Canadian Military Acronyms: Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 20:34, 9 October 2006
- See Ranks
2IC | Second-in-Command |
404s | DND 404 (Military Driver's License) |
ADM | Assistant Deputy Minister |
Adm or Admin | Administration |
AFC | Armed Forces Council |
AMSC | Advanced Military Studies Course (16 weeks run at CFC Toronto) |
ASC | Advanced Surgical Centre |
ATI | Access to Information Act |
AVGP | Armoured Vehicle General Purpose (Grizzly, Cougar and Bison) |
BATUS | British Army Training Unit Suffield |
BC | Battery Commander |
Bde | Brigade |
BF | Bring Forward (placed on a document with date the Clerk is to bring it back from the files) |
BFA | Blank Firing Attachment |
BG | Battle Group |
BK | Battery Captain |
BMET | Bio-Medical Engineering Technican |
BMS | Brigade Medical Station |
BMQ | Basic Military Qualification |
Bn | Battalion |
BOR | Battalion Orderly Room |
BOS | Battalion Orderly Sergeant |
BPSO | Base Personnel Selection Office |
BQMS | Battery Quartermaster Sergeant |
BSM | Battery Sergeant Major |
Bty | Battery |
C&P | Counselling and Probation |
CADPAT | Canadian Disruptive Pattern |
CANFORGEN | Canadian Forces General Order |
CAP | Common Army Phase |
CAR | Canadian Airborne Regiment |
CAS | Chief of the Air Staff |
CBG | Canadian Brigade Group |
CDS | Chief of the Defence Staff |
CEF | Canadian Expeditionary Force (1914-1919) |
CF | Canadian Forces |
CF 98 | Canadian Forces form #98 - Report on Injuries |
CFAO | Canadian Forces Administrative Order |
CFC | Canadian Forces College (located in Toronto) |
CFCSC | Canadian Forces Command and Staff Course (run at CFC located in Toronto) |
CFHA | Canadian Forces Housing Agency |
CFH | Canadian Forces Hospital |
CF H Svcs Gp | Canadian Forces Health Services Group (formerly CFMG) |
CFMG | Canadian Forces Medical Group (Old terminology) |
CFNIS | Canadian Forces National Investigation Service |
CFP | Canadian Forces Publication |
CFPAS | Canadian Forces Personnel Appraisal System |
CFPSA | Canadian Forces Personnel Support Agency |
CFR | Commissioning From the Ranks |
CFRC | Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre |
CFRETS | Canadian Forces Recruiting, Education and Training System |
CFSD | Canadian Forces Supply Depot |
CFSEME | Canadian Forces School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering |
CFTO | Canadian Forces Technical Order |
CHAP | Cadet Harassment and Abuse Prevention |
CHRA | Canadian Human Rights Act |
CHRC | Canadian Human Rights Commission |
CIC | Cadet Instructor Cadre |
CLFCSC | Canadian Land Force Command and Staff College (located in Kingston) |
CLS | Chief of the Land Staff |
CMBG | Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group |
CMG | Canadian Medical Group |
CO | Commanding Officer |
COA | Course of Action |
COS | Change of Strength |
COS | Chief of Staff |
COS | Company Orderly Sergeant |
Coy | Company |
CP | Command Post |
CQMS | Company Quarter Master Sergeant |
CRB | Career Review Board |
CRB(M) | Career Review Board (Medical) |
CSIS | Canadian Security and Intelligence Service |
CSM | Company Sergeant Major |
CT | Component Transfer |
CTP | Course Training Plan |
CTS | Clothe The Soldier |
DAOD | Defence Administrative Order and Directive |
DCDS | Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff |
DCO | Deputy Commanding Officer |
DCOS | Deputy Chief of Staff |
DDH | Destroyer, Helicopter carrying |
DEO | Direct Entry Officer |
DEU | Distinctive Environmental Uniform |
DGHS | Director General Health Services (also Comd CF H Svcs Gp) |
DGMC | Director General (Military Careers) |
DGPA | Director General (Public Affairs) |
DGRC | Director General (Reserves and Cadets) |
DGSP | Director General (Strategic Planning) |
DHH | Directorate of History and Heritage |
DI | Daily Inspection (vehicle) |
DIN | Defence Information Network |
DISO | Defence Information Services Organization |
DM | Deputy Minister |
DND | Department of National Defence |
DO | Duty Officer |
DP | Development Period |
DPM | Deputy Provost Marshal |
DRET | Directorate of Recruiting, Education and Training |
DSM | Drill Sergeant Major |
DVA | Department of Veteran Affairs |
ED & T | Exempt From Drill and Training |
EIS | Equipment Issue Scale |
ELOC | Essential Level of Capability |
EO | Enabling Objective |
ETQMS | Engineer Technical Quartermaster Sergeant |
F & E | Furniture and Effects |
FFH | Frigate, Helicopter equipped |
FHP | Force Health Protection |
Fin | Financial |
Fin O | Financial Officer |
FOA | Field Operations Allowance |
FOO | Forward Observation Officer |
FST | Forward Surgical Team |
HHT | House Hunting Trip |
HLVW | Heavy Logistics Vehicle Wheeled |
HMCS | Her Majesty's Canadian Ship |
HQ | Headquarters |
HR | Human Resources (ie... HR (Mil)- Military, HR (Civ)- Civiliian |
