Platoons, Brigades, Divisions Oh My!

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Here is a general descriptor of how the army is structured. Don't get too caught in the numbers though. Sections will vary in size. Platoons may be short sections (or may have extra sections). Regular Force infantry battalions only have three rifle companies these days (as opposed to the traditional four) and many reserve regiments only have one company.

Note that generally the "rule of three" gives you a rough estimate of what an element can be broken down in to (ie: 3 sections to a platoon, 3 platoons to a company, 3 companies to a battalion, etc, etc). However, that rule of three typically breaks down when you try to apply it to support elements or combined arms groups.

The dot/line/x system is the NATO standard designation used in conjuction with map symbols.

. - Detachment, Crew or fireteam

.. - Section

A section normally numbers about 8-10 men and is commanded by a Sgt with a MCpl as second in command.

... - Platoon or Troop

A platoon is a basic building block unit of organization. They are headed by a junior officer (2Lt to Capt) and number about 30 to 45 members. They consist of 3 or 4 sections (depending on the Arm). A Tank Troop would consist of 4 battle tanks.

l - Company

ll - Batallion

As for the Infantry Battalion structure, it's usually 3 to 4 rifle companies in addition to combat support company which used to comprise of 1 x mortar platoon, 1x Recce Platoon, 1 x Anti-Armour Platoon, 1 x Pioneer Platoon (things like mortars and pioneers have been phased out of the current structure). There's also a HQ company which has a Battalion CP, Int Detachment, MP Detachment and a Sigs Platoon. There's a Logistical Company comprising of Battalion stores, payroll, maintenance, cooks and the like.

lll - Regiment

(Common for Soviet and WWII German forces in which a Regiment was a fighting formation)

x - Brigade

(The term Brigade Group is often used to designate a combined arms Brigade)

In Canada we have Brigade Groups, which are slightly larger than brigades, and are composed of the following:

  • 1x Headquarters / Signal Squadron
  • 3 x Inf Battalions
  • 1x Armoured Regiment
  • 1x Field Artillery Regiment
  • 1x Engineer Regiment
  • 1x Service Battalion (but technically not part of the Bde)
  • 1x Field Ambulance unit (but technically not part of the Bde)
  • 1x Military Police platoon

xx - Division

xxx - Corps

xxxx - Army

xxxxx - Army Group or Theater Command