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Zeitgeist movie exposes Christianity, 9/11, and the United States Federal Res.


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Whether or not you buy into the concepts, they are no doubt interesting....This film is gaining alot of attention in the public right now..
There's another guy named Alex Jones who does alot of these conspiracy movies, i've watched afew of them and they're really good. It really makes you question alot of things that are just naturally absorbed and believed to be the truth. As you said, take what you want from it.

here's a link to a movie called terrorstorm by Alex Jones.

All these conspiracy movies are just crap, anyone who follows them is easily lead.


Wesley  Down Under said:
All these conspiracy movies are just crap, anyone who follows them is easily lead.



A hearty PLUS ONE

Any effort to check their "facts" will turn up a load of circular BS

This kind of reminds me of "Loose Change." I also am reminded of looking at all the media to debunk said "Loose Change."
If someone's bought into a conspiracy theory, any and all evidence to the contrary is seen as just "part of the cover-up".  Tin-foil hat time all over again...  ::)

Seriously, the US government can't figure out how to get the trains to run on time, ascribing them the ability to hatch a huge conspiracy is giving them way too much credit.

Plus, Christianity has split into over 2,000 competing denominations and sects which would generally like to discredit each other.  Do you seriously think they are all going to agree to "cover up" some bizarre historical oddity?

Give me a break!
I've been seeing graffiti advertising for this movie in my area. I decided not to give them the dignity of pursuing their efforts. Now I know I had good reason not to.
xena said:
Seriously, the US government can't figure out how to get the trains to run on time, ascribing them the ability to hatch a huge conspiracy is giving them way too much credit.

The same people who refer to Bush as a moron seem to have no problems claiming that he was part of the biggest conspiracy coverup of all times. So what is it? Is Bush a moron, or a genius for masterminding 9/11! :o
xena said:
If someone's bought into a conspiracy theory, any and all evidence to the contrary is seen as just "part of the cover-up".  Tin-foil hat time all over again...  ::)

Seriously, the US government can't figure out how to get the trains to run on time, ascribing them the ability to hatch a huge conspiracy is giving them way too much credit.

Plus, Christianity has split into over 2,000 competing denominations and sects which would generally like to discredit each other.  Do you seriously think they are all going to agree to "cover up" some bizarre historical oddity?

Give me a break!

Well in regards to the trains running on time, you have to look at what the US Govts. motivation for getting the trains running on time would be...I can guarantee you it would be nowhere near the motivation they would have if they needed to do a large scale cover up and if someone doesn't think that things like that happen than I would say they are quite naive.

I'm not saying conspiracy theory is gospel but what I am saying is that if you take everything for face value (ex. 9/11) than you may be allowing yourself to be misled without even seeing the other side of the coin no matter how ludicris it may appear...
So TTH are you saying you believe in Santa, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny??

These movies ar designed to make money, and feed the weak, while tarnishing those who were killed from 9-11 onwards. Remember not just Americans died (EDIT - oops, I meant MURDERED in COLD blood by gutless cowards), but Canadians, Australians, and more from 78 other countries.

Sorry, but I like others have known people killed in action in this war (we buried one today from MY unit!), so don't be so bloody silly!

For our own troops sake, hope you never have to be deployed  ::)
Wesley  Down Under said:
So TTH are you saying you believe in Santa, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny??

These movies ar designed to make money, and feed the weak, while tarnishing those who were killed from 9-11 onwards. Remember not just Americans died (EDIT - oops, I meant MURDERED in COLD blood by gutless cowards), but Canadians, Australians, and more from 78 other countries.

Sorry, but I like others have known people killed in action in this war (we buried one today from MY unit!), so don't be so bloody silly!

For our own troops sake, hope you never have to be deployed  ::)

So are you saying that government coverups don't happen?
tannerthehammer said:
So are you saying that government coverups don't happen?

