's Fallen Comrades

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old

Officers enter the army at an age when they are more likely to take up existing opinions than to form their own. They grow up carrying into effect orders and regulations founded on those received opinions; they become, in some measure identified with existing views, till, in the course of years, the ideas thus gradually imbibed get too firmly rooted to be either shaken or eradicated by the force of argument or reflection. In no profession is the dread of innovation so great as in the army.

- Colonel John Mitchell, British Army, 1839

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Military Word Of The Day
on-job training standard

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Today in Military History

September 27


CANAL DU NORD, effective dates for battle honour begin (to 1 Oct 18)


VC won by Lt George Fraser Kerr, 3rd Battalion, CEF, Bourlon Wood (near Cambrai), France


VC won by Lt Graham Thomson Lyall, 102nd Battalion, CEF, Bourlon Wood


First Liberty ship, the Patrick Henry launched in Baltimore

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