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When Do YOU Stop?

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        I am talking about killing.  Its is a hard subject for many to talk about and I decided to bring it up. When you are told to Kill someone or something in the army/navy/air force... you do it... but when would YOU personally say "No, I won't kill that person."    I have very controversial views as to those of my peers, I say that there is no limit... when I have a command to kill someone, friend, foe or family member... I'll obey... which brings me to my next comment, Please do NOT refrain from saying your personal opinion UNLESS it completely slashes anyone elses personal opinion directly, confilcting ideas are alright but don't say "Your opinion is WRONG!!" because I dont like that...

please and thankyou for your opinions!! :salute: :cdn:
AspiringL.I. said:
when I have a command to kill someone, friend, foe or family member... I'll obey... which

You have no way of knowing what you would do until you're in that position, pray to God you won't ever be.  Those who have killed people (a pretty small minority in the CF these days) usually don't talk about it much. 

Maybe we can get some virgins on the board to talk about sex, next.

Suggest this be locked.
Then it shall be......
Aspiring LI......make like a lawyer and rephrase the question, you might find what you are looking for.
The Laws of Armed Conflict (LOAC) set conditions to measure appropriateness of lethal force.   They also explicity ban lethal force in some circumstances (e.g. against prisoners of war).   Rules of Engagement (ROEs) will further define this.   If your order to kill is incompatable with either international law or your ROEs (which are based on Canadian & international law), then that order would be unlawful and you would be expected not to obey.

[Moderator note:  Edited for clarity - no alternation to "meaning"]
AspiringL.I. said:
I say that there is no limit... when I have a command to kill someone, friend, foe or family member... I'll obey...

First of all, the Nuremburg Trials affirmed that "you were only following orders" is an invalid defence for commiting atrocities or "war crimes".

Secondly, very recently it has been re-affirmed that "crimes against humanity" are a very, very bad thing.

Thus, a word of advice (since you apparently haven't learned this yet, and your opinion is perceived to be unacceptable to international law) - if you ever receive an order to commit an atrocity, war crime, or crime against humanity ... don't.
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