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Canadas men hockey team

muskrat89 said:
I have to wonder if a totally amateur team, like the "old days" would've had more desire....
Perhaps.  Then they would have been able to train together as a team for at least a year before the Olympics, more in line with the way that the other athletes do.

An example that the CF should look at when they espouse of the way 'Plug 'n Play' is supposed to work and doesn't.
still have a problem with professionals who wade into the olympics and are looking for gold. Let the amateur get his moment of glory.
muskrat89 said:
It is interesting to me that the US men's team bombed out also. Is it safe to assume that these 2 teams had the most NHLers? Coincidence?

I have to wonder if a totally amateur team, like the "old days" would've had more desire....

Perhaps the teams without those NHLer's just wanted it more. I don't think i saw smiles on the faces of the Canadians at any point like the ones that are coming off the Russians ( Particularily Ovechkin) or The Swiss, Or the Slovaks. More heart? Maybe. Our boys just weren't together this time. Thats the just the way things workout sometimes.
Was this not the problem before the NHL players were alloud to play in the Olympics? armatures getting handed to them selves by teams like "The Red Army" (Russia)?
Out of those three coaches only Quinn is with the same team. According to your theory, I guess Dallas (Hitchock), and Ottawa (Martin) thought they should "spread around" the fine quality coaches and share the wealth with other teams  Roll Eyes Fact is they failed to get the job done there and were terminated.)

I'm sorry but that argument is weak, to say the least.  Coaches in the NHL typically have a life a life expectancy similar to that of a Spinal Tap drummer.  Just because hitchcock was fired from the Stars means he's a bad coach; that actually means next to nothing.  Look at what he's done with the Flyers, he's turned them in one of the Eastern Conference's powerhouses. 
What happens in the NHL is that a coaches usefulness with a particular club eventually runs out, it happens to all of the great coaches, Pat Burn, Scotty Bowman, Jacques Demers, Glenn Slather etc etc etc, all of whom have coached many NHL teams and all have been 'fired' at least once.

As for Quinn being fired, yeah he probably will but not till the end of the season.  Why bring Maurice into the current mess?  During the offseason Quinn will probably be asked to resign and may even be asked to become the next President of the leafs.  As for Maurice he'll probably be given the job early into the offseason, after which JFJ will pick the UFA market for Maurice style players (you know the grinders, like Tucker).

Just my two cents.
I dont think any of these Athletes are Amatures, I think if you in a sport more then 4 yrs you have to be some kind of vet!!! I think they should take some from the other leagues as well as the NHL. The Olympics are about your best Athletes not the ones who get paid the most. Sakic was a great choice. At least I thought he played great. They should just have a training camp or tryouts and see who they want not just pick from a list of NHLers. my two cents!!!
B.O - "Amateur" in this context is someone who doesn't get paid. It has nothing to do, really, with their level of experience.

From Merriam-Webster:

2 : one who engages in a pursuit, study, science, or sport as a pastime rather than as a profession
2023 said:
Yes they did but really, if they hadn't been playing at the Olympics, would as many people have watched it? I mean, man, watching water boil or watching paint dry is just as exciting.
Well you can say what you want they have gold and the men are on the bus home.
I don't the Olympics mean much to many athletes anymore. IMO, it is just another competition. The winter sport athletes are the same as the summer sports athletes, they all compete on World Cup Circuit, with the exception of Hockey. And I tend to disagree that they don't get paid. I am pretty sure there is prize money for winning or placing in WC events. Hockey players make a salary that is paid by the team who owns them however, they don't compete as a team until immediately prior to the Olympics. They are just like every other athlete that competes at the Olympics so if you want to get rid of Amatuers, be prepared for sub par performances by sub par athletes.

My 2 cents!
armchair said:
Well you can say what you want they have gold and the men are on the bus home.

Your right, I can say what I want. So you're telling me that the Womans Hockey team is better than the Men's Hockey team?

The women could't even beat a Midget AAA team prior to the Olympics.
Sheerin said:
I'm sorry but that argument is weak, to say the least.    Just because hitchcock was fired from the Stars means he's a bad coach; that actually means next to nothing.  Look at what he's done with the Flyers, he's turned them in one of the Eastern Conference's powerhouses. 

Just my two cents.

