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Reminder: Daylight Savings Time

Note that the time on this site has not been set back yet. It indicates a posting of 12:41:23 while my computer tells me it now is 11:42.
BulletMagnet said:
SHe'll be done this rediculouness long before that thank god!
She'll be doing MCSP for the rest of her career...which means shift work for the rest of her career...not all at once mind you...

Happy DST everyone!!!!

Prairie Dog said:
Teach her tolerance. Not like she'll be working hard anyway. Prob just watching movies at the Amb house.

I worked Halloween Nightshift and then the 13hr nightshift last night. Tolerance is a very good word to use I suppose... I hope I've seen my share of overly drunk teenagers for a while now.  ::)

Oh, sadly no movie watching the past 2 nights. Seems I was busy plugging 6 stab wounds on one poor soul and wearing vomit from teenagers this year. At least it was a somewhat exciting extra hour of work.  ;D
Next year she will just be taking care of an overly drunk me

Like taking care of the teenagers only less mature....
Perhaps you got me...

Then again maybe I thought it plausible that you were dumb enough to do that...speaks well of you eh LMAO  ;D

PS: just covering the fact I got suckered
Dsicussions like this inevitably lead to CFAOs about trivia. Are we going to get a CFAO about changing clocks?
Every year my Regiment seemed to be at camp for BOTH time-change weekends.


Gotta love that extra hour of sleep before work. hehe