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Toronto ETF take out Gunman

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This happend yesterday morning, here are a few links


If you scroll down you can click on the Media Coverage Link

ya, saw that on tv, good shit. notice how they said(or at least on the channel i saw it on) that the 2 guys to the left with the c7 and sub machine gun were sharpshooters, haha, i laughed. but i dont know where the sniper was. it would be cool to see where he was and the angle of shot he had on the guy. i heard it was a clean headshot.
I wouldn't necessarily deem what was broadcasted to be "good crap." I'm sure the officers of the Metro Toronto Police who were on hand didn't find the situation too amusing.  Neither did the woman being held with a Sawed-off.  The Police handled the situation very well, and the ETF Sharpshooter was just doing what he's trained to do. Good on them all. 
Ok, what weapon was the guy holding? I heard some say it was a shotgun, and some say that it was a .22 rifle.
I commend the officer for what he had to do. Shaboing - In reference of your comment "good crap" why dont you try saying that infront of the officers who dealt with the situation or even better yet the the ETF member who had to take action. Somone getting killed regardless if it is a suspect or not is a trajic even.  :cdn:
Jonsey said:
Ok, what weapon was the guy holding? I heard some say it was a shotgun, and some say that it was a .22 rifle.

It was a sawed off .22 rifle, and apparently it was jammed at the time of the hostage taking.
I was in Union station when all of this was happening. I was happily eating my Cinnamon bun when all of a sudden on the P.A. "All passengers are asked to exit using the TTC or Bay Street exits only due to an emergency situation". I didn't know how bad the situation was so I wen outside and waited between the TTC and GO station exits and I saw a bike cop standing there I didn't notice at first but his gun was drawn and he was yelling at people to stay back. I didn't realize the crazy guy was like just above him. Heck, I didn't even know there was a crazy guy there.
archer said:
I wouldn't necessarily deem what was broadcasted to be "good crap." I'm sure the officers of the Metro Toronto Police who were on hand didn't find the situation too amusing.   Neither did the woman being held with a Sawed-off.   The Police handled the situation very well, and the ETF Sharpshooter was just doing what he's trained to do. Good on them all.  

no, i didn't mean it like that, i might become a police officer. i meant like it was good that only the bad guy got hurt in that part of the situation, his astranged wife didn't die, the hostage didn't die. its too bad he had to but he really didn't give the police any choice. i'm just glad to see the public can be kept safe even in downtown toronto
The time it took for them to respond to it was amazing! When we left teh station there wer at least 20 cruisers there.
This even made the 6pm news here on Network 9 in Sydney.

Maybe next time, someone takes a hostage in TO, they'll think twice.

On the other hand, he may have wanted the police to kill him, as there is a term called 'suicide thru police' or 'police assisted suicide', or similar to that, where the bad guy might not have the guts to shoot himself, so with his actions, he gets the police to do it form him.

Either way, once less dangerous man off the streets for good, and no drain on the justice system.


good point^^^^ he was having a rough time with missing his kids and all, which is why he tried to kill his wife.
I heard that his gun was jammed and that it couldn't be fired anyway.

[qoute]I heard that his gun was jammed and that it couldn't be fired anyway.Yeah clasper mentioned that as well. Glad he wasn't big on weapon maintenance, might have been a different story.
Couldn't the police have seen that the gun wasn't working and had a couple of cops tackle him or something? Seems like they just wanted to shoot the guy rather than try and work it out! I mean the cop marksman must have been looking at the guy through a scope, right?

What if the primer wasn't struck all the way?
What if he had the weapon on safety and forgot to take it off?

Can a cop really take that chance with someones life? I don't think so.
Tach9 said:
Couldn't the police have seen that the gun wasn't working and had a couple of cops tackle him or something? Seems like they just wanted to shoot the guy rather than try and work it out! I mean the cop marksman must have been looking at the guy through a scope, right?


And how pray tell were the officers on scene supposed to know that the suspects weapon was jammed?  ESP? Tarot cards? Or yelling "Hey bud, why don't you point that weapon in a safe direction and try to clear it while we wait" What exactly was the police sniper supposed to see through his scope? A deranged lunatic pointing a weapon and some poor women's head with his finger on the trigger?  I also take it you did not read the many news reports or watch it live on CP24.  If you had, then you would know the officers on scene spent almost 30 minutes trying to reason with him.  But he could not be reasoned with. He never spoke one word to the cops.  I take great exception to the fact you think the ETF officers were in a rush to shoot the guy.  They were not.  This not like stuff you see on TV and the movies, were cops (in particular SWAT teams) shot everyone.  Check the ETF's stats, with all the dangerous high-risk situations they have been involved with over the last 20 odd years (and they have been involved in thousands) they have fatally shot maybe less than a dozen people.  Before you go spouting off stupid lines like "Seems like they just wanted to shoot the guy rather than try and work it out!" get your facts straight and understand the whole situation.
Tach9 said:
Couldn't the police have seen that the gun wasn't working and had a couple of cops tackle him or something? Seems like they just wanted to shoot the guy rather than try and work it out! I mean the cop marksman must have been looking at the guy through a scope, right?


Its posts like this when I really begin to realise that some people really dont have a clue about reality.

What was happening was a man had a gun to a womans head in a public place, and was behaving erraticly. The police acted accordingly, and the man was STOPPED, and the woman survived.

Any loss of life is tragic, but if there was any hesitation, the man may have shot the woman, and others. So 'Mike' think twice before you post something as idiotic as the above  ::) .

TAch9 I hope you don't get to play with things that go boom, you are out of your league there guy.
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