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  1. RTaylor

    Anyone going Air Force get an offer or call for Basic lately?

    So I got ahold of someone at the CFRC who decided to answer their line today. She told me that my file was good and that hopefully I'll get my job offer after tomorrow, said it was going to be looked at locally at the CFRC really soon and the offers will be a coming. I also told her I've been...
  2. RTaylor

    Anyone going Air Force get an offer or call for Basic lately?

    lol I love your type. All the info was there if you did what others do and had read the original post, you decided to come here and give round about insults and when it proves that you havent read squat in the posting you come back with insults asking to stop the arguing?  I've met your type...
  3. RTaylor

    Anyone going Air Force get an offer or call for Basic lately?

    My original post, the one that started the whole thread, states it all, I think it's specific enough. Most people would read the original then skim down a bit through the posts rather than start posting just to try to be funny at someone else's expense. Come by and try to be a smart ass then...
  4. RTaylor

    Anyone going Air Force get an offer or call for Basic lately?

    Honestly...seriously...if you cant read the original topic and deduce Air = Air Force then have to come and make that post, it makes you look like a belittling idiot looking to up their post count. Edit : taking a look at your profile shows your train of thought derailed a long time ago, along...
  5. RTaylor

    Anyone going Air Force get an offer or call for Basic lately?

    So we know that officers are being recruited :P Congrats by the way :) Anyone going Air and apply at CFRC Halifax get a call lately?
  6. RTaylor

    Peaceniks Plan Vic Day Protest @ Victoria BC City Hall

    I'd have loved to see their reaction and answer to the terrorist attack that was planned for Canada but stopped. How these people, the terrorists as well as the idiots who spam this garbage, justify themselves makes me pretty queasy.
  7. RTaylor

    Peaceniks Plan Vic Day Protest @ Victoria BC City Hall

    Just more propaganda from idiots who have literally no clue. All they are aware of is that they see soldiers overseas, there's sand and there's foreigners involves. I can almost guarantee that none of them have been to any war afflicted country much less have ever even talked to anyone from such...
  8. RTaylor

    Robotic suit could usher in super soldier era

    Just needs to be able to fly. Go go Ironman
  9. RTaylor

    *For Girls* What are you bringing to wear?

    I carry a steady supply of burlap bags with me in case of emergency. When I run out I got the name of a good hypnotherapist to work me through the rough times.
  10. RTaylor

    *For Girls* What are you bringing to wear?

    OK...string bikini, thongs (wild leapard prints, stuff like that), 2 sizes too small tube tops.. Oh snap...I thought the topic was "What do you want to see girls wear?" My bad ;)
  11. RTaylor

    Basic Training recieving new gear?

    I was talking to my brother in law who's on PAT now doing make-work , he stated that for a few days they were moving new kit (new rucksack, some new type of gloves) that were destined for the basic training bases (I'll assume St Jean and probably Borden). It was the new(er) model stuff that's...
  12. RTaylor

    Anyone going Air Force get an offer or call for Basic lately?

    Still awaiting my call..and to get ahold of anyone that knows anything. What a headache Q_Q
  13. RTaylor

    Anyone here have a MAC?

    Sorry to break it to you, but you'll never find a PC with twice the power as a Mac for the same price. The PC would be cheaper than that by far...you'd have to configure a top of the line gaming PC and get ripped off by Alienware / Dell to pay the same price of a Mac.
  14. RTaylor

    Anyone going Air Force get an offer or call for Basic lately?

    It's what I have been told he is, career something-or-rather.
  15. RTaylor

    Anyone going Air Force get an offer or call for Basic lately?

    I've called my career manager again, plus 7 different numbers for 7 different file managers today. Left messages, so if I dont hear back from at least 1 I'm going to be pretty pissed.
  16. RTaylor

    Anyone here have a MAC?

    Ahhh crap I had a nice post about the Mac and how it's the console of PC platforms and so forth. To summarize : Mac ads are deceptive and chock full of lies. http://www.apple.com/getamac/ads/  check out "breakthrough" The OS isnt any more safe than the Windows OS, just less targetted by the...
  17. RTaylor

    Anyone here have a MAC?

    As I mentioned, the only reason "It just works" is because all their components are Bios locked (does a Mac user know what that is?) and can not be upgraded (besides ram and I think CPU). Besides the Bios lock, the only difference between them are the Operating Systems. Period. Mac's garbage...
  18. RTaylor

    WW2 German fighter pilot saved U.S. bomber crew

    Amazing story, and I'm glad to see no one has incorrectly and stupidly posted something to the effect of "I guess all Nazi's weren't evil" My German buddy at work said that there's alot of stories passed down about German soldiers and hte like sparing and even assisting the Allies because of...
  19. RTaylor

    Anyone going Air Force get an offer or call for Basic lately?

    I haven't been able to get ahold of him since my re-interview, so it's not that there's no new info for him to give it's that he seems to be pretty slack in contacting me back.
  20. RTaylor

    Anyone here have a MAC?

    I'm not a Mac fan, not in the least, but that Macbook Air has me impressed. Very impressed. What doesn't impress me about Mac's is that the hardware is limited and Bios locked which gives an extremely limited upgrade path as opposed to PCs. It's all regular joe PC hardware now, but with the...