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WO Brown, Cpl. Fortin and Cpl. O'Quinn Killed by IED-03 March 09

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3 Canadian soldiers killed by roadside bomb in Afghanistan
CBC News

Three Canadian soldiers were killed and two injured in Afghanistan after an improvised explosive device detonated near their armoured vehicle.

Warrant Officer Dennis Raymond Brown, Cpl. Dany Fortin and Cpl. Kenneth O'Quinn were killed Tuesday evening when a roadside bomb detonated during a patrol in Arghandab District, about 10 kilometres northwest of Kandahar City on Tuesday, said said Brig.-Gen. Jon Vance, the new commander of Canadian troops in Afghanistan.

The soldiers were sent into the area as part of Canada's Quick Reaction Force to respond to a call by the Afghan National Police after an IED was found on the main supply route, said Maj. Rob Dunn.

The soldiers were able to defuse that bomb and were returning to base when their patrol struck another roadside device, Dunn said.

Brown served with the Lincoln and Welland Regiment, Fortin with 425 Tactical Fighter Squadron at 3 Wing Bogotville and O'Quinn with 2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group Headquarters and Signals Squadron.

The wounded soldiers were airlifted by helicopter to the medical facility at Kandahar Airfield and are currently listed in fair condition, officials said. Their names are not being released.

Three Canadian soldiers were killed and two injured in Afghanistan after an improvised explosive device detonated near their armoured vehicle.

Warrant Officer Dennis Raymond Brown, Cpl. Dany Fortin and Cpl. Kenneth O'Quinn were killed Tuesday evening when a roadside bomb detonated during a patrol in Arghandab District, about 10 kilometres northwest of Kandahar City on Tuesday, said said Brig.-Gen. Jon Vance, the new commander of Canadian troops in Afghanistan.

The soldiers were sent into the area as part of Canada's Quick Reaction Force to respond to a call by the Afghan National Police after an IED was found on the main supply route, said Maj. Rob Dunn.

The soldiers were able to defuse that bomb and were returning to base when their patrol struck another roadside device, Dunn said.

Brown served with the Lincoln and Welland Regiment, Fortin with 425 Tactical Fighter Squadron at 3 Wing Bogotville and O'Quinn with 2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group Headquarters and Signals Squadron.

The wounded soldiers were airlifted by helicopter to the medical facility at Kandahar Airfield and are currently listed in fair condition, officials said. Their names are not being released.

Insurgent activity on the rise

Although Arghandab has traditionally been a quiet district, over the last two weeks officials have observed increasing insurgent activity, including several IED devices, Dunn said.

The soldiers are the first Canadians to die in the last month in Afghanistan. Sapper Sean Greenfield died on Jan. 31 when a bomb exploded under an armoured vehicle he was travelling in.

The deaths bring the Canadian military's death toll to 111 since the Afghan mission began more than seven years ago. One Canadian diplomat and two Canadian aid workers have also been killed.

There are about 2,500 soldiers currently serving in Afghanistan, mostly in the volatile southern province of Kandahar.


A few of us from my platoon are working on prep for the viewing and the ramp ceremony. I hope we can do our small bit to send them home with the same honour they showed us with their service. It's another very dark day for the Forces.

Rest in peace, brothers. You'll not be forgotten.
RIP. Gone, but not forgotten. You will live on in our spirits, our hearts, and songs for  so long as Canada exists as a country.

I just met Dennis the other day. Great guy, quick and warm smile. This hurts.
Sad, sad, sad.....  Condolences and sincere wishes for a speedy recovery.

Three Canadian Forces personnel killed and two injured in Afghanistan
CEFCOM news release NR 09.004, 4 Mar 09
News release link

Three Canadian Forces personnel were killed and two were injured when an improvised explosive device detonated near an armoured vehicle during a patrol in the Arghandab District. The incident occurred northwest of Kandahar City at around 5:40 p.m., Kandahar time, on 3 March, 2009.

The CF personnel were conducting security operations in the area when the explosion occurred.

Killed in action were Warrant Officer Denis Raymond Brown, from The Lincoln and Welland Regiment, Corporal Dany Olivier Fortin, from 425 Tactical Fighter Squadron at 3 Wing Bagotville, and Corporal Kenneth Chad O’Quinn, from 2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group Headquarters and Signals Squadron.

The injured CF personnel were evacuated by helicopter to the Role 3 Multi-National Medical Facility at Kandahar Airfield.  They are in good and fair condition, and their names will not be released.

Members of Task Force Kandahar are committed to improving security and increasing development in Kandahar Province.  We are all thinking of the family and friends of our fallen comrades during this sad time, but are determined to continue working with our Afghan and international partners towards a better future for the people of Afghanistan.


Warrant Officer Denis Raymond Brown

Corporal Dany Olivier Fortin

Corporal Kenneth Chad O’Quinn
A lot of guys at my FOB taking this one pretty hard. RIP guys.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families and friends of these men.  A full and speedy recovery to the wounded.  :salute:
My condolences to the families of the fallen and best wishes to the wounded for a speedy and full recovery.

Awww CRAP!

To St. Michael's ranks you go, soldiers, for Heaven is yours to patrol now.

RIP to the fallen, my condolences to those left behind and best wishes for a speedy recovery to the wounded.
I heard this on the 0600 hrs news, and immediately told my wife that we lost three more. We both burst into tears....this is breaking my heart.

Our condolences to the families of WO Brown, Cpl Fortin and Cpl O'Quinn.

RIP my brothers....you have done your duty well. Now we WILL do ours.
Heard the news late last night..did not know the names at that time... had a ok night sleep, but a hard wake up.....words are missing....gonna miss you " Flyboy".... RIP Dany boy... mes condolence a sa famille.

RIP to WO Brown and Cpl O'Quinn..sincere condolence to there families..

Speedy recovery to the wounded...

RIP soldier's your gone but never will you be forgotten....my heart goes out to the families as they go through this rough time, these men are Hero's and that's what they'll be remembered by. For the soldiers who we're wounded may you have a speedy recovery.

My deepest condolences to the families and comrades of these three heroes.  :salute:  :'(

To the injured soldiers, get better soon.
This is awful news. They have accepted the greatest sacrifice for a country that they gave their life to serve.
Aww shit...  I'm on my SQ course in Hamilton with some Lincoln and Welland guys, including some great staff from that regiment.  My deepest condolences to the families and regiments of all the fallen, a sad day.
