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  1. Signalman150

    What kind of explosives is liquid?

  2. Signalman150

    best way to show respect for overseas troops.

    The yellow ribbon bumper stickers probably originated in the US, though I'm not sure.  Was just down in S.Dakota and saw several.  Here in Edmonton I've seen many stickers similar to the ones in the US, but they have the words SUPPORT OUR TROOPS inside the ribbon w/ a red maple leaf.  I'm not...
  3. Signalman150

    Quitting Smoking

    Michael O'Leary:  Thanks for that.  After reading you post I'm just going to save time and jump off the 109th Street bridge.  Far more efficient.  :-X
  4. Signalman150

    Quitting Smoking

    Well, this tale is a little embarrassing, but here' goes. First of all, CallOfDuty, please understand I am NOT calling BS on you comment about cigars not being addictive, but I have had a different experience than you. Most of you are talking about getting hooked as teenagers. When did I get...
  5. Signalman150

    We could only wish for a Intelligent Opposition

    Feral, You cut and pasted the URL, which should have worked, but didn't.  Could you try again? On another note, regarding Ujjal Dosanjh...I sent him a letter on 16 Jun 06, (see Army.ca Forums > The Mess > Canadian Politics > Topic: Comments By Opposition Defence Critic Regarding C-17 a/c). I...
  6. Signalman150

    Ship's Boarding Party [Merged]

    Hmmmm....It just isn't right: it just doesn't SPEAK to me. The badge just lacks that "je ne said quois", you know what I mean? Naval boarding parties should epitomize all that is truly "pusser"...that elegant simplicity that we expect of the well rounded and competent matelot.  The naval crown...
  7. Signalman150

    New Rocky film

    No Trinity, you weren't the only one.  Sorry: I'd rather see Brad and Janet together again than Rocky Balboa.  Sigh.
  8. Signalman150

    Mailroom, Borden, Ont.

    Take a chill-pill man, a discussion about mail isn't worth getting infuriated over.  Calling someone "slack" over a single incident is not valid, I agree w/ you.  But if you read the initial post, Gov_Mac also mentions three letters that never got delivered. That would suggest a problem.  I'm...
  9. Signalman150


    A-Majoor I was vy interested to read the quote by Edmund Burke at the top of the article. When I first heard it 30 years ago it was by that famous author "Anon" and was "All that is needed for the Forces of Evil to take over the world is for enough good men to do nothing". That axiom has been...
  10. Signalman150

    Mailroom, Borden, Ont.

    I'm a little surprised at the number of people who immediately jumped all over Governor Mac's question. One of the things I remember most about being on course--first with the air cadets and later with the reserve--was how much of a morale booster mail was during the course. There were some...
  11. Signalman150

    Merged Quotes and Sayings Thread; some useful, some junk

    Post 300 on this thread reminded me of the saying that was printed on the back of the Corporal's Club card my father had from the RCAF: A corporal is a man who knows much about little, and day by day learns more and more about less and less. Until finally, he knows everything about nothing...
  12. Signalman150

    Merged Quotes and Sayings Thread; some useful, some junk

    Ya know, I grant you I didn't hear this one when it was originally uttered, but the story was told to me by the man who uttered it:  my father.  In August of 1939 my father was talking to a bunch of his friends, and boasted: "If there's a war, there's goin' to be two people not in it.  Me, and...
  13. Signalman150

    Med Tech's on SQ?

    Okay folks: I'll bite. What the hell is SQ--I means is see in the index of mil terms it's Soldier Qualification--but is that what we used to call Battle School?  I know that about ten (fifteen?) yrs ago, the inf bns actually ran  their own battle schools and experimented with doing the BMQ...
  14. Signalman150

    My 0330 Kidnapping Surprise

    Dirt digger, glad you were there for the kid. Did the boy have any info to help the cops? BTW noted yr profile: when were you w/ C Scot R? (Me: '75-'78)
  15. Signalman150

    Positive editorial

    Jack, I agree w/ GAP: good article.  Do you have a URL for it, because it looks like the tail end of it was cut off on yr post? Also agree that we don't want--as a nation--to become so inured to our combat casualties that we worry more about the petty stuff happening around us at home.  I think...
  16. Signalman150

    Man ordered to wear sign: 'I am a liar. I am not a Marine'

    Back in the mid seventies I was in an air cadet squadron in Victoria, and the commanding officer was a cop in the Bunko squad for Victoria City Police.  I still recall him telling a story (a rarity: he was usually very conservative whilst around the cadets) about nabbing a fellow who had been...
  17. Signalman150

    Canadian soldiers fined

    Techie, It was a long time ago, (almost 30 years ago in fact) but i was charged w/ the same offence.  No career ramifications at all.  It was an administrative penalty, then back to the lines. As I recall, it cut into my beer-drinking money a tad.
  18. Signalman150

    Response's To "Ruxted On The Media's Handling Of Cpl. Boneca's Death"

    Probum, Well said sir.  I was trying to cobble something together in a similar vein, and couldn't do it.
  19. Signalman150

    Response's To "Ruxted On The Media's Handling Of Cpl. Boneca's Death"

    Bruce, Yr kidding right?  There CAN'T be two people in the world this stupid.
  20. Signalman150

    Response's To "Ruxted On The Media's Handling Of Cpl. Boneca's Death"

    Geez there Annon, you are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay smarter than us.  We would never think of just going and putting in another profile if we got booted off the board. Way to go Setbax.  The true sign of a troll.