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Enrollment: Swearing an Oath or Affirmation [merged]


Army.ca Veteran
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Went to a swear in ceremony the other day and the words change.

I, bloggings, do swear to be faithful and bear true allegiance to Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada and all her heirs according to law. So help me God.

Now it's more silly and long winded one. Can't recall the exact words.
There was talk and debate of changing the various Oaths but as far as I know they have not yet been changed.
its not that it has changed, but that is the "non religious" one, the religious one is the long one. either the recruits being sworn in chose that or there was a time issue or something is my guesses. i used the short one
you can't say bloggins anymore because theres a dude named bloggins in the forces now, the forces bein all PC and all that you know.
I'll check when I get home, I have mine framed and I had to swear it exactly as it is on the document. I chose to swear on a bible, so maybe it's different than making a declaration, I don't know.
ShaBoing said:
its not that it has changed, but that is the "non religious" one, the religious one is the long one. either the recruits being sworn in chose that or there was a time issue or something is my guesses. i used the short one

Yes with the addition of 'So help me God'  the word count really went through the roof.  Neither the Oath of Allegiance nor the Solemn Affirmation have changed in the past twenty years at least.
Do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, her heirs and successors according to law. So help me God.

There it is from my document. :D
NavComm said:
Do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, her heirs and successors according to law. So help me God.

There it is from my document. :D

I was sworn-in last Wednesday. It was exactly same. The only thing that changed between Affirmation and Oath was the "So Help Me God!"
kincanucks said:
Yes with the addition of 'So help me God'   the word count really went through the roof.   Neither the Oath of Allegiance nor the Solemn Affirmation have changed in the past twenty years at least.

i never heard the long one so i didn't know it,i was sworn in alone, i just heard it was a paragraph and the short one was a sentence, haha. apparently i was told wrong
RRC746 said:
you can't say bloggins anymore because theres a dude named bloggins in the forces now, the forces bein all PC and all that you know.
I hope he's not hassled too much over it
Heck, Bloggins should be a 4 leaf general by now for all his dedicated service to the crown LMAO!!!!! :soldier:

I know I blurted out his name on more than one occasion during my tour.
I am in the process of re-joining the reserves. My employment and family situation makes it possible to rejoin after a long absence. I love my country and I enjoy the military life. I look forward to my return.

Now I know this might seem ridiculous, BUT  I recall having to swear an oath of allegiance to the Queen and her heirs. Back then I never thought much of it. I know the monarchy is "symbolic" and really means Canada. BUT that is not what the words say. I guess I am a little older and wiser, I now put much more value on the promises I make. Is this oath still made? Does anyone else cringe at the thought of it? Is it possible to just swear an oath to Canada?

I know that in the end I will have to grin and bear the ridiculous historical anachronism, but my word is meaningful and I want it to be treated as such. We can keep the history and the traditions of the monarchy, but in this day and age do we really want to be swearing a personal oath of loyalty to the Queen and her children?
Go here, read the related portions of these threads:


And those were in a search for "queen oath"  limited to the past 300 days.

For future reference the search page can be found at http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php?action=search
can someone please explain to me why i must say an oath declaring myself a tool to the queen? I thought we declared independence from them? Why can't i pledge allegiance to Canada? 

The queen doesnt even do anything. Also, the whole idea of a queen is so 1700. I don't get it.
munchies said:
can someone please explain to me why i must say an oath declaring myself a tool to the queen? I thought we declared independence from them? Why can't i pledge allegiance to Canada? 

The queen doesnt even do anything. Also, the whole idea of a queen is so 1700. I don't get it.

Yep. That sums it up.
We didn't declare independence from the crown.

Go re-read your history and report back.

Key words to look up include "Canadian constitution"
One of her titles is still Queen of Canada...

We didn't fight/get independence like the USA, we're a Dominion.
You may notice we have a Governor General... He is the QUEEN'S Representative to Canada... We are still under the Monarch. 
munchies said:
The queen doesnt even do anything.

She evidently has done more for our way of life than you have.


In February 1945, Elizabeth II joined the Women’s Auxiliary Territorial Service, as an honorary Second Subaltern with the service number of 230873. She trained as a driver and mechanic, drove a military truck, and was promoted to honorary Junior Commander five months later. She is the last surviving head of state who served in uniform during the Second World War.