IAW | In Accordance With (reference) |
ICE | Integrated Clothing Ensemble |
IECS | Improved Environmental Clothing System |
IE | Intermediate Engagement |
IPB | Intelligence Preparation of Battlefield |
ISCC | Infantry Section Commander's Course |
ISTAR | Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance |
JAG | Judge Advocate General |
JFHQ | Joint Force Headquarters |
JTF2 | Joint Task Force 2 |
KBR | Kellogg Brown and Root |
KMB | Kabul Multi-National Brigade |
LEME | Land Electrical and Mechanical Engineering |
LFA | Land Force Area |
LFAA | Land Force Atlantic Area |
LFC | Land Force Command |
LFCA | Land Force Central Area |
LFDTS | Land Forces Doctrine and Training System |
LFQA | Land Force Quebec Area |
LFRR | Land Force Reserve Restructure |
LFWA | Land Force Western Area |
LOAC | Law of Armed Conflict |
LP | Listening Post |
LSVW | Light Support Vehicle Wheeled |
MARCOM | Maritime Command |
MCC | Military Career Counsellor |
MCDV | Maritime Coastal Defence Vessel |
MCSP | Maintenance of Clinical Skills Program (For non-physicians) |
MFRC | Military Family Resource Centre |
MIO | Maritime Interdiction Operations |
MIR | Medical Inspection Room |
MLOC | Minimum Level of Capability |
MLVW | Medium Logistics Vehicle Wheeled |
MMU | Multi-National Medical Unit |
MND | Minister of National Defence |
MOC | Military Occupation Code |
MOCOMP | Maintenance of Competency (Physicians only) |
MOSID | Military Occupation Structure Identification Code |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MP | Military Police |
MPCC | Military Police Complaints Commission |
MPI | Mean Point of Impact |
MSE | Mobile Support Equipment |
MTAP | Military Training Assistance Program |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
NCO/NCM | Non-Commissioned Officers/Non-Commissioned Members |
NDA | National Defence Act |
NDHQ | National Defence Headquarters |
NDOC | National Defence Operations Centre |
NEO | New Entry Officer |
NES | Non-Effective Strength |
NGO | Non Governmental Organization |
NIS | National Investigation Service |
NIS | National Investigation Service |
NJTP | National Joint Training Plan |
NPF | Non Public Funds |
NPP | Non Public Property |
NSSC | National Security Studies Course |
OGS | Officer General Specifications |
OP | Observation Post |
Op | Operation |
OPDP | Officer Professional Development Program |
OPI | Office of Primary Interest |
OPME | Officer Professional Military Education |
OPV | Offshore Patrol Vessel |
Ops O | Operations Officer |
OR | Orderly Room |
P & A | Pay and Allowances |
P Res | Primary Reserve |
PA | Put Away (as instructed to a Clerk in a minute to file a document) |
PD | Professional Development |
PDC | Professional Development Council |
PER | Personnel Evaluation Report |
pl | Platoon |
PLD | Post Living Differential |
PLQ | Primary Leadership Qualification |
PMed | Preventive Medicine (NOTE IT IS NOT PreMed or PrevMed!!!!) |
PMQ | Permanent Married Quarters |
PO | Performance Objective |
PRB | Performance Review Board |
PSA | Personnel Support Agency |
PSWQ | Platoon Support Weapons Qualification |
PSO | Personnel Selection Officer |
QL | Qualification Level |
QM | Quartermaster |
QMSI | Quartermaster Sergeant Instructor |
QOL | Quality of Life |
QOLPMO | Quality of Life Project Management Office |
QOLSRB | Quality of Life Senior Review Board |
QR&O | Queen's Regulations and Orders |
R & Q | Rations and Quarters |
RETP | Reserve Entry Training Program |
RIIP | Reserve Integrated Information Project |
RMC | Royal Military College |
ROE | Rules of Engagement |
ROTP | Regular Officer Training Plan |
RSM | Regimental Sergeant Major |
RSO | Range Safety Officer |
RSS | Reg F Support Staff |
RTU | Returned To Unit |
RV | Rendezvous point on patrol |
RW | Recorded Warning |
SAV | Staff Assistance Visit |
SCONDVA | Standing Committee on National Defence and Veterans Affairs |
SCRR | Special Commission on the Restructuring of the Reserves |
SFOR | Stabilization Force |
SHARP | Standard for Harassment and Racism Prevention |
SIU | Special Investigation Unit |
SIV | Staff Inspection Visits |
SLA | Service Level Agreement |
Sp | Support |
Spr | Sapper |
SQ | Soldier Qualification |
SQFT | Secteur du Québec de la Force terrestre |
Sup | Supply |
TD | Temporary Duty |
TL | Trade Level (obsolete term for course training levels, ex. TL 2, TL 3 ...) |
TOS | Terms of Service |
TP | Training Plan |
TQ | Trade Qualification (obsolete term for course training levels, ex. TQ 2, TQ 3 ...) |
TQMS | Technical Quartermaster Sergeant |
Trg | Training |
Trg O | Training Officer |
UMS | Unit Medical Section |
VAC | Veterans Affairs Canada |
VCDS | Vice Chief of the Defence Staff |
VFS | Verification of Former Service |
VACSTC | Vernon Army Cadet Summer Training Centre |