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Hamas invaded Israel 2023

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Basing that on what? In Dresden, for instance, about 25k of the half million residents were killed. In Tokyo, about 100k of several million residents were killed.

The physical destruction in Gaza has certain been VERY widespread, and in some areas comprehensive. The death toll is much lower than the WW2 firebombings, but those were mass raids explicitly designed to cause firestorms.

Your claim that Gaza and its population would have been ‘destroyed by now’ in WW2 isn’t supported by the casualty data for that timeframe, nor the realistic effects of weapons in a built up area that’s largely concrete and stone.

In WW2 the Germans, Brits and Russians put the civilians below ground. Apparently HAMAS puts its fighters below ground.
Basing that on what? In Dresden, for instance, about 25k of the half million residents were killed. In Tokyo, about 100k of several million residents were killed.

The physical destruction in Gaza has certain been VERY widespread, and in some areas comprehensive. The death toll is much lower than the WW2 firebombings, but those were mass raids explicitly designed to cause firestorms.

Your claim that Gaza and its population would have been ‘destroyed by now’ in WW2 isn’t supported by the casualty data for that timeframe, nor the realistic effects of weapons in a built up area that’s largely concrete and stone.
The firestorm idea was meant to kill and drive away the workforce and sap the morale of the public. The proponents of strategic bombing were not really deterred by the estimated civilian causalities in either Germany or Japan.
Yeah I don’t agree with killing civilians and calling them collateral. It would not have been acceptable for Canada to kill Quebecers to get the FLQ or the British to kill tons of Irish to get the IRA.
Hamas fighters are hiding behind civilians, civilians are told "you die for the cause and we will put your dead bodies on internet to shame Israel. If you leave we will shoot you." IDF announces its raids and tell everyone to get out but Hamas wont let them leave.

The bombing of Berlin and other bombing raids were not done on week one of WW2 but in 1945 near the end of the war. Fighting was mainly army against army for much of the war. At some point it was determined to attempt to break the German spirit in hopes to end the war sooner. Bombing campaigns like these are often thought to have created fewer causalities then letting the war drag on years longer. Its horrible that many people died and I don't ever want anyone to die. Sometimes people need to do horrible things in the name of the greater good.
Killing terrorists doesn’t mean you get to kill everyone else in the way.
I get the Israelis are mad. I get they have legitimate reasons to be mad. But that doesn’t mean it’s acceptable to kill uninvolved civilians in some sort of unhinged vendetta.
The population is indoctrinated to hate Israelis by Hamas' absentee leaders. The majority of the population would love nothing more than to have an Israeli kill to their name. How do you spare the peaceful civilians when Hamas has already killed all of them for not supporting their cause?
There is a reason most the West is calling for a ceasefire, it’s because too many innocents are being killed.
Most of the ceasefire talk is coming out of the universities where Marxist professors have convinced woke students that violence is ok if its against a group that is seen to be oppressive. Current GOC supports a ceasefire because most are these same Marxist woke students that didn't have skills to get good jobs so they went into politics. And because they are afraid of violence erupting if they appear to support Israel.
As for Israel oppressing Palestine, without Israel Palestine would not have water or electricity, Many Palestinians travelled into Israel to work and repaid that kindness by providing intel to Hamas about where/when to attack.

Ask yourself if these Palestinians were really "Uninvolved Civilians" than why would Jordan and Egypt not take them in? Or any other Muslim nation for that matter.

Israel had many, many, ceasefires. After every rocket attack they retaliated then ceased fire until the next attack. Take a look at this list and ask yourself If someone attacked your city that many times how would you respond?

Then those same people crashed you daughters wedding, murdered the men and raped then murdered all the women.
I am going to quote a terrorist who was asked why they were killing innocent people. His answer was along the lines "there are no innocents in the Great Satan" or words to that effect.

Its been stated that a good many Palestinians and others support Hamas. And a favorite ploy of the terrorists is to hide in hospitals and have children as shields and if the children get killed....you know the field day the media has with this.
I am going to quote a terrorist who was asked why they were killing innocent people. His answer was along the lines "there are no innocents in the Great Satan" or words to that effect.

Its been stated that a good many Palestinians and others support Hamas. And a favorite ploy of the terrorists is to hide in hospitals and have children as shields and if the children get killed....you know the field day the media has with this.
Just ask Robert Fowler about that. One of his captors was almost physically sick just by being in the presence of an Infidel.
And his experience was not the only one it's something a lot of that those who've had to deal with radical Islamists mention.
Simply put they didn't qualify as human in the eyes of those terrorists they encountered.
Just ask Robert Fowler about that. One of his captors was almost physically sick just by being in the presence of an Infidel.
And his experience was not the only one it's something a lot of that those who've had to deal with radical Islamists mention.
Simply put they didn't qualify as human in the eyes of those terrorists they encountered.

The moderate Muslim world struggles with radical Islam too, and has done for centuries, which is an interesting study in itself, viz:

Moderate and Radical Islam

Israel had many, many, ceasefires. After every rocket attack they retaliated then ceased fire until the next attack. Take a look at this list and ask yourself If someone attacked your city that many times how would you respond?

Then those same people crashed you daughters wedding, murdered the men and raped then murdered all the women.
Well written, deserves more than an emoj
Oh really? Who started this? Who raped, kidnapped and murdered civilians on October 7th?

Hamas needs to be eradicated.
Who was still killing and driving people from their homes before Oct 7th? The Palestinians death rate for the last decade speaks for itself.

Pretending Israel was being 100% peaceful and not doing anything wrong before that attack is willful blindness. This didn’t happen in a vacuum.

Most nations would have considered what Israel was doing before hand (and continues to do) a act of war.
Me right now:

Anticipation Popcorn GIF
Who was still killing and driving people from their homes before Oct 7th? The Palestinians death rate for the last decade speaks for itself.

Pretending Israel was being 100% peaceful and not doing anything wrong before that attack is willful blindness. This didn’t happen in a vacuum.

Most nations would have considered what Israel was doing before hand (and continues to do) a act of war.
And in 1948 when the state of Israel was created by the UN who attacked Israel, vowing to wipe it off the face of the earth?

You have your opinion, I have mine.

Good day to you.
Who was still killing and driving people from their homes before Oct 7th? The Palestinians death rate for the last decade speaks for itself.

Pretending Israel was being 100% peaceful and not doing anything wrong before that attack is willful blindness. This didn’t happen in a vacuum.

Most nations would have considered what Israel was doing before hand (and continues to do) a act of war.
Who gave up valuable land in 2005, evicted their own people and handed over working infrastructure? Who supplied the people who were trying to kill them with electricity, water and jobs? Remind me again how many countries in the world would tolerate 15,000 rockets fired at them? Had they done that to South Africa, I suspect all the leaders of Hamas would have been necklaced by now.
Most nations would have considered what Israel was doing before hand (and continues to do) a act of war.

They should do something about it, instead of crying at the UN.

Israel is showing massive restraint on all sides of the their border, especially to the north. I suspect pushing Hezbollah back in southern lebanon will be the next task.