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What is webbing?

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On my bro's list of things to bring it says webbing but we got no clue what it is, I dont think he was issued it.....as he was not issused alot of his gear and its been nearly 2 years he has been in... =(
help is greatly appreciated!

ps I jsut got sworn in on tuesday! woot Pte(r) lol
Webbing is a harness for kit worn over the shoulders and around the waist. The CF hasn't issued webbing for years (in most cases that I know of) it was replaced by the TacVest although I have seen some people still using it on exercise and deployment, mainly C9 LMG gunners.
This probably would have been answered if you took the time to do a search.

To entertain your question: "Webbing" generally refers to the old 82 pattern webgear (consisting of a yolk, waistbelt, various pouches and straps to make a web-like contraption). It is not general issue anywhere in Canada anymore. Regardess of whether he is Reg Force or Reserve Force he should have been issued a Tac-Vest by now, which takes the place of the webbing as the standard Full Fighting Order. Some of the old timers in the CF refer to it as webbing as a force of habit. If he doesn't have that issued, he needs to visit his QM and get it issued before he goes on whatever exercise he needs it in.

Personally, I doubt many people care that you were sworn in, especially as it doesn't relate to the main topic. You'll quickly learn not to spout off useless information like that during your career in the military. I learned this the hard way.
Looks something like this:


Chances are, if he doesn't know what it is, he hasn't been issued it.
Canadian F0rces,

Congratulations on getting sworn in!! I am sure you are very proud and excited by the fact that you have taken a huge life changing step!  Feel free to tell anyone you want and make sure to change your profile to reflect the fact that you are now a CF member!!

As for the topic you are posting about, your question has been answered in here but I wonder if you should be using your brother's list of things to bring rather than get your OWN information.  If he's been in two years, things have changed in the schools and some items that were previously "required" are no longer.  Make sure you use the joining instructions that were given to YOU and not your brother.  His list of things is not your list of things.

Canadian Mind thank you so much for "entertaining" his question I am sure your answer helped much more than the one above you posted by Teflon.  Mind you, his wasn't joined by a condescending attitude and negative comment.

I like Teflon's answer better now that I think of it.

Canadian Mind said:
This probably would have been answered if you took the time to do a search.

To entertain your question: "Webbing" generally refers to the old 82 pattern webgear (consisting of a yolk, waistbelt, various pouches and straps to make a web-like contraption). It is not general issue anywhere in Canada anymore. Regardess of whether he is Reg Force or Reserve Force he should have been issued a Tac-Vest by now, which takes the place of the webbing as the standard Full Fighting Order. Some of the old timers in the CF refer to it as webbing as a force of habit. If he doesn't have that issued, he needs to visit his QM and get it issued before he goes on whatever exercise he needs it in.

Personally, I doubt many people care that you were sworn in, especially as it doesn't relate to the main topic. You'll quickly learn not to spout off useless information like that during your career in the military. I learned this the hard way.

Yes, it might have been found had the person searched. Funny though, I thought the DS counseled people here. It might have flown under the radar were it not for the ending of your post which I find to be rude and condescending. Perhaps there is a reason YOU had to learn the hard way, perhaps rushing to snap judgments about others was one of them.

In the future, unless you have something meaningful to contribute (and by this I mean that you COULD have if you had have just left the middle part of your post) then just feel free to cruise on by.

Army.ca Staff
Try engaging yours before yapping off.
I see you're still learning yet.
Canadian Mind said:
This probably would have been answered if you took the time to do a search.

And just to add confusion, I have no objection to anybody gently suggesting that somebody else use the Search Function.

Personally, I doubt many people care that you were sworn in,

I care, actually, and I'm quite happy for him. My only irritant was the excessive use of "lol", which I define as any number of times per post greater than zero.

especially as it doesn't relate to the main topic.

Neither more nor less than that remark, and the following one of yours...

You'll quickly learn not to spout off useless information like that during your career in the military.

See what I mean?

I learned this the hard way.

Apparently the lesson was not learned as well as you thought.

Congratulations, CANADIAN FORCES.
Yes, I was wrong here. I could have presented my opinion in a better manner. My apologies to CANADIAN F0RCES, and I hope it is as much of a learning experiance for him as it [still] is for me.
Canadian Mind said:
It is not general issue anywhere in Canada anymore. Regardess of whether he is Reg Force or Reserve Force he should have been issued a Tac-Vest by now, which takes the place of the webbing as the standard Full Fighting Order.

Along with the [shitty green garbage bag] rain gear and OD "goretex" cold weather coat right? Because I seem to have all 3, with only the webbing, of all things, being in good condition.
Thanks for making me feel older than dirt! Off to walk my pet Stegasaurus now after strapping on my 64 patt canteen carrier :crybaby:... sigh
cheeky, now that you mention it, I do seem to remember seeing one of the 2Lt in my unit wearing webbing at our last range day.  He's on Tcat. 

So to top things off, the advice given by an all knowing Mind was not even correct!

I recommend the locking of this thread as the horse has been beaten and the answer has been given.

cheeky_monkey said:
Along with the [shitty green garbage bag] rain gear and OD "goretex" cold weather coat right? Because I seem to have all 3, with only the webbing, of all things, being in good condition.

Get over yourself.

Most of us still have the green rain gear issued (Though personally, I never wear it, I unrolled it for the first time in years a few months ago, it still had no-hook slip ons), the differences between the cadpat and the green goretex jacket are marginal, both will keep you dry, and the webbing is still perfectly functional for what you need. It's still issued to certain groups, I know I saw a navy PLQ course conducting mod six, marching around in green combats and wearing webbing... six months ago.


Forgot to go on my rant. I'm sick of people refusing to "get with the times". Referring to the tac-vest as "webbing" is one thing, it's not overly harmful, but those of us who wear the tac vest regularly enough to talk about it haven't worn webbing in a long time.

It does however irritate me even more when people refuse to do such things as update joining instructions, kit lists, etc.

"All troops should have the new type of rain gear issued as the old type has been found to be ineffective" was a line in a set of joining instructions two years ago which caused a great deal of confusion and irritation. The joining instructions were referring to the old american style rain gear vs the new green rain gear, but resulted in some very irate people demanding cadpat raingear while waving the joining instructions, despite the fact the american style rain gear hadn't been issued for a long time.

Another one that irritates me is the inclusion of melmac plate/cup on so many kit lists... if I were to approach a flying kitchen with a melmac plate in hands now, they'd likely turn me away!
I still have my issued 51 pattern webbing, had to turn in the 82 pattern, but was able to keep the SMG mag pouches.
The question was answered. No need to let this one fester any longer.

Milnet.ca Staff
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