Enrolment Process

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The enrollment process for the Canadian Forces begins with the Initial Application. Some specialist trades and entry plans, as well as the Reserve Force, have variations or additional steps that must be completed. Your local Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre is your best resource for determining the exact enrollment process applicable to your desired occupation or interests.

The standard Regular Force Application Process contains the following primary elements:

CF Application

The CF Application is a formal document which includes elements such as: - General Candidate Information (Name, DOB, address, contact information) - Citizenship - Criminal History - Academic History - Work & Volunteer Experience - Activities & Interests - Supervisory & Leadership Experience

As well, this is where you will indicate your preferred: - Component (Regular, Reserve, CIC or Health Reserve) ==- Element (Navy, Army, Air Force) - Trade

You may select only one component, and only one preferred Element. You may select up to three (minimum one) trades. You are not required to select more than one trade, and may be offered a trade outside of these initial preferences.


The Canadian Forces Aptitude Test.


An interview with a military career counselor to discuss your choices, background and interests in an effort to better assess your suitability for enrollment in the CF.


A general physical exam and medical history is conducted.

Evaluations of Applications

For NCMs, applications are Merit-listed based on a comprehensive scoring system and offers are made accordingly and as vacancies and course openings provide. For Officers, depending on trade and entry plan, various Officer Selection Boards meet and evaluate candidates for selection.

Additionally, if you are re-enrolling in the Forces, additional steps may be required:

Verfication of Former Service (VFS)

Medical Files Forwarding