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What trades do promotions come faster in?

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Do you have a particular area you are interested in for starters? Officer or NCM? Army, Navy or Air Force? Any particular branch? Etcetera.

PS: As anyone will say, you should choose an occupation you would like.
Promotions can come fast and furious regardless of what trade you are in, if you are motivated, keen, and have a firm grasp of what your job/trade entails AND most important there are positions open at higher ranks.  But first you actually have to get in the military.
Ammotech90 is right. Things can pretty much change at any moment. But a major factor in a promotion or rank increase is you, the person being promoted.

Do what is required of you, do what you need to do. Be motivated and be a team player and you'll get jumped up in no time.

This applies to any job (that has multiple levels of employment).

:) Good luck.
Thanks, so I guess my question is, what trades tend to have positions open at higher ranks on a regular basis?
Ok-Not one to usually chime in, but in my opinion your question has been asked and answered. I don't believe anyone on here can give you a real answer on what is going to happen in the future, if they can I would not mind knowing the lotto numbers for next week  :).
Newguy1 said:
Thanks, so I guess my question is, what trades tend to have positions open at higher ranks on a regular basis?

Complete the recruiting process first, THEN, IF you become competent at your trade (among other criteria), you can worry about your career aspirations.  Your priorities are messed up.


Hatchet Man
Army.ca staff
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