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You know you were raised in the late 80's early 90's when...

Britney Spears said:
What is that? Are they referring to curved 30 round Kalashnikov magazines?

No - the hairclip. I'm a guy and even *I* know that.  ;D Having a sister helps.

That list forgot Thundercats, Fraggle Rock, Ren and Stimpy, You Can't Do That on Television, and the Wonder Twins. It seems people are attributing things like cards in bike spokes and marbles to that era when they predated them by quite a bit.

Oh yeah!! and Construx!! Best toy ever... without shame I can admit that upon finding my old Construx materials I happily started building stuff again at 17. Anyone remember the "island" and pioneer computer games in elementary school where you had to forage for food, hunt, ration water and stuff like that? I think I might look for those again...
Glorified Ape said:
pioneer computer games in elementary school where you had to forage for food, hunt, ration water and stuff like that? I think I might look for those again...

Way ahead of ya' pal: Oregon Trail http://www.classicgaming.com/rotw/otrail.shtml
I was never able to get the emulator working from that site for some reason. I guess I'll try again.
vangemeren said:
I was never able to get the emulator working from that site for some reason. I guess I'll try again.

I'm trying to find that island game - it may have been called "Beached" 'cause there's a "Beached II" but the graphics are way different.
Another good point is if you've ever owned a hat that had a visor which could fold down from the inside...

Mine was neon green. *sighs*

Glorified Ape said:
I love you.

Oh my ...  :-[                    ... dunno about Beached, though  :(

vangemeren said:
I was never able to get the emulator working from that site for some reason. I guess I'll try again.

Maybe try KEGS: http://kegs.sourceforge.net/ ... Precompiled Win32 version here: http://www.geocities.com/akilgard/kegs32/

Holy cats, I was just checking on this ... there's an Oregon Trail Version 5: http://www.broderbund.com/jump.jsp?itemID=147&mainPID=147&itemType=PRODUCT&RS=1&keyword=oregon+trail
oh Oregon trail was such a classic game, but I don't particularly want to play because i know it can never live up to how I remembered it.

man... those were simpler times...
How about a blast from the real past..COLECOVISION!  Only the aged will no what that is...was.
I had a game named tank pong or some such thing on colleco and my brother and I thought it was about the greatest thing ever invented, we also had an atari and Hockey...duhn duhn duhn ping duhn duhn duhn ping  :P
oh i loved that game. i used to go to my friends and play it all the time. i would still play it if i got the chance.
The fighting was probably the greatest feature of the game.

Remember Contra? Classics!
Patrick H. said:
The fighting was probably the greatest feature of the game.

Remember Contra? Classics!

no i don't remember that game. my favorites were blades of steel, and super Mario bro's 1-3
I played all those games last night on my perfectly working NES I have, MWahahahahahaha
i remember the last time i had the system i had to always clean it and smack it to try and get it to work. i like the super Nintendo to. my sis has a working one.
Patrick H. said:
The fighting was probably the greatest feature of the game.

Remember Contra? Classics!

up down up down left right left right B A B A select start
I'm so buying a Nintendo in the near future... oh yes, it will be mine.

SNES was my favourite... SUPER SCOPE!