then it'll go in the foot locker til home time.

If I were you,  I would consider breaking the habit of needing a teddy bear everytime you go away for courses,  and exercises.

Pandora114 said:
I think if I open my mouth to talk to anyone I'd draw attention to myself due to my nerdiness.  So unless I go through BMQ as a mute except for "Yes MCPL" "No MCPL" I think it's a given I'll stick out like a sore thumb regardless what I wear or don't wear...

When speaking to course staff,  there really isn't a lot more to say other then yes/no *insert rank*,  and answering questions.  As well as stating your name and service number.

BMQ is not the place to show off your individualism.
Pandora114 said:
I think if I open my mouth to talk to anyone I'd draw attention to myself due to my nerdiness.  So unless I go through BMQ as a mute except for "Yes MCPL" "No MCPL" I think it's a given I'll stick out like a sore thumb regardless what I wear or don't wear...


Keep going thinking you're so different, it's not going to affect anyone here - save for maybe having someone think you enjoy the attention.

Nerdy kids have done BMQ before. Long haired people have done BMQ before. I'd venture a guess that some long haired and nerdy girl might have squeaked through the recruiting process at some point before you. If you're the first then you can come back and tell me I am a big bad meanie.

You are making too much out of some very minor issues.

What do you want more? The hair, teddy bears and PJs? Or this so-called desire to serve? I see the curbs are pretty high for you at present and would not want teddy bears and tiddly winks to be burdensome.
You could shave your head thus putting you in a position to have more time to help your section mates get ready and do station jobs like cleaning and polishing and what not.

Whats more important, hair or freedom..
True.  It is rather silly...ok extremely so. 

The hair thing it's not that hard, toss it up in a bun.  I just wanted to know 1: how long I probably would have in the morning before the courses start or if I had to figure out ways to tame it at night and keep it that way..since it's easier to put up without flyaways when it's damp/wet.

And I wasn't talking about speaking to the staff with anything but yes/no *rank* and *name/Service number* was talking about interacting with the other people on my course.  Good thing I'm pretty good at keeping my head down in general and doing what I'm told, despite the stuff I posted.  I like being a bit silly...but it's a bad idea, and I won't do it.

Its BSERE, not BSEAR.  If anyone is cold on BSERE, its because they let their fire die out.  That could be a PC failure right there.  8)

* actually it is called Air Ops Land Survival or something now, I'd have to look at my MPRR for the name change from BSERE...because there really was no "ERE" in the crse.

Pandora114 said:
1: how long I probably would have in the morning before the courses start

It all depends on your course.  My course got up at 5am and had to be shaven and outside in PT gear formed up for 5:15am.  You may have to get up at 4:50amto give yourself extra time. Some people are really slow and spin and get up at 4:30am and start cleaning and stuff. If you do that people will hate you and cut the feet off your weirdo PJs.

On a friendly note; if you show up on course and you happen to stick out for being different some people may construe it as an act to get attention from guys and/or the staff and build up some serious resentment about it. 
ObedientiaZelum said:
It all depends on your course.  My course got up at 5am and had to be shaven and outside in PT gear formed up for 5:15am.  You may have to get up at 4:50amto give yourself extra time. Some people are really slow and spin and get up at 4:30am and start cleaning and stuff. If you do that people will hate you and cut the feet off your weirdo PJs.

On a friendly note; if you show up on course and you happen to stick out for being different some people may construe it as an act to get attention from guys and/or the staff and build up some serious resentment about it.

What if I don't intend to stick out, but do anyway? (as in just wear normal PJ's to bed and no stuffed toy)  I'm not gonna lie.  I was bullied like mad in high school just because of who I was/am, and seriously, I wasn't trying to stick out, I just did.  If that's gonna be the case  during BMQ, then I might have to figure out another job because I refuse to be bullied by anyone who isn't a higher rank than I am.    Sure I can wear normal PJ's, not bring a stuffed toy..not play video games, not read any of my books...but other than not talking to anyone and keeping to myself (Not very condusive to building a team environment IMO)  the cat will be out of the bag so to speak. 

To be honest, other than my husband and immediate family, I have not had much in the way of adult interaction since my kids were born.  Awkward doesn't even begin to describe me.  Tried to get myself out there with the other military wives through the MFRC but I just didn't click.

BMQ might make or break me, I dunno...I figure it's worth a shot. 
Wow,  I have to apply Gold Bond cream, every time I read this thread!


Really, no REALLY?  In one thread you have managed to let us know of so many annoying faults, and that is not even touching the ones you have told us!

Dude, you sure the military is for you?  I mean fast food joints offer job opportunity, and a chance to mingle with people your emotional age.  Just a suggestion.



I'm not intending to demoralize you at all, be who you want to be and all that.  Your stuffed toy could turn out to become your course's mascot and it can end up on the course T-shirt. Or someone could be an asshole and hide it on you.

Common sense comes into play too. You should realize there is a difference between playing video games, reading nerd books *cough* and wearing PJs that you'd commonly find on a 3 year old.

[You're going to become a soldier. Refuse to be bulled by anyone regardless of their rank or size]

Having kids will prepare you in dealing with 17 year olds on course.

But speaking about kids if a 30 year old adult showed up on a course I was teaching on with 3 year old style PJs and a stuffed animal I wouldn't take them very seriously

and if anyone gave me any "Morale" it was 48th up there.  Sorry, think I'm not able to do it? got another thing coming buddy. 

This is just a really *big* step for me and I"m understandably nervous.  Especially since this is stepping out of the sidelines and into the line of fire so to speak.  Finding out how the other half lives in a way.  (Well not really since my husband is Chairforce...and he gets to stay in hotels when he goes off to deploy)nda

Change only comes when the pain of remaining the same is more than the pain brought on by the change itself.  Bring it.  That's all I gotta say. 
Pandora114 said:
I'm starting the process of joining the local Army Reserve as an RMS Clerk. 

Might be time to gear-back on the 'drama talk'.  You're making FAR to big of a deal over a simple BMQ course. :2c:
:salute: Understood..

Sorry bout that...

Thanks for the advice to those who gave it.  It really is appreciated.

Just pretty nervous about this whole thing is all...and when I'm nervous I overanalyze.
It's a reserve BMQ nothing to over-analyze.

do what you are told, do it well the first time and you'll have fun and get through it.

ObedientiaZelum said:
Remember an open mind is easily filled with doubt  ;)

And beware the forces of the Immaterium. Nice reference there Astartes! :)
mmm WH 40k..

Battletech family here.


I'll only play mech warrior online if they bring in Urbie...I love that little mech.
Another question:

My swimming ability is piss poor at best.  I think a granite boulder swims better than I do.  We don't have the cash for swimming lessons for me at the moment..how badly will this impact me in BMQ?  I did let my recruiter know that I never learned how to swim.

Why I never learned how is not important.  The fact is, I don't know how to swim, and we don't have the finances to pay for lessons at my local PSP even at the discounted rate I get.
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