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Whats your oppinion on Cadets wearing maroon berets...

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Maroon Berets

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 54.5%
  • NO

    Votes: 10 45.5%

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just something I remembered while lookin on another forum

when I was *gasp* an army cadet 2 years ago, when I was at Vernon, for CL, i remember seeing some Cadets in Maroon berets, they were from a PPCLI cadet unit in Edmonton I believe, none of the cadets I saw were jump qual, I think one may have had his Mock Tower wings, but thats it

I‘m not for cadets wearing Maroon berets, since there just imitating that the airborne, an some think they are airborne an elite cadets

Maroon Beret‘s are earned, not issued

anyways, your thoughts on this
Just something of intrest on this. I was watching my CIC supply officer order uniform parts for my Air Cadet squadron, and could not help but notice you could order maroon berets. For CIC officer in the air cadets you are allowed to order blue berets. I asked the supply officer to try and order one. A week later we received the maroon beret. I was baffeled and still em, to the reason there are maroon berets for Air cadet CIC officers on the logistics website. Stupid REMF‘s. :D

dont bash the REMF‘s

if CIC‘s are allowed to order them, it‘s not the Supp Tech‘s fault for sending it

I dunno why Air Cadet(any cadets for that matter) CIC‘s would be allowed to order a maroon beret

Maroon beret‘s should only be for people with the Qualification
Correct me if I‘m wrong, but I thought maroon beret is only worn by guys in jump coys or CPC staff.

Having jump wings doesn‘t qualify you from wearing maroon beret.
I disagree with those who say that cadets, althogh not qualified, should not wear the green beret. I do agree that shure they are not elite so they should not wear it. But Cadets follow all traditions and wear the same acoutrements as those in their affiliated units. I wear a logistics cap badge that those in the reserves that have more training in that fleid than me cannot wear. Is that not the same case as the maroon beret? I do honour the Airborne soldiers of the regiment that has so sourly been disbanded but since they are affiliated then it is right just the same with Cadets affiliated to infantry units wear red sashes.....and cadets in pioneer guard units... they are elite but are the cadets in them elite? think about it
Like it or not, army cadet corps affiliated with standing regiments are entitled to wear the same dress as that regiment (just like Grant said).

If the regiment, the Area Cadet Officer, and the Regional Cadet Support Unit all sign off on non-cadet standard dress -- such as a maroon beret -- then you don‘t really have much to complain about. The 3021 RCACC website makes it clear that after the CAR was disbanded, the corps rebadged to PPCLI but retained the maroon beret:

To show our respect to the regiment which was sadly disbanded, we yell Airborne at dismissal each and every training night. We also wear the maroon berret. We‘re proud to have been Airborne and will always wear the Airborne name: If not on our uniforms then in our hearts.
That said, whether you like it or not, I think it‘s well within any ex-CAR soldier‘s rights to make d@mned sure that the maroon beret is worn with the proper amount of respect and professionalism. And yes, I‘ve known many 18 year old WOs who were just as professional -- if not more so -- than their Reg or PRes counterparts.

And I think blue berets are stupid!
Correct me if I‘m wrong, but I thought maroon beret is only worn by guys in jump coys or CPC staff.

Having jump wings doesn‘t qualify you from wearing maroon beret.
true, you can only wear the maroon beret if you have jump qual, an in a airborne Coy
I disagree with those who say that cadets, althogh not qualified, should not wear the green beret.
Grant, this thread isnt about green berets being worn by cadets, its about Maroon berets being worn by Cadets
It‘s been said before in the thread - Army Cadet units are entitled to wear the dress of their affiliated PRes and RegF unit, so if they are affiliated with a unit where everyone wears a maroon beret, then they are entitled.

I found it hilarious, though, when I logged on to Logistik to get myself more work dress shirts, only to find that I could order both blue and maroon berets.

Yet I can‘t order a replacement for my cap badge.

Go figure.
I haven‘t posted here much, but I was a cadet, so it sparks an interest...

