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In Edmonton, anti-racist demonstrators send white-pride rally packing


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It's starting to look like the public's patience with some issues is wearing thin.....

In Edmonton, anti-racist demonstrators send white-pride rally packing

EDMONTON— The Canadian Press
Published Saturday, Mar. 24, 2012
Article Link

A white pride rally in Edmonton's downtown lasted only minutes when the demonstrators fled into a subway stairwell after they were greeted by more than 100 anti-racist counter-protesters.

Police then blocked subway platform entrances until the roughly two dozen white pride demonstrators, most of them masked, were able to leave on a train.

The rally for Saturday afternoon was promoted on several racist websites, but those sites didn't say exactly where it would be.

Anti-racists staged their own event, and then marched to a site near Edmonton City Hall when they heard it was where the pro-white demonstrators were gathering.

Police kept the anti-racists from crossing the street and getting close to the rally, but both sides shouted insults at each other until the white pride group left.

Anti-racist demonstrators ran from entrance to entrance of the subway in an effort to follow the rally, and expressed their frustration at police who were blocking the doors.
Amazing. I thought it funny that the anti-racism protesters actually followed the white supremacists from LRT entrance to LRT entrance downtown. I guess it just proves the (hopeful) change in people's opinions! Nice that everything in the end went down fairly peaceful, and no one was injured.
Thing is, when you report the participants as being;
Police then blocked subway platform entrances until the roughly two dozen white-pride demonstrators, most of them masked, were able to leave on a train.
Police spokesman Scott Pattison said at one point as the racist group was nearing the site near Edmonton City Hall,
one can only believe that.

In our PC society, White Pride is not on par with Black Pride, Gay Pride, etc.  We have Woman's Day, Aboriginal Week, etc.  We ingratiate ourselves on every minority and then alienate any majority demographic.  In some cases we are bass ackwards in our promotion of Human Rights.
I think that our charter gets it right in section 15, subsection 1:
Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

But then blows it on subsection 2:

Subsection (1) does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are disadvantaged because of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

PMedMoe said:
Just wondering how it goes from this:

To this:


excellent point.....see what happens when you just assume.....(psst: as I did) ;D
PMedMoe said:
Just wondering how it goes from this:

To this:


Possibly because it is the racists who co-opted the term "white pride" and it was a wholly white supremacists affair.

Please do understand that the clowns involved in this little shindig are not exactly princes and princesses of society. Indeed, we are talking about neo-Nazis and other such filth.

Nothing wrong with celebrating our European heritage, but it is time our community ripped the term "white pride" from the hands of the racist white trash who co-opted it.
I think that those terms are often interchangeable because often the "white pride" person gets intertwined with the "white supremacist" more often than not. Run a Google search for "white pride" and see what pops up. That being said, no, white people are not the only racist people in the world, I think everyone is well aware of the fact that Canada and Canadians are a generally tolerant bunch. I know that many other ethnicity's are racist.

I decided to look up the "white pride" group that was rallying in Edmonton yesterday. I found the name listed in this article.


The name of the group is the Blood and Honor; this is an organization, started in Europe. So I googled Blood and Honor, and this is what the old Google machine threw back at me. I am posting a link to the manual. It includes the ideology.


This is just from minimal research on the computer. But that's how I came to my conclusion. As you have said though, the thought of white pride and white supremacists, two very different things. However, one usually ends up being tainted by the other.
George Wallace said:
Thing is, when you report the participants as being; and  one can only believe that.

In our PC society, White Pride is not on par with Black Pride, Gay Pride, etc.  We have Woman's Day, Aboriginal Week, etc.  We ingratiate ourselves on every minority and then alienate any majority demographic.  In some cases we are bass ackwards in our promotion of Human Rights.

I can not remember a time where an other pride group advocated violence against all others... Perhaps you could argue that the Black Panthers do, but equating them with the whole of the Black Pride events is fool-hardy.

We want to celebrate "white pride"? It starts with denouncing the racists in our midst. Until we are willing to do that, the Heritage Front, Stormfront et al will continue to use and own the term "white pride", and the press will continue to associate "white pride" (correctly) with racist movements. It is not a suggestion that only whites can be racist, it is simply accounting for how many times a racist refers to "white pride" and a normal intelligent European refers to "white pride".
ttlbmg said:
I think that those terms are often interchangeable because often the "white pride" person gets intertwined with the "white supremacist" more often than not. Run a Google search for "white pride" and see what pops up. That being said, no, white people are not the only racist people in the world, I think everyone is well aware of the fact that Canada and Canadians are a generally tolerant bunch. I know that many other ethnicity's are racist.

I decided to look up the "white pride" group that was rallying in Edmonton yesterday. I found the name listed in this article.


The name of the group is the Blood and Honor; this is an organization, started in Europe. So I googled Blood and Honor, and this is what the old Google machine threw back at me. I am posting a link to the manual. It includes the ideology.


This is just from minimal research on the computer. But that's how I came to my conclusion. As you have said though, the thought of white pride and white supremacists, two very different things. However, one usually ends up being tainted by the other.

I am pretty sure that "Blood and Honour" (a group known to engage in violence and even murder to make their points) is on every single law enforcement watch list in this nation. Download from that site, indeed visit that site at your own risk. They have been named in several assaults, attempted murder and even murder charges in Canada from what I am aware.
George Wallace said:
  In some cases we are bass ackwards in our promotion of Human Rights.

Well, since I got dragged into this...
In the Sun article I read, the "anti-racism" protesters were out there protesting discrimination against gays and lesbians. I'm not sure how that tunrs into an anti-racism thing unless they're saying it's OK to bash white gays and lesbians...?
Nothing I read suggested that the anti racism types had suddenly put on their white hats for the sole purpose of driving the evil Nazis out of town.

I have little doubt that the Blood and Honor types are unsavoury characters.
I also have absolutely NO doubt that if a group of respectable (ahem) citizens such as myself, Mr Wallace, the Technoviking, Moe, et all were out protesting this double standard against whites, we'd be lumped into the supremacists group and even people who should know better would refer to us as such.

It has also been my experience that a lot of protest groups including the so-called good guys have their fair share of violent, unsavoury types in their ranks.
Just try disagreeing with them if you doubt me. 