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Whats your oppinion on Cadets wearing maroon berets...

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Maroon Berets

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 54.5%
  • NO

    Votes: 10 45.5%

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Thank-you for your insites.

We have a different view on unit pride

You have given me a opposite point that i will
have to think on.

It,s nice to be able to disagree about a topic
& not have it go to a personal level.
I agree to respectfuly disagree on this.
You have a great day RNW.
"Your description of the word "sacred" is exactly how many would describe the airborne brotherhood and all of its associated symbols."

Wow. Nicely said. I think we should take anyone who wears maroon colours and stone them. One of my units colours is maroon. Our t-shirts are maroon. I probably shouldn‘t wear a maroon t-shirt anymore though even if it‘s our tradition, it‘s not sacred.

You my friend, i think, are putting a little too much reverence into something you, i believe, were never a part of.
You remind me of some individuals wearing a maroon beret in the field at -40C.

It‘s cadets tradition to wear the headress of their regiment.
I‘m as proud of my beret and old balmoral as any jumper is proud of their wings.
There‘s no need for silly exaggerations. What we‘re talking about is a simple issue of respect for the army‘s hardest-earned headdress.
If the cadets want to wear distinctive colors, then they should earn them like their reg force parent units. Just because you‘re jump tasked doesn‘t mean you get a maroon beenie. Even Airborne has to wear green until they‘re qualified. If that wasn‘t the case I would have worn one for three years. Then again, the cadets outnumber us. Perhaps we should alow teenagers to make a mockery of our traditions. Mind you, when I was a cadet in the 80‘s we actually had to earn the right to wear unit colors.
When Cadets first came about you WERE a Soldier apprentice at 16. Before that you were a Drummer, a Mess boy, Boy Piper, etc. Since the 1600s yng soldiers wore the same dress as their parent units. At Waterloo, boy solders (drummers)wore the Red Serge of the Scots Greys, Kilts, Toppies, etc. At Balacava, The Bulers of the 17/21 Lancers wore the Flat Top, Hussars the caps. In the Boar War boys wore the same cap badge and head dress of the RCD,RCR,Strats, etc. The all wore the same medals, commandations,colours of their REGT. For they were part of the Regt.
Cadets today wear the Beret, Glen, Balmoral of their parent unit. PEOPLE READ F$%KING HISTORY. In Britain Para Cadets wear the Maroon, Armour the Blk, Rifle the green, Scot the Glen or Balmoral.

Bold and Swift/ Airborne.
I have never worn the maroon beret, but do have my "cherry" wings. I do know the pride, and loyalty to what it represents. That being said, if an associated unit (at the cadet level) wears it with the same regard and respect I can see no harm in it. Same as wearing of the cap badge- did that 13 year old cadet pass his battleschool to earn that capbadge like I had to? No. Will he probably hold it to at least the same level of respect- the ones I have met do.
Just my .02 cents
Good for you guys with the maroon berets.I'm an air cadet we blue berets we look like U.N peace keepers. :rage:

Tell me what a blue beret means besides U.N. peacekeeper
UN berets are a different shade of blue than the Airforce ones.  And no, not the same difference as between Armoured Black and Navy Blue.  There actually is a difference, the Airforce is slightly darker...or the UN is slightly lighter.
On the issue of a whole Corps wearing the maroon beret I would have to disagree. But I wouldn't disagree if an individual cadet in question has done basic para. Then I'm, sure they will not ever disgrace their uniform because of the dedication and leadership that would have to take place to get to that level. Then, I feel, a cadet has earned the right to a maroon beret to accent his jump wings.
I don't really charish the thought of the Air Force or Air Cadets wearing berets anyhow. The only time I don't mind seeing berets on Air Force personnel is if your in the RAF Regiment in England.
Sgt.Fitzpatrick said:
Good for you guys with the maroon berets.I'm an air cadet we blue berets we look like U.N peace keepers. :rage:

Tell me what a blue beret means besides U.N. peacekeeper
Why would you be wearing a blue beret? Air Cadets only ever wear blue berets in Combats, on exercises and at Staff, and only on approval from the CO. Are you not wearing your Wedge at your LHQ? Maybe you should try reading the CATO's www.cadets.ca/_docs/cato-oaic/5504_b.pdf Page 5. Next time don't say "We" Air Cadets wear blue berets. "We" Air Cadets wear Blue Wedges, and on special occasions, wear Air Force Blue Berets. Next time try some research, might make your post more credible.
Why would you be wearing a blue beret? Air Cadets only ever wear blue berets in Combats, on exercises and at Staff, and only on approval from the CO. Are you not wearing your Wedge at your LHQ? Maybe you should try reading the CATO's www.cadets.ca/_docs/cato-oaic/5504_b.pdf Page 5. Next time don't say "We" Air Cadets wear blue berets. "We" Air Cadets wear Blue Wedges, and on special occasions, wear Air Force Blue Berets. Next time try some research, might make your post more credible.

