
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old

Canadian Information Sources
Who to contact:
National Defence Headquarters:
Privacy Section (DCA-4)
National Defence Headquarters
OTTAWA, Ontario
K1A 0K2
NDHQ can be contacted for information about current or recently released members of the
Canadian Military.
Library and Archives Canada
Web Resources:
You can request the complete military file for the person you are interested in by writing
Canadian Genealogy Centre
Library and Archives Canada
395 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0N4
Fax: (613) 995-6274
Or you can obtain Regimental War Diaries and related information by writing to:
Library and Archives Canada
395 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0N4
The National Archives are quite busy and will caution you that a reply will take from
120 to 160 days. National Archives states that "There are no restrictions placed on
information relating to an individual who has been dead for more than 20 years, however,
proof of death is still required if the individual did not die while in service."
Provide them with as much known information as possible. (Name, date of birth, date of
death if known, serial number (regimental number), unit, birth place, parents names, etc.)
Researching Canadian Soldiers of the First World War
Michael M. O'Leary has a definitive resource on researching and locating Canadian soldiers from WW I:
The Regimental Historian
Specializing in Canadian Army History
Services available: Research, presentations, study packages, source
location, proofreading, editing and some formatting of publications.
I am also an acknowledged guide for battlefield tours dealing with the Seven
Years' War in North America, the War of the American Revolution, the War of
1812 and Canadian military operations in Italy during the Second World War.
Tour packages include all background reading information and detailed on
site narratives. I have conducted tours with over a dozen units, schools and
headquarters of the Canadian Regular and Reserve forces. Please contact me
for further information.
Contact Information:
John R. Grodzinski
(613) 547-0184
E-mail: fieldhistorian@hotmail.com
-- Pristinae virtutis memores --
The Royal Canadian Artillery
Royal Canadian Artillery Museum
CFB Shilo
Box 5000 Stn Main
Shilo MB R0K 2A0
Phone: 204-765-3000 ext 3531
E-Mail: rcamuse@escape.ca
Internet: www.artillery.net
The Royal Canadian Regiment
Capt. D.D. McMillan (e-mail)
Regimental Adjutant
The Royal Canadian Regiment
Wolseley Barracks
London, Ontario
N5Y 4T7
Phone: (519)660-5173
Fax: (519)660-5344
E-Mail: rhq.thercr@onlinesys.com
Second Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment
2nd Battalion
The Royal Canadian Regiment
Combat Training Centre Gagetown
Oromocto, NB
E0G 2P0
E-Mail: 2bnrcr@mi.net
Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry
The archivist for the PPCLI:
Cpl. McLeod
c/o Museum of the Regiments
4520 Crowchild Trail S.
Calgary, Alberta
T3E 1T8
Phone: 403 974 2867
Lynn Bullock (Curator): 403 974 2831
Merchant Marines:
Merchant Navy Registry
P.O. Box 7700
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
C1A 8M9
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
Commonwealth War Graves Commission, Canadian Agency
Suite 1706 - 66 Slater Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0P4
Phone (613)992-3224
Fax (613)952-6826
The Commonwealth War Graves Commission can help locate graves from both the First and
Second World Wars.
Friends of the Canadian War Musuem
Allan Joyner is a volunteer researcher with the Friends of the Canadian
War Musuem in
Ottawa. Allan researches military vehicle markings and cammo of the
Second World War. He answers requests for Canadian marking info for
vehicle restorers and modellers for the Museum, and for people all over
the world. He also identifies the units in photos sent to the museum,
based on the uniforms and markings and original documentation on who was
in the particular area at the time the photos was taken.
Please note that he has no information on personnel records but
recommends going to the official source at the National Archives of
You can contact Allan Joyner at Allan.Joyner@sympatico.ca
The Thunder Bay Military Museum
Curator: L.Col J.J. Young
Email: jjyoung@norlink.net
Address: 317 Park Avenue in the Thunder Bay Armoury
Telephone: 807-343-5175
Fax: 807-346-4022
Adding Contact Information
If you would like to add or update any information on this page, please send an e-mail with the details to Army@Army.ca. Thanks!
IFCCS : Indirect Fire Control Computer Software, nA program that is loaded onto a laptop computer and used in artillery or mortar command posts. The software is used to store data and calculate firing solutions for indirect fire missions for all current indirect fire systems in Canadian inventory. Core computing ability is based on NABK, NATO Artillery Ballistic Kernel, a ballistic engine that allows access to FCI's, Fire Control Inputs or ammunition and weapon data base, of primarily Canadian ammunition and weapon systems, but potentially all NATO countries using NABK as well.
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