Point taken: However you have to go with the hot hand. These guys don't have it. Success 4 years ago does not translate into effectivness today. Both quinn and martin are struggling this year.
This is a different style of hockey today. Gone are the "braodstreet bullies" attitude. Finess and speed is what the NHL has turned to and enacted rules to reflect this change, (the europeans always played this game) Quinn is old school (trap, dump & chase) Now it's all agressive forecheck and the quick break. Sorry but his style of coaching is past it's best before date

As for Quinn being fired, yeah he probably will but not till the end of the season.  Why bring Maurice into the current mess? 

Because hockey is a buisness. playoff hockey generates revenue and the Leafs won't be at the big dance with Quinn piloting this team. Television, concesion, souvenirs and ticket sales profits (or potential) will be the deciding factor. Sure they will be loyal to him and find another position to slide him into but, Maurice was brought in for this purpose (he is already on the MLSE payroll). I believe that was the long term plan. Combine this with the fact that Quinn has lost the dressing room (and his stock will not go up now) The sooner the better
AFireinside13 said:
Perhaps the teams without those NHLer's just wanted it more. I don't think i saw smiles on the faces of the Canadians at any point like the ones that are coming off the Russians ( Particularily Ovechkin) or The Swiss, Or the Slovaks. More heart? Maybe. Our boys just weren't together this time. Thats the just the way things workout sometimes.

Please do some research before wading in........................All the mens hockey teams playing had "loaded up" with present and/or former NHL players to some degree.
Unknown C/S said:
No one is going to jump on the speedskater, snowboarder, downhill skier who, works at a normal job/goes to school eats kraft dinner and makes personel sacrifices to compete in the olympics.
Even though as was said, the majority compete in World Cup circuits for the majority of their time?

Unknown C/S said:
On the other hand, a group of men who pull in a couple of million a year have exclusive access to trainers fitness coaches, team doctors, physio, and fast track/ no wait MRI CATSCAN ( jammed finger) sould be held accountable After all it is their full time proffession. The mens Hockey team arrived like the chosen ones and failed to deliver............
Fine they are professionals. Not every one plays a perfect game. Or even a perfect tournie, as they showed.
Unknown C/S said:
Coaching staff that continued to give media interviews and stated "we have to get them to buy into the team concept" They never did. (that is the coaches job......get them playing YOUR system. They failed to do this)
That they did fail. So what? These things happen an dI would be surprised to see thecoaches back again.
Unknown C/S said:
Sorry, this was a dismal failure.
Unknown C/S said:
The end result indicated that; Gretzky should have stepped aside,
Once more, if he felt up to it at the start, then let him go. Hindsight is 20/20 after all.
Unknown C/S said:
Bertuzzi should not have been taken
I still haven't heard any goodreason for this. He was one of the better centres who wanted to play, so he played. end of storey.
Unknown C/S said:
and the management did not come up with ateam that had the chemistry, and the coaching was not present.
The management can't be perfect. Neither can the coaches, neither can the players.

Was this a horrible disappointment? Yes. Should we jump on everyone and create a bunch of scapegoats? No. Fact is, teams don't always play well. Its what happens. You can be the best one game, and lose to the worst team the next. Its life. Frankly, I don't think everyone gets that.
"Please do some research before wading in........................All the mens hockey teams playing had "loaded up" with present and/or former NHL players to some degree."

AHhh not so fast...

Team italy even told some Canadian players to take a seat. I know that most of the teams did use what ever NHLer's they could. Alot of those teams even used Canadians as players....which I think is BS...you should not be able to play for another country when Ill your training was done in house!!!
Were they born in Canada? were they're parents Italian or Canadian?

What do you think about the Canadian Skier who then took off to Australia and won Gold.

"Were they born in Canada? were they're parents Italian or Canadian?

What do you think about the Canadian Skier who then took off to Australia and won Gold."

The Canadians playing on the Italian team were born and raised in this country...yes parents as well.

I think the skier is BS seeing as he was trained in Canada by Canadians and is Canadian, but then again if he would have lost would anyone really care?

Well back to what the forum says.....Canadas mens hockey team..
Then simply put, i think that they played they best that they could (would they not for some reason?) and this year, they dident have 'it'.
I guess hockey really IS a girl's sport  ;D

M :brickwall:
Guy. E said:
Then simply put, i think that they played they best that they could (would they not for some reason?) and this year, they dident have 'it'.

Have you watched any of the games? For the Big name players that were on the team, i think they should have done a lot better and they could have played a lot better, I personally don't think they played to the best of there abilities, except for a few like Brodeur