's Fallen Comrades

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old

This was the first time i had been in contact and killed anyone. I felt good, I felt hard. But the euphoria was nothing to do with ending another person's life. I felt good because i had not panicked, I had not let down my friends, I had reacted as a professional soldier trained by professional soldiers, and the excitement of the firefight was nothing short of fantastic. I've never taken drugs but I can't believe there is anything which can equal the thrill of battle. I loved it.

- Peter McAleese

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Military Word Of The Day

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Today in Military History

June 24


Lord Kichener born


Captain L.S.T. Halliday, Royal Marine Light Infantry, awarded the Victoria Cross, Peking


VC won by Flight Lieut. David Ernest Hornell, Royal Canadian Air Force, Shetland Islands (posthumous)

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