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Canadas men hockey team

Bobbyoreo said:
"Please do some research before wading in........................All the mens hockey teams playing had "loaded up" with present and/or former NHL players to some degree."

AHhh not so fast...

Team italy even told some Canadian players to take a seat. I know that most of the teams did use what ever NHLer's they could. Alot of those teams even used Canadians as players....which I think is BS...you should not be able to play for another country when Ill your training was done in house!!!

Once again........if you do not have the knowledge, then do the research:
Italy had 9 canadian players (all with pro experience) that's almost half the team.............
condor888000 said:
Was this a horrible disappointment? Yes.

Horrible disappointment for whom?  The spoiled millionaires all came back to their lucrative NHL contracts - they certainly didn't lose anything.  The only ones to lose were the amateur hockey players - the guys the Olympics used to be about.  They didn't get to play at all.

Kudos to the women.

I'll save my disappointment for something that actually matters.  Federal budget is coming up isn't it?  So is tax time. ;)
I see that the non-hockey players and armchair quaterbacks have become pirates on this topic. Nothing good to say but derogatory remarks about hockey in general.

Time for me to close the book on this one, Thanks gents (while it lasted)

Better Luck in 2010
Unknown C/S said:
I see that the non-hockey players and armchair quaterbacks have become pirates on this topic. Nothing good to say but derogatory remarks about hockey in general.

Time for me to close the book on this one, Thanks gents (while it lasted)

Better Luck in 2010

Yeah, maybe the gummint can pay them huge cash bonuses they don't need as an incentive for winning gold.  I'll see if the nurses here at the hospital want to sell off one of the MRI machines to help sponsor that.
Michael Dorosh said:
Horrible disappointment for whom?
All those hockey fans who were hoping to see them bring back gold. Thats who.
RHFC said:
Have you watched any of the games? For the Big name players that were on the team, i think they should have done a lot better and they could have played a lot better, I personally don't think they played to the best of there abilities, except for a few like Brodeur
Alright, fine, you don't think they played well? Well in 2010 I say you go and play against the Russians, Swiss, and Finns and see how you do. I have a feeling it'll be worse than 2-0...:P
Michael Dorosh said:
Yeah, maybe the gummint can pay them huge cash bonuses they don't need as an incentive for winning gold.  I'll see if the nurses here at the hospital want to sell off one of the MRI machines to help sponsor that.
Maybe this gummint can stop wasting so much darn money so that many of our amateur's who are in the Olympics do not have to live in poverty. ;)
    IMHO, it all went to heck in a handbasket and not worth watching any longer when they started bringing in professional players for the Olympics.  Are any other players professionals?  Aren't all other events for dedicated amateurs?  It's all about money, greed, personal status, and all the amateur players across the country that could have gone to the Olympics are left in the dust.  :-\

    What's the difference between watching Olympic hockey and watching NHL? 

    Cheers!  :)
A little history................

The Olympic hockey was classified as amateur only. Canada, USA and others would send their amateur teams (local boys from university, mens leagues etc.) to the games only to be slaughtered by eastern block countries posing as amateur. In actual fact teams like the red army (USSR) were full time hockey establishments that never disclosed salaries or pay. (cold war stuff) they maintained they were "soldiers"
Fast forward..........IOC decided to change the rules, few years back, to level the playing field and allow pro players, since the soviets, east germans etc were boldly bending the rules, it had to change.
So all those wishing to go back to the way it was, it was far from perfect (it was as crooked as a french figure skating judge) Who knew that the wall would fall, eastern block become history and things would become as comercial as they are.
It is not nearly as simplistic as some are saying.

Kinda makes me wonder what they teach some of you people in school? Or maybe your just out of your lane here.
Reminds me of instructors on tactics (field) phase........you don't have to know what you're talking about, just have an opinion
condor888000 said:
All those hockey fans who were hoping to see them bring back gold. Thats who.Alright, fine, you don't think they played well? Well in 2010 I say you go and play against the Russians, Swiss, and Finns and see how you do.

Pay me 2 million dollars a year to play in the NHL til then and you've got a deal.

Michael Dorosh said:
Pay me 2 million dollars a year to play in the NHL til then and you've got a deal.

Point wasn't whether they make a lot of cash or not, though they do. Point was people who could not have played as well as they did are ragging on the team.
Thanks again Unknown C/S...I guess your the only one who knows hockey....please read my posts again.
Regardless, I'm happy.

In a situation like that, how can you not do your best? When your whole country is behind you, you think these guys will just slack off  and loose on purpose?

Sport is Sport. If you found a way to make a living off of it, or if you live on the (poverty) line when you train, it is still what you do and if you are the best regardless of your life style (with the exception of enhancement drugs), you should be aloud to compete at the highest of levels.
