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  1. AFireinside13

    Recruit dies after collapse during BMQ

    Poor guy, 18, his family seems to be a proud military family, this is both shocking and saddening. My condolences  :salute: :cdn:
  2. AFireinside13

    Well, the PM went to the 'Wild West'

    I think it is great the PM stepped up to show he is committed. I'm glad that even though as some the country seems to be contempleting our mission, our leader shows the respect our finest need and deserve. Thank you MR.PM. Good on him  :salute:
  3. AFireinside13

    Physical Fitness (Jogging, Diet, Cardiovascular, and Strength )

    Well I know that, but i can only do so many until i can't do anymore. I want to do sets for the muscles involved, i was just wondering if anyone has done anything that has worked for them.
  4. AFireinside13

    Physical Fitness (Jogging, Diet, Cardiovascular, and Strength )

    My question is about chinups and pullups. I can do 9 and 5 respectively, and want to increase those numbers. I work out fairly often (3-4 times a week) but haven't started to work my back/lats as much as i should have ( I was uneducated). I was just wondering about a few good execrises and...
  5. AFireinside13

    QOR Airborne Coy & proposed Airborne Battalion

    Well I hope nothing happens to us, I am trying to get on the fall jump course  :'( But it is the government, if anything WAS to change, it would take 10 years  >:D Like he said.....
  6. AFireinside13

    weekend BMQ 25 NOV

    Yeah, in one pocket we need to have our rain suit, foot powder, extra socks and there was something else... whatever it was, i just can't get it in that pouch. I had to sit on it to get my rain suit in, it just can't hold that much!
  7. AFireinside13

    weekend BMQ 25 NOV

    Is anyone else having troubles getting all that kit into their left side pouch? I can get the rain suit in, but thats it! Nevermind sockets and all that jazz!
  8. AFireinside13

    Tee Shirt Mottos

    "My Drinking Team Has a Rugby Problem" Front- Homocide Squad Back - Our day starts when yours ends I love the F'n Army, And the Army Likes F'n Me. Wanna Play army? ... I'll Lay down while you **** the hell out of me.    (I'm not sure if i was allowed to say that in the forum, The expulsion...
  9. AFireinside13

    Brokeback Mountain Challenge

    LOL... What has this world come to? Someone actually had to but time into that  :o But I'll try to throw a few in here The Brokeback Identity The Brokeback Supremacy Lords Of Brokeback Mountain Enemy at Brokeback Mountain Dude, Where's My Brokeback?
  10. AFireinside13

    Sudan man forced to 'marry' goat

    how embarassing....  ??? What will the children look like? hopefully they take after their mother....
  11. AFireinside13

    Self Evaluation and Preparing for Fitness Test & Course.

    yeah, I would listen to the armymedic  :P 
  12. AFireinside13

    Self Evaluation and Preparing for Fitness Test & Course.

    I just thought I'd throw my $ 0.02 CDN in.... I notice that everyone is worried about running and push-up and all that fun jazz. Something EVERYONE seems to overlook is from your waist down. Your legs contain one of your biggest muscle groups, your quadriceps.  If you want to grow muscle, I'd...
  13. AFireinside13

    Summer SQ

    I don't know from personal experience, but what I've been told by my SGT the first few weeks you will have to stay on base. After a few weeks you can go home on the firday night, but you might have to be back by 1800 hrs. I have to go on that course this summer as well. Like I said, that's just...
  14. AFireinside13

    Army Fitness Booklet and the JTF 2 fitness Booklet

    Actually, I also wanted to know if anyone has had success with any of these books? How did you find either book?
  15. AFireinside13

    Canadas men hockey team

    Perhaps the teams without those NHLer's just wanted it more. I don't think i saw smiles on the faces of the Canadians at any point like the ones that are coming off the Russians ( Particularily Ovechkin) or The Swiss, Or the Slovaks. More heart? Maybe. Our boys just weren't together this time...
  16. AFireinside13

    Army Fitness Booklet and the JTF 2 fitness Booklet

    Last night my reserve unit had the recruiters from JTF2 come in and do their thing. The person in charge of PSP had mentioned that there was an Army Fitness booklet and JTF 2 fitness booklet you can buy. I actual think the titles were " Army Fitness Booklet" and "JTF2 Fitness Booklet"...
  17. AFireinside13

    Where can I view the JTF 2 Training Video?

    apparently Google has video search  :dontpanic: :P.... I didnt know that, THANK YOU!!
  18. AFireinside13

    Where can I view the JTF 2 Training Video?

    Hey guys, Can anyone tell me where i can dl the JTF 2 video? I tried searching forums, and the internet, but i cant seem to find it. Thanks. :warstory:
  19. AFireinside13

    Military I.D. and the LCBO- A "situation"

    Royal, I agree with what you are saying, I just like to use my CF ID because my picture on my license is the day i turned 16, and they sometime get hesitant because my photo is 4 years old. Of course we all know people change in 4 years, especially in that age category. I also am in the CF so I...
  20. AFireinside13

    Ultimate Showdown....

    Im not going to lie.... That was great! However, when i saw that jawa, i knew it was over, the jawas woulda found a way to kill....