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Recent content by flux

  1. flux

    So I have a question about the medical

    The only person that can really answer that for you is the RMO (Recruit Medical Office) once you apply. If you want to apply you should, they will tell you if you are unfit for service, in which case you could potentially dispute and include a letter from your doctor clarifying the lack of...
  2. flux

    Ex Transgender Applicant Medical

    Unlikely that they will reject you. I experienced similar situation, DM me if you'd like.
  3. flux

    RMC Admission Requirements for Current University Students

    Lots of credits will likely be transferrable. However, RMC still requires 4 years as part of their program.
  4. flux

    What should i do next?

    Call or email a recruiting center. Find a Recruiting Centre | Canadian Armed Forces They will send you an email for you to book your CFAT test. You could also go in person, but I know many people live rurally so personally I would phone for the fastest response.
  5. flux

    RMC/ROTP 2024-2025

    For ROTP, seems like a pretty typical timeline. If you look at past application thread posts, there are very few that managed to get from initial application to offer within 10 months. For reference , I'm also ROTP applicant , applied 8 months ago, and still stuck in "Final Processing". I'm...
  6. flux

    Time from Medical Exam sent to Ottawa to Competition List

    Varies for everyone depending on the complexity of your case. Personally, I attended my initial medical in November and first heard back from RMO in February, not being approved until March. It is definitely one of the parts of the process where one may see a major delay. Here is a helpful...
  7. flux

    RMC/ROTP 2024-2025

    Yes, but you'd still have to do 4 years at RMC. I'm in the same boat, about go into year 2 civ university. If you're done 3 years though, you can't go ROTP anymore and will have to switch your application to DEO.
  8. flux

    Unsure how to move forward.

    Yeah, I guess this makes sense. However, the email they sent did say switching trades would give me a "small chance" at being selected for this year, as I am still not on the competition list. They said it is still unlikely i'd be selected within time as i'd need to interview for the new...
  9. flux

    Unsure how to move forward.

    True enough. I read your comment as "If you're in year 3 or 4 of a program" the first time around, that's my bad. I appreciate the comments. I've communicated with the recruiter now that I will hold out for potential pilot/IntO slots as I am not interested in a career doing the other...
  10. flux

    Unsure how to move forward.

    I have been in touch with a recruiter again since posting this message originally and I've been told the following: If I have done 2 years of Civilian University, I am still eligible for ROTP, but NOT if I have done 3 years. However, I've been told the competition list for my chosen trades will...
  11. flux

    Application Process Samples [ 2019-present]

    Do you know what is keeping you in final processing? Just out of curiosity? Is it a background / security check?
  12. flux


    For what it's worth, im in a similar position right now. Will be going into my second year of university in the fall. I was hoping to get picked up for ROTP either this year or next, but it looks like the pilot application process will put me into my third-year university before being...
  13. flux

    Competition list clarification

    I was just informed I'll be stuck in final processing until September, when they can book my CFEME. That'll make 6 months in final processing alone. Guess I'll miss selections this year because of this appt. Way she goes I suppose.
  14. flux

    Incredibly underweight

    Youll most likely be ok regarding medical, as long as there aren't any other restricting health issues. I'm not much more than you ~5'8, 110lbs. I'm sure we will struggle on the odd fitness thing (sandbag drag) probably ? BMQ/BMOQs regimented fitness and meal plans will probably load 30lbs on...
  15. flux

    Competition list clarification

    This was a good read for sure. I found the table at the end breaking down exactly what "tasks" go into each step of the process really helpful. Cheers