Army Cadet units are entitled to wear the dress of their affiliated PRes and RegF unit, so if they are affiliated with a unit where everyone wears a maroon beret, then they are entitled.
I agree that cadets can and should wear dress affiliated with their unit, but personally I don‘t think cadets should wear the maroon berets (though they‘ve totally earned their jump wings, and should wear them with pride). Now relating to the quote, there are no units where everyone wears a maroon beret, only JUMP-QUALIFIED personell at the CPC, the Skyhawks, and the jump coys of RCR, PPCLI, R22R, and the QOR. Though there are cadet units affiliated to these units, I just don‘t think that cadets should wear something that the paratroopers work so hard to become part of (though I know army cadets work very hard for it too, they‘re not paratroopers).

Anyway, that‘s my opinion, feel free to disagree.
I‘m only guessing, don‘t know for sure. I thought you had to be in a hard jump position to wear the maroon beret. If your not in a current jump Coy/ pos‘n, you wear the regt‘l headress. Right?
The only cadet corps that were authorized to wear the maroon beret, in the past, were those affiliated with the CAR. Even though the regiment has been disbanded there are still some corps that maintain the affiliation and thus are authorized to wear the maroon beret and Airborne Regiment capbadge. This is not a unique occurrence in the RCAC. There are several corps that are affilated with regiments that are no longer in existance: there are corps who wear the accoutrements and badges of the Irish Fusiliers, the Winnipeg Grenadiers, and the Manitoba Dragoons - all regiments that have been removed from the order of battle.
As for my opinion on cadets wearing maroon berets - if their corps is affiliated with the CAR, defunct or not, then of course they should wear them! Does this make the cadets of those corps paratroopers? - of course not. They are, however, representatives of the unit and part of the regimental family - just as the cadets in highland corps wear their unit‘s regimental tartan or cadets who‘s affiliated unit is armoured wear a black beret.
I see nothing wrong about them wearing the Maroon. Two of my daughters were with the CAR and 3 RCR Cadets. Cadets have been wearing Blk, Maroon, Blamorals since Cadets were around. They both had their Mock Tower wings also. It gives Cadets units pride and history.
I‘m sorry but the maroon beret is a sacred headdress, with no equal in the CF. All these arguments supporting an affiliated cadet corps‘ "right" to look like the parent unit are absurd if you are dealing with the issue of the maroon beret. The maroon beret is not a red sash or a balmoral, it is in a league of its own, pure and simple. You don‘t put it on unless you‘ve earned it. That means jumping out of a plane a number of times, not spending three hours a week at the local legion hall. I would argue that a cadet SNCO has put his/her time in, done significant leadership training, and has earned his/her red sash.

On one of my cadet rifle courses back in the 90s I remember one young girl on my course who would stroll around at the range in her boots, combat pants, an Airborne Regiment maroon t-shirt and a maroon beret, complete with CAR capbadge. What a sight. Local CAR staff were not amused. Yes, she was in an Airborne Regiment cadet corps, but other branches at that time would put their kids in green berets with the CAR capbadge. What‘s wrong with that? Do these kids need to parade around like supertrooper elite soldiers? Let‘s show a little respect.
I disagree.
If this is the case then the cadets who
wear the citation for 2 PPCLI should not
be allowed,right?

As for the sacred remark,no.

This is from one who has been temp duty with them
for 8 months in 87.I respect them but do not
worship the CAR.

You all have a great weekend & will see you monday.

I think we need to draw the line somewhere, and the maroon beret is the place to do it. And I don‘t see why PPCLI cadets need to be wearing the U.S. Pres Unit Citation. Plus, there are many airborne soldiers who would consider their berets much more than simply "different" and "distinct". MP berets are different and distinct.
Maybe i did not understand your post.

To me the word sacred means something holy,
a relic of some importance to the faithful.
A symbol of power & goodness.

Your talking about,basicaly,a hat.
It keeps your head dry & worn for along
time,produces male pattern baldness.

All units that have a different colour berets
think that theirs is the best. So be it.
It,s their right to be proud of their unit.
But please chose your words with more care
when discribing things as sacred.
I,m a non-believer & even i find that disturbing.

Your description of the word "sacred" is exactly how many would describe the airborne brotherhood and all of its associated symbols.

Yes, we‘re just talking about a hat, but I think you know full well that the maroon beret is much more than just a hat. I know many people that would view my words as highly appropriate and applicable, so we‘ll just have to respectfully disagree.
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