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York U: Flower Power, Pray for Peace!

The Bread Guy

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"Canadian Military recruiting officers were confronted for the second time in two weeks by angry students, protesting their presence as a threat to student space.  Last Thursday, recruiting officers for the military were greeted with chants of: "Army out of Afghanistan, Army out of York," during the career fair held at York Lanes Mall.  The Fair was put together by York's Career Centre to offer employment opportunities that would appeal to students....."


"We thought that it was important to go there and reclaim student space and ensure that the university understands that the students are the university."
Ahmed Habib, vice-president equity for the York Federation of Students

"Simply put, [the demonstration happened] because of the Canadian Military's participation in illegal campaigns of aggression and our opposition of the use of York's campus as a space to strengthen those campaigns."
Dan Freeman-Maloy, a member of the GrassRoots Anti-Imperialist Network (GRAIN)

Ah, the leaders of tomorrow.....  >:(

Sigh...do those people have any clue what they're talking about?

What a pack of misenformed, misbehaving yahoos.

I wonder what the Aphgan people have to say about the CF in A'stan?

I'll bet more than a dollar that it does not coenside with what the "leaders of tomorrow" at York (and other places) have to say.

Having them in my country is embarrassing.

On the other hand I'm somehow glad I never went to York...
I hate hippies, allways twisting things around. The CF is a job like anything. It's not just about fighting, what about the cooks and mechanics and doctors  and such? I'm sure there are lots out there with a legitimate interest in learning a trade or getting experience that might not otherwise be available to them outside the CF. Why don't they concern themselves with that? As far as I know the war in Afghanistan is "legal" and I don't know enough about what is happening in Haiti to comment, But i guess at the end of it all, why can't they just let the recruiters do there job. that's all they're there for is to do a job. Like the kid said, If they are interested in [joining the army] there are other means available and ways they can go about getting into the army," It works both ways. If you are so disinterested, then don't bother them.
Sorry about rambling, but I hate goddamn hippies!
I suspect that such a protest is more than merely politically motivated.  Perhaps there are a few students there who have bigger issues with the war on terrorism.  Agent provocateurs are nothing new.

Blarghhh, these people will be ringing in my groceries in a few years. There will always be protests against the military but nothing will change and the hippies will grow up and work in their offices and buy suv's and tell stories about the big protest of 95.  >:D
Greetings all!

  The real irony, IMHO, is that the little band of fascists presume to decide what the vast majority of York students should be exposed to.  I've worked on a university campus for some years now and the so-called "student leaders" are some of the most undemocratic, intolerant goofs you'd ever find.  The real problem is that most students are far too busy getting on with business to spend their time doing campus politics.  The good news is that most of them don't pay any attention to their "leaders". 
They seem a rather insecure bunch. I think Freud called it "Penis Envy"
I hate those fucking hippies they make me angry, smoking pot and judging the people that protect there country....

:mg:      :tsktsk:

Wolf  :cdn:

Sorry if i posted this for nothing but i had to empty my heart....
What a bunch of tripe, dumb@$$ mofos

Currently, the YFS are in the process of compiling a list of employers that may or may not be in the best interest of the student body and plan to consult the university's administration.

Wow, gee and I though Universities were supposed to be the bastions of free speech, oh wait only if it agrees with the pissant vocal minority who don't have anything better to do.

Protesting the presence of military recruitment officers on campus is not a practice that only belongs to York University. Members of the student union at Guelph University are drawing up a policy to prevent the military and similar groups from finding their way on their campus.

Similar groups?  These guys are right out of it.  I am just wondering what its going to be like when groups like this start to get a little more aggresive in "protesting" people who have been invited onto the campus.

I remember like a year or so ago when a bunch of York knobs start an unauthorized protest in the commons area and then got really pissed when the cops were called in.

Heh, university students are the same everywhere. We only tolerate them here because our youngsters are too slow and dopey to actually cause any harm. In other countries,  "Student protest" == T-54/55 driver's course.
I'm not directly involved in recruiting myself, but I'm the day-to-day supervisor for my unit's recruiting NCO.  Tomorrow morning I'm going to ask him to produce a contingency plan/SOP for dealing with such an incident for approval by the CO.  Career fairs at universities in my city could easily turn out the same way.

Quite a lot of senior personnel read these boards, and I advise them all to urge their unit recruiters to do the same.  In the age of the "strategic corporal", I think the potential for unpleasantness at an event such as this has to be taken seriously.

The CF are coming to the career fair at UBC today.  I pity the soldiers who at the booth.  It's definitely a hard crowd, especially lately in the student newspapers, (editorials by people such as first year fine arts students).  Is it not time for the CF to try to advertise their image?  There seems to be a lot of military slandering on campus but the CF takes the moral highroad and doesn't respond.  Shouldn't the CF start responding more?
I hate hippies, allways twisting things around. The CF is a job like anything. It's not just about fighting, what about the cooks and mechanics and doctors   and such?
Ummm the CF is more then just a job, it becomes a lifestyle choice. If you begin to see it as a job then maybe its time for you to find a new occupation and yes it is about fighting, to think otherwise you are only kidding yourself.

I'm sure there are lots out there with a legitimate interest in learning a trade or getting experience that might not otherwise be available to them outside the CF. Why don't they concern themselves with that? As far as I know the war in Afghanistan is "legal" and I don't know enough about what is happening in Haiti to comment, But i guess at the end of it all, why can't they just let the recruiters do there job.
What it boils down to the only Freedom of Speech the Peace Lovers respect is their own not ones with contrary views. They really hate being reminded it took 2 World Wars and the Cold War for their right of Freedom of Speech to be maintained.

Calvin said:
.......   Is it not time for the CF to try to advertise their image?   There seems to be a lot of military slandering on campus but the CF takes the moral highroad and doesn't respond.   Shouldn't the CF start responding more?

I have an old cartoon of a Pig dressed up in torn Combats, sitting in a puddle.   The captions reads:   " Arguing with an Infantryman is like wrestling with a Pig.   You both get dirty; but the Pig loves it."

Substitute "University Protester" or any other such malcontent for "Infantryman" and you will see some of the logic behind the lack of CF response to these folk.   Arguing with them is only going to degrade your own position.   They will do anything to make you look the fool, even twisting and falsifying news of any meeting or confrontation.   It is best to remain silent and let them make fools of themselves unhindered.
Ever heard the maxim "Never argue with an idiot, they'll bring you down to their level, then beat you with experience"?
Currently, the YFS are in the process of compiling a list of employers that may or may not be in the best interest of the student body and plan to consult the university's administration.

I caught on to that as well...Bloody hypocrites.

I wonder how York university would feel if High schools began compiling a list of Universities that "may or may not be in the best interest of the student body" and not include York
Redeye said:
Ever heard the maxim "Never argue with an idiot, they'll bring you down to their level, then beat you with experience"?

Excellent advice, I remember clowns like this at Laurentian... there's no point in debating them, they've long ago abandoned reality, reason and common sense, and replaced it with their 0.01% view of the world as gospel...

They were also outraged that the Sudbury Regional Police were allowed to wear their sidearms at the career fair... what oxygen thieves  ::)
Here's a suggestion:

If anyone here is associated with future recruiting drives at York U, why not give http://www.protestwarrior.com some notice ahead of time?  They have Canadian branches and I'm sure they'd be more than happy to help :)
I had an odd experience at York during the first Gulf war. I was in a pub on campus drinking, when the bombing started. With the exception of one individual, about 40 people started cheering. Sounds like the place has gone downhill.