's Fallen Comrades

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old

I defy you to find justice, compassion, or forgiveness in nature or the universe. These are creation's of man, existing solely in the mind of man. 'Might makes right' is not the product of a cold mind, it is the product of a mind which chooses not to daydream it's way through life, but rather to fight so that others can.

- Trevor Carmody

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Military Word Of The Day
Director Logistics Business Management/Food Services

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Today in Military History

June 28


The Archduke Ferdinand assassinated by "the Black Hand" at Sarajevo


Action of LA BEQUE


Treaty of Versailles signed


The Anglo-US airlift to Berlin begins


Operation Redwings. 4 US Navy Seals sent into mountains of Afghanistan to hunt Taliban warlord. The seals were discovered and were engaged in a fierce firefight with over 100 Taliban fighters. 50 of the Taliban were reduced and 3 of the Seals were killed. One Seal barely escaped with his life.

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