    You your right we do wear blue wedges at are LHQ.We  only wear the blue  berets in combats only. :fifty:
It is an article of dress, it is plain and simply a hat. We, the CF, have placed a value and restrictions on the permissions to wear it. To those soldiers who have earned it then I commend them and the hard work that they have put into meeting the standards. But these are cadets and we are developing an interest in the CF. Cadet wear the maroon beret of thier affiliated unit, I'm not sure if they place limitations on wearing the beret or not (i.e after Green Star has successfully completed), and it is up to the Cadet and affiliated unit to develop pride in this headdress.

His has already been said that cadets wear the cap badge of thier unit, where are CF pers have placed a value on this badge restricting this to soldiers who have completed trade training, cadets do not have exactly the same restrictions. Recce 4-1 has said it better than I could have.

Here is an additional question to those who have posted here, to some of you who's experience is limited to a couple of weekends in the reserves and cadets, why are so concerned about a unit you were not a part of and beret you never wore...

Cadets are cadets and soldiers are soldiers.... members of the CF should know the difference on sight... wait until you have a modicum of TI, then make comments...

Sorry, I guess I'm having and angry day...


everyone is saying unit pride history and what not...  PPCLI is the unit am i right  not the jump company there of.  so the cadets should wear the maroon bertet with the ppcli cap badge if they are not in the jump company. jus tlike the rest of the ppcli.  as for cic ordering maroon berets, it has nothing to do with logistek.  it is the ordering site for all of the CF.  and it would be pretty stupid for them to set up seperate sites for all the different regiments.  no CIC officer will ever wear one.  acctually i shouldn't say that.  there was a CIC officer on the Sky Halks last year, i am not sure if they wear the maroon beret or not.  but as it was said before the maroon beret is erned not issued.  thats just how i feel on this.
I remember meeting cadets that wore the maroon beret with CAR badges and the actual CAR members didn't mind. As long as you didn't run around with full airborne PT gear, they were cool because you were in uniform and you represented the unit you were affiliated to. What's wrong with that???

By the way...aren't para coy members (newer members that is) infantry soldiers that just get 'posted' to the company?? Upon entry, they're issued a maroon beret; there's no commando indoc. course anymore.
if they were affiliated with the CAR then i would see no problem in that, but they are affiliated with the PPCLI or RCR ect...  the regiment is not airborne, just the company is.  that is what i was trying to say.  and as far as i know the maroon beret is still only worn by members that are serving with an active jump unit and serving on jump status. 

with the red berets i see no problem as they are the regiments color.  and as for intel, i am not sure if there are any cadet corps out there affiliated with them.  if there is let me know.  this is just how i feel, everyone is entitled to there own opinion though.

I see Old School is as witty and charming as ever.  I guess if he ever learned to type we will all be in big trouble.

The maroon beret is not an honourary distinction, it is an item of kit, as has been pointed out.  The qualification is represented by the jump wings, which are indeed hard to earn, and guess what - only cadets who earn them are allowed to wear them.

The Presidential Unit Citation and Commander In Chief citation are a different matter, as has been pointed out.  I'll also point out the Oakleaf shoulder badge worn by the Canadian Scottish Regiment and Calgary Highlanders.  The affiliate cadet corps, in Calgary at least, does not wear the metal oakleaf because it was an honourary distinction earned in combat by the affiliate unit.  The Canadian Scottish raised three battalions in World War Two, and only the first battalion was permitted the oakleaf as part of its dress regs.  I would not suspect the PPCLI cadets to wear either the PUC or the Commander-In-Chief citation.

But the maroon beret was selected NOT to recognize qualified jumpers but as a matter of unit recognition.  Major General Frederick Browning selected the colour during World War Two in order to make the new parachute troops stand out.  There is no reason that logic can't be applied tot he affiliated cadet corps.

The maroon beret is simply a unit identifier, NOT a badge of any special qualification nor is it in any way "sacred."  No doubt it is highly prized by those who had the privilege of serving in Canadian parachute units (and still is), but no less prized than the Armoured Corps beret, or the diced glengarries of the Highland and Scottish units.
there are people serving in 3 PPCLI who wear green headdress, because they are not qualified...  only people who have the para course are allowed to wear the maroon beret.  they also get the white leaf... 
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