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  1. Teeps74

    CANFORGEN on Pay and PIL

    In the spirit of this most auspicious event, I two have heard a rumour. To make up for the lack of "Cost of Living Increase" since 2010, the new CBI will reflect an 8% graduated increase back dated to 1 April 2010. Before taking out that mortgage, check your calendar for what day Sun is...
  2. Teeps74

    CANFORGEN on Pay and PIL

    Nothing on DGC&B yet. ETA:  No change to the CBIs yet either.
  3. Teeps74

    NATO apologizes after U.S. soldier opens fire on Afghan civilians

    After conversations with the limited number of Pathans in KC (I was a planner, folks saw fit to hide me in a dark room), I do believe that at one point in time, Kandaharis did want us there as opposed to the TB. Remember that the TB, during their reign, were not exactly merciful nor...
  4. Teeps74

    In Edmonton, anti-racist demonstrators send white-pride rally packing

    I am pretty sure that "Blood and Honour" (a group known to engage in violence and even murder to make their points) is on every single law enforcement watch list in this nation. Download from that site, indeed visit that site at your own risk. They have been named in several assaults, attempted...
  5. Teeps74

    In Edmonton, anti-racist demonstrators send white-pride rally packing

    I can not remember a time where an other pride group advocated violence against all others... Perhaps you could argue that the Black Panthers do, but equating them with the whole of the Black Pride events is fool-hardy. We want to celebrate "white pride"? It starts with denouncing the racists...
  6. Teeps74

    In Edmonton, anti-racist demonstrators send white-pride rally packing

    Possibly because it is the racists who co-opted the term "white pride" and it was a wholly white supremacists affair. Please do understand that the clowns involved in this little shindig are not exactly princes and princesses of society. Indeed, we are talking about neo-Nazis and other such...
  7. Teeps74

    SAR Response Under the Gun Again

    Hear hear! Well said EITS! Heaven forbid that we are all held accountable for our actions.
  8. Teeps74

    SAR Response Under the Gun Again

    Once upon a time, I used to trust the CBC as a credible news agency. Used to. Their partisan antics, twisting of context, and constant witch hunts have worn on me. Next time a CBC reporter tries to engage me, he/she will get a "No thank you".
  9. Teeps74

    Cutting the CF/DND HQ bloat - Excess CF Sr Leadership, Public Servants and Contractors

    Since everyone is "bloody -minded" the only approach which would work, would be to throw the baby out with the bath water, and start again. From scratch. Eliminate all the environments completely, none of this passive aggressive crap, get rid of them. The three environments do frequently work...
  10. Teeps74

    Cutting the CF/DND HQ bloat - Excess CF Sr Leadership, Public Servants and Contractors

    The dot coms are a result of the insular nature of the branches.  The former CDS recognized the necessity for the Army, Navy and Air Force to work together from time to time, and that their efforts could not be realistically managed as insular institutions.  These difficulties have been popping...
  11. Teeps74

    Cutting the CF/DND HQ bloat - Excess CF Sr Leadership, Public Servants and Contractors

    The current model reflects the current policy. That simple. Want to slash? We need a new policy. That simple. We must NOT, however, slash without a proper definition for what is expected of us... We have made THAT particular mistake way too many times. Once again, in the attack, we do not just...
  12. Teeps74

    Cutting the CF/DND HQ bloat - Excess CF Sr Leadership, Public Servants and Contractors

    Actually, the staff work is currently backlogged at all those levels. The nature of the staff work would have to be dramatically changed before you can start the slash and burn, else the paper tiger just eats itself, and everyone scratches their collective heads as to why pay is all screwed up...
  13. Teeps74

    NATO apologizes after U.S. soldier opens fire on Afghan civilians

    Suffice to say, IMHO we have the mechanisms in place. The rest of the conversation is not for here.  Flick me an email on DWAN, I can get more in depth there, or better still, talk to your C2, and get on a course.
  14. Teeps74

    NATO apologizes after U.S. soldier opens fire on Afghan civilians

    Witchcraft? I have not sacrificed too many goats this week, so not witchcraft... The first part of the problem is understanding the value of credibility and then accepting that what is credible to me might not be credible to you... Now amplify that across cultures. Next is truth. We in the...
  15. Teeps74

    NATO apologizes after U.S. soldier opens fire on Afghan civilians

    The Taliban is really good at twisting context to suit their purposes... More importantly, they know their Target Audience (TA). The Afghan is ready to side with whomever is causing them the least damage at this point in time.  Least damage physically, socially and spiritually. These past couple...
  16. Teeps74

    NATO apologizes after U.S. soldier opens fire on Afghan civilians

    I am an infidel, by definition... BUT! Celebrating this publicly does us no favours at all. Social credit is kind of like a credit card. Quick and easy to spend. By a book, some groceries, heck, that candy bar is cheap... A couple of weeks later, "HOLY HANNA! HOW DID I SPEND ALL THAT!". We...
  17. Teeps74

    NATO apologizes after U.S. soldier opens fire on Afghan civilians

    I could name a couple of instances from the 90s that really drive home the absolute necessity to self police.  More then one thing contributed to the decade of darkness, not the least of which being the extreme amounts of social credit (read trust) we burned, destroyed and actually said "who the...
  18. Teeps74

    NATO apologizes after U.S. soldier opens fire on Afghan civilians

    I have had the pleasure of meeting Matthew a couple of times.  Big man with a bigger heart.  Make no mistake, he loves us I have seen nothing but well thoughout reporting from him, and more importantly, he tries to put things in context within the limited space he is alloted.  Yes, he is...
  19. Teeps74

    Wearing Uniform in Public (Cadets)

    For those of us that enjoy at least a decent frozen budget, as opposed to a shrinking budget... We NEED civilian buy in that we are worth it. Sometimes it truly is as simple as being out in uniform for everyone see see us (so long as our dress and deportment are above board). The citizens need...
  20. Teeps74

    Video Canadians Under Fire

    ROFL!! And to the friend who modified this thread just now... Thanks!