Acrow Bridge

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Military Bridges

The Acrow Military Bridge is an adaptation of the field proven XS700 Acrow Panel Bridging system. It utilizes mostly standard components with the introduction of certain custom components which enhance the systems effectiveness as a rapidly deployed "line of communications" bridge for both military applications and disaster relief. Modifications to the standard XS 700 bridging to:

Allow the use of, pins ,bolts, carrying bars, tools and timber components commonly used on Bailey Bridges and held in stock at military depots.

Allow hand construction.

Improve deployment time.

Allow the use of sloped approach ramps to facilitate vehicle access to bridge from bearing seat elevation without the need for ballast walls.

The standard design criteria is MLC 60 although capacities to MLC 100 are possible for spans up to 76 meters. For permanent installations, steel decking can be provided. In short, all of the features which make the XS 700 Bridging so effective for civilian applications are also available with the Acrow Military Bridge.

In 1995 , the Canadian Department of National Defence adopted the Acrow Bridge as a replacement for its aging Bailey Bridges. Although Bailey Bridges had served the Engineering Corps well , its maintenance costs and relative inefficiency compared to the Acrow system made the Acrow Military Bridge a logical choice. Canadian forces acquired 14 bridge sets for use in training at various engineering schools and militia units across the country. All components have received NATO stock numbers and component drawings have been registered with NATO in Brussels. An operating manual has also been produced to military standards.

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