Of course not! I believe any of the old reports from the NKVD, I 100% Truly do trust circa 1939 German government news, and Kim Jong Il really did play a 18 stroke round of golf on his first try! And remember kids! During the Battle of Baghdad, Iraqi Forces killed ab out 100,000,000 American soldiers in 10 minutes. This is all official government policy, so it must be on the up and up.

Not saying 9/11 was a cover up, but when I dont really know, I keep a somewhat open mind.
And as a rule, whenever a conspiracy theory drags any religion into it, it is always from the "tin foil hat brigade".

Competing religious bodies are not bloody likely to conspire together.  Think it through.  Geez, this is getting old.
xena said:
And as a rule, whenever a conspiracy theory drags any religion into it, it is always from the "tin foil hat brigade".

Competing religious bodies are not bloody likely to conspire together.  Think it through.  Geez, this is getting old.

Well I'm not sure what you are referring to but the Zeitgeist movie doesn't say that they conspire together...It suggests that religions have copied other previous religions over time.
Fair enough, I have not seen the movie, nor do I intend to.  Maybe I'm just reading Da Vinci Code BS into this.  Sorry about that.  :-[

But then again, I'd have to strongly advise doing some real research into the topics at hand (ie, religions "copying" each other, governmental conspiracies, etc.) rather than taking a movie makers version at face value.

Remember the hullaballo about somebody finding the Ossuary of Jesus, and buddy making a documentary about it?  Remember how quickly that all died away when anybody who had any expertise in the field doubted the movie makers conclusions?  Espescially funny now that it has been scientifically proven to be all a hoax.

Admittedly in that case the movie maker (James Cameron IIRC) was more a victim of the hoax rather than the perpetrator, simply because he is NOT a SME.  Movie makers should quit pretending they know anything other than how to make movies, IMHO.
There is a saying that comes up in organized crime movies every once and a while that goes 'three can keep a secret if two are dead' or something similar.  Ever try to keep a secret in the office?  No matter how small the headquarters you work for everything gets out eventually.  Most people just can't keep things to themselves.  That's why I can't believe in conspiracy theories, especially large ones involving great numbers of participants.  If it's human nature to conspire than it's also human nature to tell everyone you know about the conspiracy!

exspy said:
There is a saying that comes up in organized crime movies every once and a while that goes 'three can keep a secret if two are dead' or something similar.  Ever try to keep a secret in the office?  No matter how small the headquarters you work for everything gets out eventually.  Most people just can't keep things to themselves.  That's why I can't believe in conspiracy theories, especially large ones involving great numbers of participants.  If it's human nature to conspire than it's also human nature to tell everyone you know about the conspiracy!


Simple explanation as to why the conspiracy has not been fully exposed. The Conspirators were all asked to come to a meeting where the importance of keeping this secret was on the agenda. This meeting was on the 90th floor of the North Tower.  :)

I know that was in poor taste, but let Me put it into context lest I get flamed.

We had this debate at work today, based largely on this thread, and when I supposed that it was impossible for so many people to keep that secret the shop joker responded with the silly scenario above. All logical debate ended immediately because most were offended that anyone could make a joke about it and attacked Him for being insensitive.

If You believe the conspiracy theories that's your prerogative, but always remember that nearly 3000 innocent people died. I think that's the only point that both sides can agree on.

I could not finish it. For every inference that movie made in the first 20 mins, anyone could easy prove it wrong. I heard that what is really relevant was the second part of the movie. But meh conspiracy movies are just rethoric and  obscure sourcing
The one really good secret, that was kept by several thousand people for almost thirty years, was GCHQ's Ultra secret:

See also, esp. for the end essay on why German army tactical radio comms were so good:

The Hut Six Story:

Ralph Bennett's books on how the Allies used Ultra are also very good (in the list from this search):

Proud Dad said:
All logical debate ended immediately because most were offended that anyone could make a joke about it and attacked Him for being insensitive.

- "Attacked him for being insensitive"?  That's just another form of sensorship.  A new way of covering our mouths so they don't have to cover their ears.  The same people probably told 'Need Another Seven Astronauts' jokes in 1986, but now pride themselves on being 'sensitive'.
