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  1. Steel Badger

    Academic transcripts - Questions [MERGED]

    You must have a MINIMUM of 18 months remaining in your degree in order to be subsidized by current directives. One year remaining is not enough. Cheers SB
  2. Steel Badger

    Canadian Forces videos at the CFRC

    It may depend on the CFRC you attended. We play the "Truth, Duty Valour" series.....
  3. Steel Badger

    Rant - Reservists CTing to Regs;don't be a douchbag

    Personally, I encourage any of my troops thinking about a CT to go for it. I even drag 'em down to the CFRC so I can point them in the right direction. The way I look at it ( And my CO and RSM) : Part of our role is to acting as a staging ground for the regs. We lose some of our best to the...
  4. Steel Badger

    Sky Hooks and Shore Line

    One of the best I can recall is a fellow being sent to the MIR in Connaught for 100 Feet of Fallopian Tubing.
  5. Steel Badger

    Naval Officers Once Again to Wear the Executive Curl

    I stand educated Sir! My Naval Colleagues however are still maintaining that they want Beer Machines AND the Tot.
  6. Steel Badger

    09/10 Budget Impact on PRes - Unit stand-downs, Class B Freeze, and so on!

    Part 3 orders ( I.e. the "Duty Rumour" ) has the Army reserve units being attrited down to 70% of auth str by restricting new enrollments.
  7. Steel Badger

    Naval Officers Once Again to Wear the Executive Curl

    Based on conversations with my Naval confreres here at the Centre: They will be satisfied if the Tot is restored to the lower deck  >:D
  8. Steel Badger

    31 CBG Reserve Recruting frozen?! Bummer!!

    Spot on Piper!
  9. Steel Badger

    Possible to switch?

    I would doubt you would have a former Sargent.......  a former Sergeant or two perhaps.....
  10. Steel Badger

    31 CBG Reserve Recruting frozen?! Bummer!!

    As George has stated... please stay in your lanes. Point of interest: We at CFRC do NOT send out a "liasion officer" to Reserve units. We use Alexander Graham Bell's spiffy invention.... the far away talking device..... As far as "knowing for a fact" that the units in 31 BDE will only have 1...
  11. Steel Badger

    31 CBG Reserve Recruting frozen?! Bummer!!

    31 BDE units have not yet been given confirmed recruiting numbers for  this fiscal year. When they are confirmed, they will be limited. Watch and shoot. Cheers SB
  12. Steel Badger

    Russell Williams charged in 2 x murders, confinement, sexual assault.

    A cardboard tube down the yap does not say suicide, it says" cry for help" or cry for judicial sympathy". Inmates that really WANT to end it all most often succed, despite the best efforts of Unit officers. This chap is playing to his intended audience.
  13. Steel Badger

    Does family know what Trade you select?

    Members of CFRG are prohibited by the Privacy act from revealing information pertaining to an applicant or their application to anyone other than A) The applicant or B) other authorized members of DND ( i.e. us CFRG types), That being said however, during enrollments at the CFRC I currently...
  14. Steel Badger

    Hey look, another one...

    Sorry for the extreme edit of quote. But I see and hear similar opinions expressed everyday. If the RMO ( or RPSO for that matter) won't give in to a particular applicant's particular demand, I then must listen to said applicant explain how it is the systems's fault and that while standards are...
  15. Steel Badger

    Naval Officers Once Again to Wear the Executive Curl

    Did they consider reintroducing the old navy's Hash marks instead of a new pin? Or how about bringing back the Tot for our thirsty Jacks instead?
  16. Steel Badger

    Naval Officers Once Again to Wear the Executive Curl

    Ps:  I never chased that particular grail..... I think I am allergic to total unification...... And I like the Technovikings new title of Uber-Staffenfurher... It suits him  :D
  17. Steel Badger

    Naval Officers Once Again to Wear the Executive Curl

    Sometimes the Holy Grail of Uniformity takes precedence over everything else. The old ( Pre unification ) Military managed 3 ranks systems plus a slew of Regimental and Corps titles ... (Anyone remember when EME wanted to re-introduce "Craftsman" as the title for their trained PTE's?)
  18. Steel Badger

    Ontario Workplace Safety Board Rules In Favour Of Policeman's Family For PTSD

    I thought you had gathrered from my atrocious spelling that i IS a CO >:D
  19. Steel Badger

    Ontario Workplace Safety Board Rules In Favour Of Policeman's Family For PTSD

    Thanks for the update MM.... Though I notice CO's were excluded.....  wether by intent or oversight I am not sure......
  20. Steel Badger

    ROTP 2010-2011

    Selection for ROTP is a 2 part process: Not only must an ROTP applicant satisfy the requirement to pass the CFAT with a high enough score to  qualify for Officer, they must successfully complete the interview process. An application can be slowed or stopped at any stage... In addition, once we...