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Weird stolen valour encounter


Army.ca Veteran
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Just came across a guy on the internet nonchalantly telling the world that he was going up into the Arctic circle to ''plug a hole to keep the russians away'' or words to that effect, as part of the ''Canadian Special Reserve Force''.

Does that even exist? Never heard of it. I was excited at first when he mentioned the arctic circle - having personally been deployed there recently -, but then the mention of Russians and special forces had my spidey senses tingling.

Questioned him a bit and he eventually said he was too lazy to be RegF SF so he was with ''the reservation''.

Double take.

The what? Indian reservation? ''Haha no'', he says, ''Though I have deployed to help the indians and they still don't want us there the fuckers.''

Not very Canadian of you... Anyway, what command are you with? ''CANSOFCOM''. Mhm.

''I wanted to be JTAC but I can't because I took a round in the shoulder in Iraq''. ''Two tours in Iraq, so combat veteran!''

Two tours in Iraq! Oh okay so what operation was he on? ''That's classified, can't tell you!'' Yet, you are telling me about it... and about how you're going to the arctic to fight off Russians in two weeks?

Cue me: aight buddy, 9 times outta 10, when someone on the internet says they're SF/SOF, they're full of shit. Based on this conversation, I don't believe you're the exception so please just stop talking about it.

''Idc i don't go nuthing 2 prove 2 you''

Please just stop.

''bruh I just said I was going off for the summer and you act all like prove it xD ''


Why are people like this?

He also said he was reserve because he's a student, which could make sense if he didn't also excuse his use of the word ''reservation'' on the basis that his English is terrible. Said ''the Army'' was paying for his studies. Oh, how does it? ''Just enough, otherwise I wouldn't have enough''. Ah.
JTF-ARC recruits sexy teens to fight Russians while they finish college. The school they train with is coded/nicknamed “the Reservation”.

It’s routine to test peoples claims of having been in the school by asking how many stones surround the sacred fire? ( the answer is zero- there is no sacred fire at the school)

Last I heard Netflix didn’t renew it for a second season,
Just came across a guy on the internet nonchalantly telling the world that he was going up into the Arctic circle to ''plug a hole to keep the russians away'' or words to that effect, as part of the ''Canadian Special Reserve Force''.

Does that even exist? Never heard of it. I was excited at first when he mentioned the arctic circle - having personally been deployed there recently -, but then the mention of Russians and special forces had my spidey senses tingling.

Questioned him a bit and he eventually said he was too lazy to be RegF SF so he was with ''the reservation''.

Double take.

The what? Indian reservation? ''Haha no'', he says, ''Though I have deployed to help the indians and they still don't want us there the fuckers.''

Not very Canadian of you... Anyway, what command are you with? ''CANSOFCOM''. Mhm.

''I wanted to be JTAC but I can't because I took a round in the shoulder in Iraq''. ''Two tours in Iraq, so combat veteran!''

Two tours in Iraq! Oh okay so what operation was he on? ''That's classified, can't tell you!'' Yet, you are telling me about it... and about how you're going to the arctic to fight off Russians in two weeks?

Cue me: aight buddy, 9 times outta 10, when someone on the internet says they're SF/SOF, they're full of shit. Based on this conversation, I don't believe you're the exception so please just stop talking about it.

''Idc i don't go nuthing 2 prove 2 you''

Please just stop.

''bruh I just said I was going off for the summer and you act all like prove it xD ''


Why are people like this?

He also said he was reserve because he's a student, which could make sense if he didn't also excuse his use of the word ''reservation'' on the basis that his English is terrible. Said ''the Army'' was paying for his studies. Oh, how does it? ''Just enough, otherwise I wouldn't have enough''. Ah.

Well, if he's only going as far north as the Arctic Circle he's not going far enough... away from the rest of us.

Some of these types of Walts have genuine mental health issues and are best left alone.
My guess is that overindulgence in Glenmorangie Special Reserve is a pathway to membership in this Special Reserve unit.
Where do I sign up for this Special Reserve, I'm in? Would anyone else like to join too?

Seem to be hard to join in Canada.
Sounds to me like the real deal. I’ve no doubt at all he was a member of the Special K Forces…

Ryan Gosling Cereal GIF